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Audio Sermons : Chuck Smith : 

Chuck Smith

Chuck Smith (1927 - 2013)

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Chuck Smith in mp3 format. Pastor Chuck was used in the Jesus People revival where he was used along with others to minister to the hippy young people. They saw a work of the Spirit where many were added to the church and discipled. He has raised up many pastors who are a part of the Calvary Chapel movement now and where he pastors the large Costa Mesa church in California.

The Calvary Chapel movement is based of simple principles that Chuck Smith taught over the years such as: The priority of agape love, Simple fellowship amongst the saints, the breaking of bread, the teaching of God's word chapter by chapter and verse by verse. And lastly and most importantly the principle not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord.

SermonIndex Recommends these books by Chuck Smith:
Prayer: Our Glorious Privilege by Chuck Smith
The Man God Uses: 14 Characteristics of a Godly Man by Chuck Smith
Why Grace Changes Everything by Chuck Smith

 (Through The Bible) Genesis 32-36 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Through The Bible
Scripture(s): Genesis 32-36  
Description: God has angels to take care and protect over us. Chuck smith recalls of some times when he believes and angel saved him from harm, he was consciously aware of the working of an angel. Jacob prays and reminds the Lord of what he said, there is something that is good to remind the Lord of his promises. When Jacob fled from his brother Esau he left just with the walking stick in his hand, but now when he has returned he had many flocks. In the present he gave to Esau was 500 animals which was just part of what he had. An honest negative confession is worse then a positive dis-honest confession. It is best to be honest when you talk with God, who are you kidding; He knows your heart and everything about you. There is no hiding of anything to God; everything is open and naked before him. Faith is not passive but active. But God wants us to trust in His ability to do His work. Jacob wrestles with an angel and would not give up and surrender, so when the angel saw he would not surrender he crippled Jacob. One of JacobÂ’s thoughts was that he could always flee; now the Lord through this crippling has taken away this way of his escape in the flesh. This is an good illustration of what God has to do sometimes to get a person to a place of dependence on the Lord.
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 (Through The Bible) Genesis 37-38 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Expositional
Scripture(s): Genesis 37-38  
Description: The Coat of many colors came from the translation from Martin Luther; the more accurate interpretation would be sleeveless coats. It was the intention of Jacob to make Joseph a ruler and Gods dreams confirmed this to have him rule over his brothers and even his mother and father. The brothers were jealous of their younger brother. This story helps us understand the book of revelation chapter 12. There is a women who has stars over her head which is Israel not the Church. The best commentary you can ever buy on the bible is the bible its self. To interpret the women as the church strains what the church really is. Never does scripture state the church is like a pregnant women. But always as a chaste virgin so right there we already have problems to fit it into the chapter 12 scenarios. When they want to kill Joseph they still mention the dreams which they highly resented. Reuben was the older brother who was responsible for the younger boy. He told them to just throw him into the pit but he would want to save him after. They stripped him of his coat, as they stripped Jesus of the garment he had. Joseph being an ruler in Egypt speaks of Jesus being resurrected and risen with authority at the right hand of God.
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 (Through The Bible) Genesis 39-41 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Expositional
Scripture(s): Genesis 39-41  
Description: Christians have problems. We have trials and tribulations but Jesus promised to give victory in our trials and tribulations. We have joy and peace in our problems because they are for our good and God can sustain and keep us during those times. Joseph’s life typified an life of trials and tribulations but at the same time he has an inward victory knowing that God would bless him and make him prosperous over his family and lead him. Potifers wife daily was tempting Joseph to go to bed with her. Understand who he was kept him from sub coming to the temptation. It was possibly something normal to do in Egypt (world) but even though its normal for the world its our calling as a Christian to be different and follow God because of who we are in Christ. How can we who are dead in sin live any longer, Joseph says this to himself how can he do this evil deed before God with a good conscience. You need to have the reconigition of Gods presence with you all the time, we cannot sin against God willfully knowing He knows all things.
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 (Through The Bible) Genesis 4-5 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Expositional
Scripture(s): Genesis 4-5  
Description: Where the Scriptures are silent we should be silent also. Someone had the interpretation that Even knew the serpent and that’s how the seed of Cain was formed but that is clearly conjecture and not scriptural fact. In the Old Mosaic law the offering of grain was a plausible offering to be given to God. It was the lack of faith in Cain’s offering. Sometimes the best commentary of the Old Testament is the New Testament. For example in Hebrews 11 it tells us about the situation of Cain and Abel. Just because God questions in genesis doesn’t mean that God doesn’t know but rather he is trying to get Cain to confess. God knows exactly what I happening all the time but God is merciful to try and get us to confess our sins before Him. We always try to justify ourselves rather then just saying, “I am wrong”. There was much more a purer strain of humans in the beginning therefore marrying a sister would not cause such genetic defects as it would today. Methuselah almost lived for an entire millennium. Noah’s father still lived at the same time that Adam was living. Methuselah died in the year of the flood. Enoch broke the chain, he was a man of faith because he walked with God. He has the testimony in Hebrews that Enoch pleased God. The father says of His son, this is my beloved Son who I am well pleased with. We please God in our trusting Him. There are other records of the flood in Egypt and Babylon etc. Some of them are gross accounts of this biblical truth. But this truth shows that man has a common creation and start.
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 (Through The Bible) Genesis 42-45 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Expositional
Scripture(s): Genesis 42-45  
Description: Pharaoh had 2 dreams and was brought before the Pharaoh. Joseph interprets the dreams not of his own ability but out of the power and ability of God. Pharaoh was surprised with the way Joseph was able to interpret the dream so he made him 2nd in charge of all of Egypt. Joseph measured and kept the wheat in special places in Egypt. After 7 years of gathering food then the 7 years of famine began. It was not a local famine but rather a large spread famine that affected many areas outside of Egypt. The brothers were commanded by their father to go down to Egypt to get food. They seemed reluctant to go peradventure they run across their brother who they sold into Egypt slave hood, so possibly they had some bad feelings still for doing this. Benjamin replaced his younger brother Joseph so Israel gave more affection to him, so he had that favored position that once was hold by Joseph. So when the brothers went to Egypt Benjamin was kept home for that reason, lest mischief befall on him. It’s amazing to see Joseph in a place over his brothers again that they were bowing down to him. What a amazing faith Jospeh had to believe it before it came to pass those 21 years ago.
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 (Through The Bible) Genesis 47-50 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Genesis 47-50  
Description: ShepardÂ’s where an abomination to the Egyptians for some reason, but at the time of Joseph there was more of an openness to ShepardÂ’s. Back in the 15th chapter of Genesis, Abraham cut the animal carcass in half, and heard God speak to him that his people would be in Egypt for 400 years. The brothers say they want to sojourn in the land of Goshen but they did not realize this was sojournering for 400 years according to the word of God. The Pharaoh got them to oversee his flock even. At this point Jacob blesses the Pharaoh. The Bible says that the lesser blesses the greater as a principle so this position of Jacob is recognized as an old wise man of many years. His father lived 175 and Abraham 180, so there is starting of an dropping longevity of an the age of men. They were given the best of the land, which is Goshen. The slaves would later on build the land of ramsees.
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 (Through The Bible) Genesis 6-7 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Expositional
Scripture(s): Genesis 6-7  
Description: It is an amazing fact to realize that the Noah’s ark can be readily proven via scientific fact and findings. People have found traces of the wood from Noah’s ark on mount Arafat and the countries surrounding the findings are closed to scientific research of this nature for it will shed light on the true ownership of the Land of Israel. There are many theories surrounding all the facets of the true story of Noah and the great flood that occurred. One states that the valley where Noah lived was flooded but if that was the fact then God could have simply told him to go over to an mountain ridge nearby or over to another valley. Also Many findings of the different coruscations of the earth and layers that occur over time show what was found on each layer, but interestingly there are trees and other objects that go through many of the layers of even so called “millions” of years. These inconsistencies really speak against what some scientists call fact. Chuck believes that the Noah story is not a good story to use for the proof of the rapture because God is more merciful then just saving that few. And that is a better picture of those who will be saved through the tribulation ie 140,000. And Enoch is a more better picture of the rapture of the church in Chuck’s eyes.
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 (Through The Bible) Genesis 8-9 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Expositional
Scripture(s): Genesis 8-9  
Description: There is no way that truly the language of man can describe about God and really how He is. Paul the apostle says that when he came back from a heavenly vision that there are some things that he could not just write down. But we have been given human language so that’s the way God is conveying Himself to us. Before the fall there was no great violent winds the climate was very moderate. At the beginning of the new civilization after the flood God said that no man should shed the blood of another man. This is the beginning of government and moral law. The way that man has kept the law is unjust but that does not go against the principle that God intuited it. The people who so strongly cry against capital punishment are for abortion, which goes against the scripture and specifically in this chapter how God is laying out moral law. The verse be fruitful and multiply is the admonition to increase and no to kill children such as abortion advocates and therefore is the opposite of Gods call in this verse. Gods covenant with the rainbow means that God will not destroy the entire earth with a flood but that does not mean there will be localized flooding. God will destroy the earth dissolving the elements, fire being the opposite then water. Saw the nakedness of his father (Noah) in the Hebrew actually means he was gazing. So Noah curses Canaan because of Ham, God knowing that Canaan would follow in the sinful and rebellious steps of His father Ham.
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 (Through The Bible) Habakkuk by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Habakkuk  
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 (Through The Bible) Hebrews 1-2 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Hebrews 1-2  
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 (Through The Bible) Hebrews 11 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Hebrews 11  
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 (Through The Bible) Hebrews 12-13 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Hebrews 12-13  
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 (Through The Bible) Hebrews 3-4 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Hebrews 3-4  
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 (Through The Bible) Hebrews 5-6 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Hebrews 5-6  
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 (Through The Bible) Hebrews 7-8 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Hebrews 7-8  
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 (Through The Bible) Hebrews 9-10 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Hebrews 9-10  
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 (Through The Bible) Hosea 1-4 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Expositional
Scripture(s): Hosea 1-4  
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 (Through The Bible) Hosea 10-14 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Expositional
Scripture(s): Hosea 10-14  
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 (Through The Bible) Hosea 5-9 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Expositional
Scripture(s): Hosea 5-9  
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 (Through The Bible) Isaiah 1-5 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Isaiah 1-5  
Description: nil
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