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| | The Resurrection is Real by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Resurrection Scripture(s): Revelation 1:17-18 | | Description: Jesus died at about 3pm in the afternoon, so on Friday He was already dead and in the grave for almost three hours before the evening of the next day started. In the Jewish understanding any part of a day is counted as a day and night (and even in our own time measurement, for example if a child should be born at 11.59pm, his birthday would still be counted on that day, and if born the next minute his birthday would be counted with the next day. So whether you were born 12.01am or 11.59pm, almost 24h apart, your birthday would still be counted on that day!). So those three hours on Friday would be counted as a full day and night, according to the Jewish reckoning. Then you have the full Saturday (counting from the evening) and then part of Sunday again (starting in the evening again, counted as a full day and night) when He arose. The full time in the grave would then be counted, as per the Jews way of timekeeping, as three days and nights.
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| | The wonder of Christ´s birth by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Birth Of Christ Scripture(s): Luke 2:1-19 | | Description: The Christmas event shook everyone on earth, in heaven and even in hell. When Adam and Eve sinned they were expelled from the garden and cherubims with flaming swords were placed to prevent them from entering again. Now in our text, it says the angels came to the shepherds. So though the angels stopped anybody from entering into paradise, now it was the angels who brought the glad tidings that anyone can enter into glory through the birth of the Saviour. Do you see the awesome wonder of Christmas! God opening this gate that was closed. Though we give each other gifts at Christmas they fade into insignificance in comparison to that which we received from God at Christmas.
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| | The world and its lust pass away by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Scripture(s): 1 John 2:15-17 | | Description: The Bible says that those who do these evil things will not go to heaven. It doesn't matter that you're given the last rites by a priest or even if all the ministers in the world are gathered to pray for you. A certain man continually got irritated with his wife and children. So he sought a place to be alone where he won't be disturbed. He found such a place but after two or three hours he suddenly realised that the things which really troubled him were within him. You can wash and perfume a pig, but the moment it's left alone, it will go and wallow in the mud. Why? Because it's a pig. So too, if you love the world, you might be in church physically, but the moment the protection is removed, you will wallow in the world, because the world is in your heart.
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| | Therefore Be Ready Also by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Funeral Scripture(s): Matthew 24:44 | | Description: Every one of us should be ready to be taken by the Lord. The famous evangelist DL Moody preached at the memorial service of someone who was with him in the ministry, Philip Bliss. Bliss was an American composer, conductor and writer of hymns and wrote songs like “Almost persuaded”, “Wonderful words of life”, “Let the lower lights be burning”, “Hallelujah what a Saviour” and the melody for “It is well with my soul”. Bliss and his wife died in a railroad accident. He was 38. His death was a great shock to the Christian world. Moody himself said what a disappointment it was for him. But he also said that from the time he heard that he was to take the memorial service there was just one thing running in his mind, “therefore be ye also ready”. When Kjell heard that u. Friedel was so sick in Switzerland he and his friends prayed for him every day that God would touch and heal him and at one point, Kjell said, “maybe one of us will go first”. Moody continued and challenged the audience to be ready before the close of this service. Ask yourself the question, are you ready to meet God?
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