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Audio Sermons : Chuck Smith : 

Chuck Smith

Chuck Smith (1927 - 2013)

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Chuck Smith in mp3 format. Pastor Chuck was used in the Jesus People revival where he was used along with others to minister to the hippy young people. They saw a work of the Spirit where many were added to the church and discipled. He has raised up many pastors who are a part of the Calvary Chapel movement now and where he pastors the large Costa Mesa church in California.

The Calvary Chapel movement is based of simple principles that Chuck Smith taught over the years such as: The priority of agape love, Simple fellowship amongst the saints, the breaking of bread, the teaching of God's word chapter by chapter and verse by verse. And lastly and most importantly the principle not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord.

SermonIndex Recommends these books by Chuck Smith:
Prayer: Our Glorious Privilege by Chuck Smith
The Man God Uses: 14 Characteristics of a Godly Man by Chuck Smith
Why Grace Changes Everything by Chuck Smith

 (Through The Bible) Lamentations by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Lamentations  
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 (Through The Bible) Leviticus 1-10 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Leviticus 1-10  
Description: Christ was more then our sin offering but also our sweets savor offerings. There were 3 basic sweet savor offerings, burnt offering, meal offering and the peace offering. There were 2 sin offerings, one the sin offering and 2nd the trespass offering. An offering needs to be our of our own free will. To return to fellowship with God is in our volition. The laying on of the hands is the symbol of the animal taking the place of ourselves and we transfer our sins to it in the old covenant. The blood of goats and rams really never forgave the sins but rather covered them. But with Jesus our sins have been put away not just covered. The purpose of all the sacrifices and the covenant is so that we can have relationship and oneness with God. This fellowship needs obedience to have agreement with God. God created man with the purpose of fellowship and man disobeyed and was alienated from God and God determined to restore that fellowship. The animals only covered the sins for a time and brought partial fellowship with God. But it pointed forward to that time when God would send his own son as a lamb without spot or blemish before God.
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 (Through The Bible) Leviticus 11-15 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Leviticus 11-15  
Description: If we hearken diligently to the Lord our God then blessed will be our body, flocks, lands etc. That was the promise of God to Jews in the old covenant. God has given us certain spiritual laws and if we obey them we will be blessed. But if we do not listen or obey Gods words then we will be cursed. Joshua was exhortated the mediate on the book of the law day and night and his way was going to be prosperous. It is not just having the law but rather doing the law that will bring the blessing. The Lord is interested in our health and diet. We cannot be eating a lot of junk food and expect God to bless us with a healthy body. God is interested in good nuturion. The foods that God dis-allowed in Leviticus was because they were foods that were unhealthy and unsafe for the people of Israel. God gives a list and parts of the beasts that they could eat. The animals had to pass over the 3 things the Lord said it had to be able to do, had a hoofed foot, chews the cud, etc. There was controversy over the rabbit chewing the cud. But recently it was found out that they actually do chew the cud. In wild rabbit it is dangerous because they carry some fevers such as yellow fever. Pork needs to be cooked very well so we donÂ’t get sick from it so God was just trying to take care of the people of Israel.
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 (Through The Bible) Leviticus 16-20 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Leviticus 16-20  
Description: God said to the people that they are not to go to the Holy of Holies or they will die. Only Aaron was to go into the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement. He has to kill about 35 animals and also bath 5 times in the rituals to offer for his own sins and for the people of Israel. All of this is looking forward to Jesus Christ in symbolism. Jesus Christ did not annually come to offer sacrifices but rather did it once and sat down at the right hand of God. These were all a shadow of things to come but Jesus Christ is the Substance! All the other sacrifices are Shadows of Jesus Christ. The High Priest Aaron took 2 goats one to the Lord and one for the scapegoat. On YumKippur he did this and this was an annual event. He came into the presence of God manifested on the mercy seat. This is the law of God for sin. God forbids any eating of blood because it is the blood that makes the atonement for the soul. Though the Jews observe YumKippur yet how do they have forgiveness of sins? The answer they say is the day of reflection. The hope and purpose is that the good out weighs the evil. Through blood sacrifices there is remission of sin so without these offerings you cannot just act good to be in fellowship with God.
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 (Through The Bible) Leviticus 21-24 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Leviticus 21-24  
Description: The Priest had a 2-fold function, to stand before God for the people. And then stand before the people in the stead of God. If you touched a dead body you could not enter into the tabernacle. The priest could only touch the bodies of the immediate family or else they would be defiled. Also they were not to make baldness on their heads, some people used to make vows by shaving the head. I am the Lord that sanctifies you that is Holy, that was how God revealed Himself to the priests. If any man had a blemish he could not be a priest and approach God, so there were physical disqualifications for approaching God in the Old Covenant. You are not to offer to God any animal that had a blemish, God did not want the cast offÂ’s. I will sacrifice to God something that costs me anything-said David in reference to the threshing floor story. We want to give of our surplus. In giving to God in freewill always, and always the best. Honoring God and showing our love to God giving God the best we have is important indeed.
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 (Through The Bible) Leviticus 25-27 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Leviticus 25-27  
Description: Every seventh year you let what grows up just eat that. God said if you do this in the sixth year leaving the land it will be a triple crop so it will carry over to the 8th year. One day if a person who studies land and agriculture will realize that if you leave the land for 1 year every 7 years it will help the land be more plentiful. Letting the ground rest for 1 year what a concept. Chuck Smith is certain this is a physical law of God and it is true. God sent Israel into Babylon because they would not give the land rest, so God sent them for Babylon for 70 years to let the land rest. Let the land grow wildly so that there are servants and poor people that could eat from the land. Every 50 years it was the year of jubilee, all depts. And mortgages were cancelled and all slaves set free. It is like Pentecost, a special year of jubilee. The various laws of redemption are given in these chapters. We in the new covenant are redeemed in Christ but in the Old Covenant, the slaves in the 7th year was set free. We are less then years away from 6000 years of slavery to sin. There is a 1000 year millennium coming.
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 (Through The Bible) Luke 1 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Luke
Scripture(s): Luke 1  
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 (Through The Bible) Luke 11 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Luke 11  
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 (Through The Bible) Luke 12-13 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Luke 12-13  
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 (Through The Bible) Luke 14-15 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Luke 14-15  
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 (Through The Bible) Luke 16-17 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Luke
Scripture(s): Luke 16-17  
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 (Through The Bible) Luke 18 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Luke 18  
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 (Through The Bible) Luke 19 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Luke 19  
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 (Through The Bible) Luke 2 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Luke 2  
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 (Through The Bible) Luke 20-21 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Luke 20-21  
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 (Through The Bible) Luke 22 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Luke 22  
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 (Through The Bible) Luke 23-24 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Luke 23-24  
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 (Through The Bible) Luke 3-4 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Luke 3-4  
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 (Through The Bible) Luke 5-6 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Luke 5-6  
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 (Through The Bible) Luke 7-8 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Luke 7-8  
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