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Audio Sermons : Erlo Stegen : 

Erlo Stegen

Erlo Stegen (1935 - 2023)

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Erlo Stegen in mp3 format. Used of God in the Zulu revival in South Africa. He helped found the Kwasizabantu Mission where a few thousand live on the mission doing work for the Lord. He shares a powerful burden for the purity of the Church and revival in the Church.

Many ministers have preached in their large conventions through the years namely David Wilkerson who enjoyed greatly the mission's work. They have established over 30 other missions around the work as a work of the Spirit of God.

SermonIndex Recommends these books by Erlo Stegen:
Revival Among the Zulus by Erlo Stegen

 Let God rule supreme by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Rule Of God
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 Light separated from darkness by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Separation
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 Listen to God's whisper by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Voice Of God
Scripture(s): 1 King 19:9-13  
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 Live and preach Christ by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Preach Christ
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 Living before the Lord by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Fellowship With God
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 Living in the Light by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Sin
Scripture(s): Proverbs 28:13  
Description: Jesus came to remove our sins. He said that if we hide our transgressions we will not prosper, but the one that confesses and forsakes his sin will obtain mercy. It is not sufficient to confess your sin and not forsake it. You must confess and forsake it. In the sight of God, sin is a terrible thing. Jesus suffered and died because of our sins. He took them into Himself. Even God turned away from Him and Jesus cried out, ‘My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?’ (Matt 27:46). Sin is terrible, and God Who is absolutely holy has no fellowship with sin. He speaks very harsh words regarding sin, like, ‘the wages of sin is death’ (Rom 6:23). If you do not part from your sins, you will die. Peter writes that the one who has confessed his sins and goes back again is like a dog that vomits and eats it again (2Pet 2:22). The Bible says that a person who repents and goes back to his sin, it’s better that he never repented (2Pet 2:20-21; Heb 6:4-6). It is terrible to go back to your sin after confessing it.
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 Living Water Bringing Life by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Life
Scripture(s): John 7:37-38  
Description: From the beginning of the revival this Word was very precious. Since I've been converted I longed for God to work among people. But in the beginning of my preaching, many would get converted but before long their conversions came to naught and they were back in their old ways. But in 1966 this Word took hold of me as I read the words, "he who believes in Me out of his innermost being will flow rivers of Living Water". However after twelve years of preaching I did not see the rivers in my life. I was at my brother's place and was in a great struggle at night so much that my pillow was wet with perspiration. I longed for God's Living Water like the Samaritan woman at the well. He said to her that if you drink of the Water that He shall give you, you won't thirst again, but if you drink of the water of the world you will thirst again (John 4:13-14).
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 Living Waters by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Jesus Christ
Scripture(s): John 7:38  
Description: Jesus said to His brothers that He only waited on His Heavenly Father to tell Him what to do. After a few days Jesus was there too at the feast. And then on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus got up and cried out. It was a very difficult time, because the Jews were planning to kill Him. And Jesus had to go to Galilee, among the gentiles to be safe. He wasn’t with the Jews, the so-called believers, because they were planning to kill Him. Jesus cried out, like an injured buck. What made Him cry out like this? It was because of all the people who claimed to be believers but there were no Living Rivers flowing from their innermost being! One river can change a desert into a garden. Imagine if there are many rivers flowing! Just think of South Africa, if all those rivers were flowing from us, how it will change South Africa.
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 Look to God and not to Egypt by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Egypt
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 Look upon Him by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Christ
Scripture(s): Isaiah 52:13-14, Isaiah 53:1-5  
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 Looking for miracles by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Miracles
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 Lord, abide with us - Part 1 by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Abiding
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 Lord, abide with us - Part 2 by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Abiding
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 Lord, if You had been here by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Purpose Of God
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 Lot - A man who began well but ended badly! by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Lot
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 Lying Lips by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Lying
Scripture(s): Proverbs 12:22  
Description: When someone lies, we do not take it seriously, but God's Word says that lying lips are an abomination to the Lord. But the one who speaks truthfully is a joy to the Lord. That is why we must live truthfully at all times, to bring joy to the Most High. When Cain killed his brother, God asked him about his brother, but he answered that he was not his brother's keeper. Deception has many varieties. Lies have many shades of colour. Sometimes lies can be taken so lightly that the liar laughs afterwards about the deception.
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 Make the Bible your best friend by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Bible Reading
Scripture(s): Psalm 119:9-11  
Description: God's Word will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from God's Word. We don't know for sure who wrote this psalm. Some theologians say that Ezra wrote this psalm after the completion of the temple. This psalm is the longest in the Bible. It has 176 verses. A certain German man punished his child for wrongdoing by telling him to learn Ps 119 off by heart. Within one and a half hours the boy recited the whole psalm to his father, without a mistake. People's gifts are different. It doesn't matter how well you can remember; what is important is that you obey and keep the Word which God gives you, even if it's just a verse.
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 Marriage is honourable in all by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Marriage
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 Mary, Joseph and the angel by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Mary
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 Mary´s treasure by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Mary
Scripture(s): Luke 1:26-45  
Description: Mary was very young when Gabriel appeared to her and told her that she would give birth to the Messiah. This was a great experience for Mary and she wanted to share it with her friend, Elizabeth. Elizabeth was upright and served the Lord faithfully. Although Elizabeth was much older than Mary they could share deep spiritual things with one another. In spiritual matters, age does not matter; only one's spiritual state is important. It is a blessing when one's friend walks with God. Then people are united because of the things of God and can bear one another's burdens. However, be careful not to unite with others in evil, like Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5). Although Mary was only a teenager, she delighted herself in the things of God. She was full of joy because God has finally sent the promised Messiah Who would bruise the serpent's head and bring forgiveness and true liberty. She hid God's words in her heart. The world and the things of the world lost its value, because heaven filled her heart.
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