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| | Take up your cross daily by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Scripture(s): Luke 9:23 | | Description: What does it mean to take up your cross daily? There is an element of denial and sacrifice to take up your cross. But here Jesus speaks of denying oneself and taking up the cross, as if it were two different things. In fact, taking up your cross involves all tree of the points above. What does God say to you personally when He commands you to take up your cross daily? You cannot say that Christ has done everything and you needn't do anything anymore. Here is something for you to do. In Roman times it was a very difficult task to carry a heavy, rugged, wooden cross. Jesus doesn't say that He will take and carry your cross for you, but commands you to take up your cross daily and follow Him. Many people have their idea of what the Christian life is like, but it's as far away as the east is from the west from what Jesus commanded.
| 1018 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | Testimony - Part 1 by Erlo Stegen
Topic: | | Description: Erlo Stegen takes his time to trace God's working in his heart through salvation into ministry, dissatisfaction, and deeper commitment to know biblical reality in his life and GodÂ’s work through him. This first tape shows the preparation for what is reported on the second tape. First 6 minutes: song in another language.
| 856 downloads | Sermon Comments (3)
| | Testimony - Part 2 by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Scripture(s): Acts 2 | | Description: Erlo Stegen takes his time to trace God's working in his heart through salvation into ministry, dissatisfaction, and deeper commitment to know biblical reality in his life and GodÂ’s work through him. This second tape shares when revival came! when God came down! What a stirring testimony of God's unchanging ways.
| 1019 downloads | Sermon Comments (2)
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| | Testing And Trials by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Testing | | Description: God wanted to see what was in the heart of Hezekiah. The rulers of Babylon sent their envoys to him, to come and see and hear for themselves what God was busy doing in the land. But when they came, God left Hezekiah. Previously when the king of Assyria came to besiege Jerusalem, Hezekiah went to the prophet Isaiah, and God sent His angel to kill 185,000 from the Assyrian army, and delivered Jerusalem (2Kings 19). His second test was that of his illness. After he had witnessed God’s miraculous intervention in saving him from the Assyrians he became ill. God sent the prophet Isaiah to him to say that he had to prepare his house for he will die. But he turned his face to the wall and pleaded with God. God saw his tears and heard his prayer and added 15 years to his life (Isaiah 38; 2Kings 20).
| 650 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | The cost of discipleship by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Scripture(s): Matthew 16:22-25 | | Description: Many people want to follow the Lord Jesus but they don't realise that it means complete commitment and denying yourself. A very bright, young man applied to teach at a Bible College. He had done very well in his studies. The director gave him pruning shears and took him to an orchard. He told him to prune a tree in the wrong way. Then he waited to see what the young man would do; whether he would follow his knowledge or do what the director had told him to do. The young man did as he had been told and received the post. He was highly qualified but if he had not been able to bow and obey, he would have been unfit for the post. In the College of the Holy Spirit you will not succeed if you do it your own way. You have to be able to obey.
| 1024 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | The Curse Of Pornography by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Pornography Scripture(s): Matthew 28:16, Hebrews 13:4 | | Description: (Erlo Stegen shares in the Zulu language with English translation.) Scientists say that when you look at pornography there are chemicals that are automatically released in the brain which changes the brain in such a way that it alters it's structure. Porn rewires you. Adam and Eve didn't know they were naked, but when they sinned they became aware of it and were ashamed. God Himself then slaughtered an animal and clothed them with the skins. This was a pointer towards the time when Jesus would be slaughtered for our sins on the Cross. The Bible says marriage should be honoured by all and the marriage bed undefiled, for God will judge the adulterers (Hebrews 13:4). Pornography is an evil drug, worse than dagga (marijuana) and many other drugs. Looking at pornography makes you a slave to it. It's easier to stop smoking or drinking than to get free from pornography.
| 4356 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | The Depth of His Riches by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Scripture(s): Romans 11:33 | | Description: Erlo Stegen shows that in the Christian life through good times or hard times there is a depth of riches in Christ Jesus for every believer. Many stories, illustrations and examples are shown. This sermon is a very strong exhortation towards looking to our heavenly inheritance in Christ and our walk with Him in this earth.
| 898 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | The Divinity of Jesus Christ by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Scripture(s): John 1:1-3, Hebrews 1:1-14 | | Description: n John 14:8 Philip asks Jesus, "Lord, show us the Father." And Jesus said to him, "Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works. 11 Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves."
| 1036 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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