| | The Cross and the Judgment by John Murray
Topic: Cross | | Description: There is finality to death, warning us that we cannot come back to remedy lost opportunities; vain boasters who have made the earth tremble pass away, to the consolation of the meek; it is far better for God's people to go to the bliss of their Savior's presence; nothing between death and judgment can alter our destiny; God who searches the heart will adjudicate all with absolute equity, leaving nothing at loose ends; the reason men die is the same reason Christ was offered to bear sin: truth must be vindicated and justice executed; there is finality in Christ's offering because he made an end of sin; the focal point of expectation for God's people is not death but resurrection; we shall physically behold Christ at the resurrection, there is something material in the Christian hope; though Christ will judge the sins of his people, it will not be to burden them with their sins; he will bring the consummation of a salvation they have longed for but which will surpass all their hopes.
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| | The Free Offer of the Gospel by John Murray
Topic: Gospel | | Description: The mind of the flesh recoils from Christ as the supreme manifestation of God's glory; to believe on Christ is something the natural man cannot do; alongside renewal by the Holy Spirit is the drawing and giving by the Father which enables us to come to Christ; we come because a mysterious transaction has taken place between the persons of the Godhead, the Father making a donation of us to his Son, bringing raptures of holy delight to the Son; stress on the action of God is not inconsistent with stress on the activity of the person being saved; it is a divine impossibility for the Son to refuse anyone presented to him by the Father; no limitation can be placed on the simple word of Christ that whoever comes to Him will in no wise be cast out; sovereign operations of God's efficacious grace and free overtures of the gospel are not antithetical to one another; full and free overtures of the gospel confront your responsibility, and you cannot plead depravity as excuse for unbelief.
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| | The Future Salvation by John Murray
Topic: Salvation | | Description: Sleep is often a sign of health and contentment; but we should not be asleep when the house is on fire or when we should be working or when we should be praying; Paul speaks here about a sleep which is spiritual apathy, and says that even believers may need to be aroused from spiritual sloth; Paul urges us to consider the calendar of events and the passage of times; Paul looks forward to the salvation which will be completed at the return of Christ; that salvation is the hope and goal of God's people, who live in expectation of the resurrection; there is a date in the calendar when this future salvation will arrive; knowing that this appointed time is drawing near, we are to wake out of sleep; this should constrain us to pursue the love and integrity defined in this passage; time is not endless, but is moving to its consummation.
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| | The Pursuit of Holiness by John Murray
Topic: Holiness | | Description: Paul does not say that we should put ourselves in a saved condition, for this is done by God's grace alone; but Scripture sometimes uses the word salvation to speak of the future completion of salvation; believers are actively engaged in the process of sanctification; it is the grave heresy of hyper-Calvinism to think that believers, having received salvation by grace alone, are not engaged in working and willing towards the completion of salvation; that heresy has a devastating and withering effect on the church, turning God's grace into slothfulness; we have responsibility and obligation to work out our own salvation with all our heart, mind, will, conscience and resolution; to pray without doing is slothfulness, and to act without praying is self-sufficiency, and both are opposite to godliness; we are motivated by the knowledge that back of our working is God's working; God's working is the assurance and guarantee that we will be saved.
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| | The Rich Man and Lazarus by John Murray
Topic: Lazarus Scripture(s): Luke 16:19-31 | | Description: There is contrast in this life between the splendor of the rich man and the poverty of Lazarus; there is also the contrast of complete reversal of condition for each man when he dies; God's tender care in the ministry of angels at death; Lazarus was brought into intimate relationship to the saints in heaven; the rich man's torments in hell were so extreme that he desired even a momentary alleviation; the condition of each man after death cannot be changed; the rich man's request that a messenger from the dead be sent to warn his brothers insinuates that God had been unjust in not giving more opportunity for repentance; but messengers from the dead would not bring us to repentance if we will not hearken to the warnings of Scripture.
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