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| | (Through The Bible) 1 Kings 1-4 by Chuck Smith
Topic: Through The Bible Scripture(s): 1 Kings 1-4 | | Description: 1 and 2 kings cover a period of approximately 400 years. 1 and 2 Chronicles repeated a lot of information but are just about the kings of Judah whereas the 1 and 2 kings take up most of its information about the kings of Israel and some of Judah. It is sad to see a person stricken in years when they age they become an invalid but God is still active in people of these days. God delivers us from circumstances but being a child of God does not give us super protection against trials and problems. If we know as a child of God that we will face problems like the rest of the world then in my problems God will be with us and we will have the assurance that God will see us through. What a hope that we have.. same as David saying: As the Lord liveth that shall deliver me out of all the distresses of my soul. God promises to us then what we ask, now to him that is able to give exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask. God desires to give to us so much beyond what we need just as parents desire to do to children.
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| | (Through The Bible) 1 Kings 17-22 by Chuck Smith
Topic: Through The Bible Scripture(s): 1 Kings 17-22 | | Description: We are introduced to Elijah the tisbite in these chapters. It has been thought that the phrase tisbite means that he was really not an Israelite but that is not a firm believable interpretation. He comes to the backslidden northern tribe of Israel with a message and warning of God for the people. It is prophesied in Malachi that Elijah will come back. When Gabriel came to the Elizabeth and foretold of the child to be born and said that John the Baptist would be in the spirit and power of Elijah. Elijah also did appear in the mount of transfiguration with Jesus. In the revelation there is a speaking of 2 prophets and one will be Elijah showing up before Jesus comes back again. This is why the Jews always set an empty chair for Elijah knowing that Elijah will come first before the messiah comes.
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| | (Through The Bible) 1 Kings 5-8 by Chuck Smith
Topic: Scripture(s): 1 Kings 5-8 | | Description: The description of the temple is being given. When stone is brought to the temple was not done at the temple but away from the city so there was no noise of the hammer at the construction of the temple. All the stones of the temple were marked off from the temple so when it came to the temple they knew it was there and were it should go. If they could not figure out where the stone fit then they would throw the stone away and this stone was covered with shrubs. They were looking for the chief cornerstone which was that stone they threw away. The stone that was rejected by the builders it the chief cornerstone. What a sobering visual of what the people of Israel did to the messiah. Peter proclaimed this the Sanhedrin and religious leaders. People did not build temples to dwell in but rather they were making the temple to have God to dwell in. An house for God and the common ordinary people were not allowed in the building, they were allowed in the porches but no in the building itself. But in the Christian life we have God dwelling with us in our hearts. What an amazing barrier and view God has opened up through the death and blood of Jesus Christ.
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| | (Through The Bible) 1 Kings 9-16 by Chuck Smith
Topic: Scripture(s): 1 Kings 9-16 | | Description: Solomon completed the temple, which took 7 years to build, and also his own house that took 13 years to build. God says he is going to hallow the temple that he built for God. If you serve other Gods then God will cut off the house of Israel if they forsook the Lord their God. If you will obey me and follow me then your family will be on the throne and because they did forsake the Lord they were cut out of the land. A lot of times there are warnings that come from the Lord through many ways, but whenever God speaks to you it is important if God took the time to speak to you. God always warns people in areas they are going to be tempted and tested later on in your life. Even if its something that I am confident in but God knows that down the road you will need to be relying on Him in that area. We need to glory in our weaknesses because we are depending on the Lord but rather Satan tries to trip us up in the areas that we feel confident in because we are not fully relying on the Lord in those areas.
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| | (Through The Bible) 1 Samuel 1-10 by Chuck Smith
Topic: Scripture(s): 1 Samuel 1-10 | | Description: The bible says that the eyes of the Lord go out to and fro the earth till he finds someone that is seeking Him. God needed a man that would speak to the people for Him and hear from God. There was really no mans ears that were open to God. Hannah prayed and gave her child to God if she would have a child. God delays his answers so that it is for His glory and that we would learn to pray aright. Most of our prayers are personal requests to God we are usually thinking of ourselves. If we pray according to Gods will then it will be granted. But we are usually thinking of what we want in regards to asking God. Eli the priest was watching Hannah praying and saw her mouth moving but no words so he thought she was drunk. This shows the low spirituality of the high priest that he could not discern that she was in the spirit and prevailing in prayer with God for his child and the petitions she asked. Once she heard from God she was very joyfully she has faith and believed in God what he said to her. An mark of faith is to act that I have it before I even have it, if God has promised it to us. We need to have a joyful attitude.
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| | (Through The Bible) 1 Samuel 11-16 by Chuck Smith
Topic: Scripture(s): 1 Samuel 11-16 | | Description: Saul was hiding inadmist the people. God told Samuel the prophet where to find him so that he could be anointed King of Israel. Samuel is stepping down and is basically be dealing with Saul and other figures but not with the people. Samuel told the people that the Lord treated them right and that God was faithful to Israel through Egypt and coming into the promised land. They were delivered from the hands of their enemies. God was fair and just and so God gives this plea of His faithfulness to the people but they still wanting in their hearts to have a king. And by choosing this they are rejecting God as king and are wanting a human king like all the nations. But still God gives them mercy saying if you have a king you still will have to keep the commandments of God and He will show mercy. So therefore God gave Israel another chance through their weakness and the calling is to serve the Lord will all their heart.
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| | (Through The Bible) 1 Samuel 17-25 by Chuck Smith
Topic: Scripture(s): 1 Samuel 17-25 | | Description: Goliath came out in the battlefield of the philistines being over 9 feet tall. The bible gives a detailed description of his armor and was said to be an awesome sight in the sight of the children of Israel. He comes out every day for 40 days to challenge the children of Israel and nobody goes out to the challenge. David was sent to give some food and get word from his brothers about the army and the battle, then he hears Goliaths challenge and has a godly stirring in his heart against this uncircumcised heathen. Goliath is defying the armies of the living God and David went into Saul to ask permission being only a child. David carries around the head of Goliath for 2 whole days even into the presence of King Saul after the slaughter of the giant. Jonathan and David had a deep bond which they had right away. Saul kept David with the army and would not allow him to leave for awhile. Wherever Saul would go he stayed with him and he was accepted in the sight of the people even though he was so young.
| 1917 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | (Through The Bible) 1 Samuel 26-31 by Chuck Smith
Topic: Scripture(s): 1 Samuel 26-31 | | Description: In the wilderness area where David was hiding there are lots of places to hide and spot out people moving about. David is a very daring and courageous person, he sneaks out into the camp of Saul and creeps right into the cave where Saul was sleeping. David said who can stretch out his hand against the anointed of God. Even though the anointing has left Saul; David still had a deep respect for Gods calling and use of King Saul. Some people murmur and complain against pastors and think they can do a better job then the pastor. There needs to be a sense of Gods calling on a pastor and letting him hear from God of what he should be doing. Once a person gets his mind on critism then it grows and grows and becomes a cancer and they become critical in all things. There needs to be a respect for Gods calling on a man in authority. God was still using King Saul and had plans for his life and its awesome to see David recognize that even in the position he was in fleeing from SaulÂ’s unjust attacks on him.
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