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Audio Sermons : Chuck Smith : 

Chuck Smith

Chuck Smith (1927 - 2013)

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Chuck Smith in mp3 format. Pastor Chuck was used in the Jesus People revival where he was used along with others to minister to the hippy young people. They saw a work of the Spirit where many were added to the church and discipled. He has raised up many pastors who are a part of the Calvary Chapel movement now and where he pastors the large Costa Mesa church in California.

The Calvary Chapel movement is based of simple principles that Chuck Smith taught over the years such as: The priority of agape love, Simple fellowship amongst the saints, the breaking of bread, the teaching of God's word chapter by chapter and verse by verse. And lastly and most importantly the principle not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord.

SermonIndex Recommends these books by Chuck Smith:
Prayer: Our Glorious Privilege by Chuck Smith
The Man God Uses: 14 Characteristics of a Godly Man by Chuck Smith
Why Grace Changes Everything by Chuck Smith

 (Through The Bible) Ezekiel 31-35 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Ezekiel 31-35  
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 (Through The Bible) Ezekiel 36-39 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Ezekiel 36-39  
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 (Through The Bible) Ezekiel 40-48 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Ezekiel 40-48  
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 (Through The Bible) Ezekiel 6-10 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Ezekiel 6-10  
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 (Through The Bible) Ezra by Chuck Smith

Topic: Expositional
Scripture(s): Ezra  
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 (Through The Bible) Galatians 1-2 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Galatians 1-2  
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 (Through The Bible) Galatians 3 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Galatians 3  
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 (Through The Bible) Galatians 4 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Galatians 4  
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 (Through The Bible) Galatians 5-6 by Chuck Smith

Scripture(s): Galatians 5-6  
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 (Through The Bible) Genesis 10-12 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Expositional
Scripture(s): Genesis 10-12  
Description: In Chapter ten a lot of the genealogy names really can be traced to the starting of peoples and civilizations, i.e. Chinese. Nimrod was the beginning of the false system of religion in the world. There is much of the historic church that has borrowed and used many of the characteristics of the Babylonian religion of old. The worship of stars began in the tower of Babel, and astrology was started in those days. In the days of pegleg the earth was divided, some people try and say that the actual physical separation of the continents happened in his day. But rather pegleg lived during the tower of Babel and in his day the peoples were divided into different languages and speeches. The original language in the world was possibly Hebrew, because the early names in the genealogies are Hebrew with Hebrew meanings. Babel was rebellion against Gods command to be fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth. It is possible that God could have put the message of the gospel in the heavens but whatever God does the devil always try’s to pervert and misuse. God has placed the stars in the heavens for signs and seasons. Many of the primitive cultures had very complex language systems. It doesn’t matter how primitive an culture is there is an ability to communicate ideas, this fact separates man from the animal kingdom.
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 (Through The Bible) Genesis 13-14 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Expositional
Scripture(s): Genesis 13-14  
Description: God called himself the God of bethel meaning that he wanted Jacob to go back to his first place where he knew of God. It’s the same in revelation of us being called to go back to our first love. God always calls us back to the first things. It’s a tragic day when things wane and when we start to act like those things aren’t exciting as they used to be. God is working in our midst should be something of a conscious presence of every Christian. Before Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed the Dead Sea was inhabitable by fish and animals. Now in the present day the Dead Sea does not support life but is very rich in mineral wealth. Sin can be very exciting and thrilling and pleasurable, but it eventuates in death. The path of sin leads to death. In the ancient times they counted the amount of stars in the sky, which were approximately 6000+ (which were probably stars visible to the naked eye). Shinar = Babylon. 13= the number of Satan. Which is the number of rebellion. That is why 13 is considered an unlucky number. The number 13 is a very significant number in spiritism. In the tower of Babel they used pitch, which is another word for tar (oil). One person who read his bible thought about this and assumed if they had to get tar there much be oil in that land and therefore mined for oil and became very rich in the modern days.
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 (Through The Bible) Genesis 15-18 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Expositional
Scripture(s): Genesis 15-18  
Description: ‘The Word of the Lord’ this is first time it is used in this chapter. It is always significant to mark the first time a new phrase or name of God is used. This is the first time also that says He is the “I AM” the shield and great reward. It is amazing how sometimes we can rethink vivid memories and experiences; this is what happened to Abraham. He was having an flash back from the prior war with the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah, and God comforted him saying I am your shield. The first thing God says to Abraham is ‘Fear not’ when we are in right standing with God we never have to worry, God is our shield, if we have the Lord we have defense. God wants to be our protector and provider. Lord God = Adoni Jehovah. Adoni is the title of God = Lord. This name of God signifies relationship with God. Jesus = name Kurios (Lord) = title. And He believed in the Lord and God counted it for righteousness. This phrase is repeated in the New Testament many times. Our righteousness is imputed to us as we believe in the promise of God. He does not account my prayer, works, for righteousness but my belief. Paul the apostle talked of his works of the law but that never made him righteous before God.
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 (Through The Bible) Genesis 19-20 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Expositional
Scripture(s): Genesis 19-20  
Description: Abraham pleads (intercedes) for God being just. God is always just. One of the ways Satan tries to lie to unbelievers is that how can God be just if people are suffering, etc. Abraham saw an inequity that it would not be right to judge the righteous with the wicked. But it must be remembered that Gods ways are higher then our ways and His thoughts higher to our thoughts. So therefore some things that seem to be unjust in our minds are just in the eyes of God. When the Church is persecuted that persecution is rooted in the world and the worldly system. Jesus said that as it is in the day of lot then it will be in the days of the Son of man. Peter also shows that lot was delivered and how much more can God deliver the godly in Christ Jesus that follow Him. Hospitality is extremely important in the culture of Abraham, etc. The women did a lot of work in those days towards fixing meals etc. To sit in the gate of a city was a place of honor and Lot was there. Know them = to know them in a sexual lewd manner. For Lot to sacrifice his 2 daughters (their virginity) speaks possibly of the low regard for women. It is really through Christianity that women have been given a more elevated place in society. In Greece which was a quite cultured society women were placed just above slaves in status.
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 (Through The Bible) Genesis 1:1-18 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Creation
Scripture(s): Genesis 1:1-18  
Description: Did God create just the heavens and the earth, as stated in Genesis 1:1, and then was forced to stop by satan's rebellion in Heaven? Are the heavens billions of years old or a mere 10,000 years young? What are the statistical chances of life beginning by accident? What kind of plants and animals existed before the creation of man? What about dinosaurs and other strange creatures preserved in fossil records? Is there any thing to evolution? Pastor Smith attempts to answer these questions and many more in his fascinating study of the earliest days of creation.
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 (Through The Bible) Genesis 1:19-31 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Creation
Scripture(s): Genesis 1:19-31  
Description: Marvelous is Gods creative genius as you look at His creation. God has built in instincts and traits (micro-systems) so that animals behave and do things which really wouldn’t be possible through evolution. How great a God we serve, how wise in His creation surely the creation shows forth His handiwork. Elohim (plural) trinity of God. V26 let us make man in our (plural, trinity) image. If God created me with a capacity of choice unless I had the ability to choose. So freedom of choice is given to men and the opposite of what good is given so people can choice what is actually good. God influences choices because He loves and cares for us, but we have the right to not choose God. God will not force His choice upon us, He is an gentleman. In pictures of Christ there is an attempt to define Him in form. It is more God honoring according to the commandment of not making an graven image of God to not make any image of Jesus Christ. Gods will for original man is to be fruitful and multiply and to subdue the earth. All the animals at that point lived off the grasses and vegetation, there was no carnivous animals. God rested meaning that He was not exhausted but that the creation was completed. This chapter gives the first look at creation, but the next chapter gives an more detailed version of the creation of man. And God is revealed in a different name: Jehovah. This different name of God curtails the relationship between God and man. What is important is what did God say not who did He say it through.
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 (Through The Bible) Genesis 2-3 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Expositional
Scripture(s): Genesis 2-3  
Description: 7 is the number of completeness. 6 is the number of man. Number 8 is the number of new beginnings. The number of Jesus is 8 all the names of Jesus is divisible by 8. The Sabbath days are a shadow of things to come, its not the substance. Jesus has become our Sabbath, we have entered into His rest. The righteousness of God is by faith by resting in Jesus and what He has done for us on the cross. It would be extremely healthy for us one day a week to relax once a week. We keep going all the time we need to stop and just rest one day a week, it would be healthy but wouldn’t make you any more spiritual. JHVH this was the form of Gods name because of Godly reverence. YAWEH is possibly the right vowels. LORD = Elohim, Yahweh (as a name) Lord = Adoni (as a title). The earth was watered by an mist before the flood. There is no way to find out where the garden of Eden was, the whole earths form was changed during the flood and other large natural events. During the time of Pegleg the earth was divided, could that mean the earth started to change and separate? The garden of Eden appears to be somewhere in Babylon which is modern day Araq. Life would be boring if there was nothing to do therefore God had man working in the garden of Eden to tend and care for it. Really an child of God has a true care for the nature and the world that God has created compared to even an humanist, because their humanism is based ultimately in selfishness. Dying thou shalt surely die. So it was a 2 fold death, a spiritual death and an beginning of an physical death. Where ever the gospel of God goes there is a freedom of choice and in nations and places where the gospel doesn’t exist there is a lose of the freedom of choice and an slavery. To make the power of choice meaningful he had to give the option and choice to disobey. This power of choice makes man something more then a robot. You could never receive meaningful love or devotion from a robot, so for our relationship to God to be meaningful there has to be choice.
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 (Through The Bible) Genesis 21-23 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Expositional
Scripture(s): Genesis 21-23  
Description: As he had said and did as He had spoken. God always does what he says. Abraham laughed first and God called Him laughter, Sarah even laughed when she heard about the child from the tent. God heard the voice of the lad, so Ishmael was praying as well as Hagar. It is interesting that God heard the prayers of Ishmael rather then Hagar. The Arabs and Israel are linked together through Abraham; Ishmael is the father of the Arabic people. The enticements for sinning are from the flesh not from God. God can test us but never will he lead us into doing a sin or sending direct temptation. By our own lusts we are drawn away and enticed. The first time the word love is used in the bible is the fatherly love, the father for the son. This is a type of Father God’s love for His Son Jesus Christ. There are a lot of works that are done in the flesh that are going to be consumed; they will be wood, hay, and stubble. It is the motives for it, if it draws any praise and glory to ourselves then it will be your reward already. Much of what we do for God is really done for our own glory benefit or recognition. God does not recognize our works in the flesh.
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 (Through The Bible) Genesis 24-26 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Expositional
Scripture(s): Genesis 24-26  
Description: Abraham made his servant swear that he should go back to Abraham’s old country to get a woman for his son Isaac. The woman that is being asked by the servant is being asked to take a large step of faith. The chances for the servant to be successful to get a women to come back was a small or very uncertain. The servant re-asks the question to ensure that if a woman would not come because he wanted to get the terms of the vow clear. The servant has faith and prays to God for Him to let a certain women be the one for Abraham’s son Isaac. The servant makes a fleece prayer before God. It is interesting that sometimes it takes a long time for our prayers to be answered. Sometimes are prayers are done immediately. Why does sometimes it come immediately and sometimes takes a long time. The answer is simply that God is in control of things; he is in control of the issues and timing of our prayers and needs. Every right thing you pray for God wanted to give it to you before you pray. Every good and perfect gift is from above.
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 (Through The Bible) Genesis 27-28 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Expositional
Scripture(s): Genesis 27-28  
Description: It is tragic to be in the case of Isaac to be in the way of an invalid. When the body cannot really function or really cant work but the spirit that remains in the body is a hard thing for the person who is in the body and for the people that have to take care of him. God thinks with a for-knowledge. We cannot think in the same way as God. If we select someone we cannot ever see how the person is going to work out, but God knows the end of men. Therefore God can elect a person he has for-knowledge of so that he can fulfill his purposes. The way that Isaac asks Esau to get a savory meat was a cheap way to get a blessing, and his wife (Rebecca) knowing that Jacob would used of the Lord better then Esau. Isaac blessed Jacob instead of Esau, was it Gods will that Jacob should be blessed? Yes. Why is it that we think that God cannot do His work without us? Such is not the case; God can accomplish his purposes apart from us, and will if necessary. The work of God is never dependent on our deception (i.e. Jacob). If it is a true work of God it will be done, God is able and is not dependent on us especially on money situations. It takes abit from the romance of this story that Jacob was 75 years old when he was about to run away from his home.
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 (Through The Bible) Genesis 29-31 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Expositional
Scripture(s): Genesis 29-31  
Description: The douri that Jacob gave for Rachel was the 7 years of labor for Laban. The 7 years only seemed like a few days to Jacob because he loved Rachel so much. In this deception of Jacob with the 2 wife’s so we can see the deception that he showed to his father Isaac. Daniel= God is judge. Dan was the name of Jacob’s child because he said that God had judged me. Mandrakes thought to have properties to help childbirth, they were called love apples. Men were esteemed much higher then men, if a child was born who was a girl then it was not as a big deal as if it was a boy. Most of Jacob’s daughters are not named except for Dima. Jacob separates the flocks using his knowledge of raising animals so that his stripped and spotted would reproduce better. The Hebrew word conceive actually means to be made hot. By placing stripes before the animals made them want to conceive. Jacob noticed the countance of Laban that he was not pleased with Jacob. Then Jacob hears from the Lord to tell him to go back to the land of his fathers. Jacob calls his wife to go out to the field from the tent for him to tell them about this so they are not over heard. Jacob left with all he had without telling Laban and went off to mount Gilad, which is about 300 miles away. The best he could do with that type of large size of flocks is 15 miles a day. In reality Laban would never had let Jacob go, he would have taken everything he had. But God spoke to Laban the night before telling him not to harm Jacob.
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