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| | (Through The Bible) Joshua 1-8 by Chuck Smith
Topic: Scripture(s): Joshua 1-8 | | Description: Joshua means minister. The word minister means servant. Jesus said if anyone wants to be chief among you he must become a servant to all. Joshua was Moses personal servant. After the death of Moses God elevated him from Moses servant to the head of Israel. This is always the process of God. If we are faithful with the little things then He will allow us to be entrusted with bigger things. If we have not been faithful with worldly possessions of family how can we be entrusted with the spiritual riches. The most important ministries are ones that cannot been seen and what great rewards for ministries of intercessory prayer. We are all called by God to be full time ministry serving the Lord, whatever we do in word or deed we need to do it unto the Lord. We need to get away from that idea that the minister is someone especially holy or above the others. As a minister we are actually a servant and its Gods calling. The name Joshua was given by Moses which means Salvation, and after Moses renamed His name to mean: Jehovah is Salvation. In Joshua is an very interesting type of Christ.
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| | (Through The Bible) Joshua 17-24 by Chuck Smith
Topic: Scripture(s): Joshua 17-24 | | Description: Manasseh took part of its inheritance on the other side of the Jordan. They did not fully take over the Canaanites this was their mistake to not come into the full victory that God desired for them. This is a spiritual allegory that we are to come out of the bondage of Egypt which is sin and death and to come into the Land of promise which is the victorious spiritual life in Christ. Gods desire is for us to have all our enemies utterly driven out. We need to enter into the full victory by Christ and if these areas are not fully taken by faith and the promise of God then the devil will use it in our future. Let us not follow after the same example but follow after the spirit. We need to be totally open to God for what He has for us. Its sad to have a concept of God that limits us from God working in our life how He wants to. We cannot but any restraints on what he wants to do in our life and through our life. Why should we come short of the fullness God desires for our life. We need to give all areas of flesh that are not given into the ruler ship of Christ by the Spirit in our life.
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| | (Through The Bible) Joshua 9-16 by Chuck Smith
Topic: Scripture(s): Joshua 9-16 | | Description: The kings of Canaan thought the only hope to stop the armies of Israel was that they should all band their armies together against them in a sort of collation. The gibonites knew their only hope of making a covenant was to do it in disguise. They came to the camp of Israel in disguise to make peace with you, they brought moldy bread and clothes to make a peace treaty. Israel did not inquire of the Lord but rather make the pack with them and were deceived. This was the second mistake of Joshua as an army leader and the people began to murmur against Him. It was a fault of not relying on God. It was his failure to pray also at EI so that the troops were killed. He should have sought the council of God, inquiring not of the Lord. How many times we find ourselves in ungodly situations if we not only sought Gods guidance first. But of course we cry out to God before that but why dont we first seek God and escape from failing into these situations.
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| | (Through The Bible) Judges 1-7 by Chuck Smith
Topic: Scripture(s): Judges 1-7 | | Description: The book of Judges takes up the next period of Israels history after Joshua. There were 12 judges that were in a sort of leadership over Israel, they were the beginnings of what would be a king for Israel. Samuel was the last judge that anointed the king Saul. When they had times which was blessed from war they would start to fall into apostasy and worship other Gods and idols. They turned their backs on God and then come back to God and then go back. They had a failure of consistency with honoring and following God. The command of God was to utterly drive out all the inhabitants of the promised land. But Israel tried to rationally think out ways to comprise Gods will. God has ordered something we need to follow even if it does not seem to be for our best interest. It often times seems we can think of better ways to do things then God, sometimes Gods timing and plans are different then ours and doesnt make sense with us. God always knows what He is talking about and knows why. God in all things works for the good of those that belong to Him.
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| | (Through The Bible) Judges 15-16 by Chuck Smith
Topic: Scripture(s): Judges 15-16 | | Description: The story of Samson begins in chapter 13 of judges. Samson judged Israel for 20 years. The problem with Samson was him going down into the camp of the enemy. If we go into situations that are not suitable then we are asking to be defiled and brought into sin. Samson carried the gates of the city 20 miles when they tried to ambush them. You can play with fire but ultimately you will be burned. If you think you are getting by with your passions and desires watch out because it will catch up with you. Women were the failing point of Samson he went into the enemies camp to see a women which was wrong and immoral but the anointed of God did not leave him. Delilah was a deceiver and it was obvious to Samson that she was wanting him to be caught by the philistines. Samson is guilty of an comprise which is always dangerous, he should have said it is none of your business. But he slowly gets closer to the truth to finally talking about his hair. There are times when people have made a special commitment to God. And we make our determination we are really going to live our life for God. Then we compromise when we receive an invitation and are not totally honest.. we need to be honest for the reason why.
| 1972 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | (Through The Bible) Judges 17-21 by Chuck Smith
Topic: Scripture(s): Judges 17-21 | | Description: This chapter tells us of the moral condition of Israel when it was back at Joshua. This part of the book of Judges goes back to some of the moral decay that goes on during the time of the judges. The moral corruptness that existed with the people of God when they were not fully committed the Lord. Everyone was doing what was right in their own eyes. This is happening in our day in society if it feels right do it. This is a chaotic and anarchy time in Israel where nobody was really following God or the Law of God. Thus it is always a mark of spiritual detoriation when we start to rely on images and idols of God. It does not mean we have forsaken God but rather it is something that shows how our relationship with the living God is waning. The Levite is becoming a professional religionist now for the 10 shekels and a shirt. Paul speaks of the error in the New Testament that godliness is a means of gain. He said this was an evil doctrine and from such depart, Micah feel into this error believing that God would do him good.
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| | (Through The Bible) Judges 8-14 by Chuck Smith
Topic: Scripture(s): Judges 8-14 | | Description: Gideon shows remarkable character saying that he will not rule over the people nor his sons but saying to the people that the Lord rule over you! Gideon then asked the men for his share of the victory and the spoils. He received 1700 shekels of gold ear rings, and he made an gold ephod (robe). And people started to come and worship it and thus it became a snare in Israel. When Gideon saw how people were revering the gold ephod he did not destroy it but left it. This was a major fault of Gideon. Soon after Gideon was dead they went whoring after Baal the god. Jesus said to people that taught false things that it would be better for them to have a milestone around their necks and thrown in the sea. Ambilech was a lot killed with an milestone. They have hewn out cisterns that cannot hold water, and thus the children of Israel was continually turning from God and served idols. This is the sixth recorded time that they forsook God for idols.
| 1969 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)