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| | To Know God by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Knowing God Scripture(s): Hosea 2:19-20 | | Description: Usually engagement is a time of joy and happiness. What does it mean to get engaged? In the Bible it’s to be betrothed, "a deed with a promise of marriage". According to the law it is a contract between a man and a woman to get married in the future. The greatest engagement ever between two parties is between Jesus Christ and you. He says, "I will betroth you to Me forever". There cannot be engagement if the one party says yes and the other no – both have to agree. God proposes to you, that He wants to be engaged to you. And this engagement is forever, it has no end. How can you say no to that proposal? In fact, if you don’t agree to that engagement, it will be to your damnation in hell forever. And God says that He wants to get engaged to you now. Do you have the ring of Jesus on your finger?
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| | To know the Holy Spirit by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Scripture(s): Matthew 3:11-12 | | Description: A certain American preacher called a Dutch Reformed and Baptist minister to the front and asked them, "when you baptise people who uses the most water?" Obviously the Baptists do. But the problem is that when both parties baptise people, the tongue is not baptised. There are both Baptists and Dutch Reformed people who gossip, slander and ruin other's characters by their tongue. The Holy Spirit: When the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus He descended as a dove, but when He descended on the disciples at Pentecost, He descended as tongues of fire, signifying that the first to be touched and transformed when a person is baptised with the Holy Spirit is a person's tongue.
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| | True Preparation for Christmas by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Scripture(s): John 1:19-31 | | Description: John the Baptist spoke with authority about repentance. Before and after Jesus there were none who spoke about repentance as John the Baptist. From the sophisticated to the lowest people in society were deeply touched by his preaching. They all came into the wilderness to be baptised by him, confessing their sins. They were drawn into the wilderness by the power of God. The world was shaken. People began to ask if he was the Messiah. Eventually the religious leaders sent a delegation to him to ask whether he was the Messiah or Elijah, and by whose authority he baptises. Although he had an opportunity to grab the limelight, he instead gave his honest testimony, "I am not the Messiah or Elijah; but I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord." In this we see a wonderful mystery - he was the voice of Him (God) crying in the wilderness that people ought to repent. It is also marvellous that we do not find a trace of haugtiness in John, when he acknowledges, "I baptise with water, but there stands one among you, whom you do not know; He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to unloose."
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| | True repentance by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Scripture(s): 1 Samuel 15:24 | | Description: God had sent Samuel to Saul to tell him to go and utterly destroy the Amalekites. When the children of Israel came out of Egypt the Amalekites resisted them and fought against them, and they never put it right. When Saul returned from the victory over the Amalekites, he met Samuel and told him that he had performed the commandment of the Lord. He was blind to his own disobedience. Saul killed off the worthless lifestock and that which was despised, but the good and precious he held back. He also let Agag, the most evil of all the Amalekites live. He dealt friendly with him and made friends with God's enemies. But when Samuel saw the brazenness of Agag, he took the sword himself and hewed him in pieces before God. Samuel showed Saul his folly of befriending evil men.
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| | Trusting God in stead of man by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Scripture(s): Isaiah 31:1-3 | | Description: The Assyrians were strong and the Israelites were afraid of them. They therefore wanted to acquire more horses and hire the Egyptians to help them. God however warned them that it would bode ill for them if they trusted in man, horses and chariots for deliverance. They should in the first place trust the Lord. You may put your trust in other things, as in money, but the same woe will be on you unless you trust in the Lord. King Asa was a great king; but when he was old and diseased in his feat, he sought the help of physicians and did not trust the Lord. Because of this he lost out on many blessings!
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| | United in love by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 13:13 | | Description: Jesus said in John 13:35, “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” God's children have this mark upon them, that they have fervent love for one another. When one of the members suffers, the others have compassion on that person as if they are suffering themselves. We must be one in the things of the Lord; one in humility, accepting God's Word and applying it to our lives and obey it. We cannot claim to be of one heart when there is division and each one pulls his or her own way. If we are not united then there is something wrong in our midst. We must even be united in our thoughts, and in what we hate. If there is no hatred in your life towards sin and abhorrence for the world, you are rotten and good for nothing in God's Kingdom. You must hate the world and the things of the world – the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride and haughtiness of life.
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| | United with God's Children by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Sin Scripture(s): Matthew 26:47-50 | | Description: There’s no sin so wicked and depraved as this of Judas. He knew the Lord Jesus well, saw His miracles and bore the money bag. He was trusted. He felt the love that Jesus showed to people. He saw the prophesies being fulfilled before his eyes, that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God. Sadly though satan found entrance, little by little. We don’t know the exact cause, but maybe he was proud that he had a position that was higher than the others. He was trusted by the others and the Lord to be the treasurer. A person can be proud because of anything, their clothing, position, beauty, wealth etc.
| 398 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | Walk worthy of your calling by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Calling Scripture(s): Romans 13:11-13 | | Description: The hour has come to wake up from our sleep, and we must act as we read in verse 11. There is something God commands that we do. Each one should awake out of their sleep. Some are quite awake physically but fast asleep spiritually. There are those who think Christmas is a time to booze, or a time to give way to their passions. Others put up beautiful decorations, but they don't know what Christmas is about. But at Christmas we celebrate the birth of the Son of our Heavenly Father into this world, who became man. He wasn't born in a palace, but in a smelly stable with animals.
| 576 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | Watch your heart - the wellspring of life by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Scripture(s): Proverbs 4:20 - 27 | | Description: Why is it that people forsake the way of God? They don't keep His word in their hearts and Satan deceives them. If God speaks to you, write it down for this is life to a man's whole body. It is wonderful if a person loves God. Lukewarm Christians are a nuisance in the Church. God's words are life and many die because they do not pay attention to God's word. This is something that we must do continually. The heart includes feelings, love and desire etc. People put fences around their livestock. In the same way, we need to put boundaries around our feelings and desires. You can't go after everything your eyes sees. Like Job, you have to make a covenant with your eyes and keep your eyes fixed on the goal or by sunset of the same day, you will already be derailed spiritually. You'll mess around with young children if you do not guard your heart.
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