| | A Biblical family - a tool in God´s hands (part 1) by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Biblical Family Scripture(s): Genesis 1:27 | | Description: Many people today don't know what a family means. Even the president of one of the leading nations in Europe said recently, "What is a family?" He's a clever politician, but he's confused about the family. He suggested, "a man with 2 or 3 wives, or a woman with 2 or 3 husbands". At his funeral a number of his wives were present. Is there a Biblical standard which is valid today? And if there is, what is it? Here we read that God created man in His own image. They were created in God's image - male and female. He didn't create a man with a harem of women, or like an animal - a bull among the cows. No, He created them male and female.
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| | A Biblical family - a tool in God´s hands (part 2) by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Biblical Family Scripture(s): Ephesians 3:14-15 | | Description: It is important for every parent to remember that God often visits the sins of the parents on the children - to the third and fourth generation. Even your selfishness and greed you pass on to your children and they suffer because of you. Turn therefore completely in all sincerity from all sin. It might not trouble you now, but one day it will be revealed and it will be terrible. But to those who love God, He blesses to the thousand's generation. A certain newly-born baby simply did not stop crying and the doctor could not find the problem. Eventually he called for a specialist, but still they failed to diagnose the problem. Eventually one of the doctors had an idea, and he took a cigarette and blew the smoke into the face of the child. Immediately the crying stopped. His mother smoked and the child suffered from nicotine-withdrawal symptoms.
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| | A body for the Holy Spirit by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Living Worthy Scripture(s): Romans 12:1-2 | | Description: Erlo Stegen exhorts us to live a life worthy of the gospel of Jesus christ. He specifically shows how God commands us to present our actual bodies on this earth to God for His service. So that the good and acceptable and perfect will of God can be completed in our life.
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| | A Godly Example by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Living Worthy Scripture(s): Titus 2:7 | | Description: This message is a exhortation to live a godly life and be a example to this generation of youth that are living in sin and a slave to lust. This is a engagement service where Erlo Stegen warns and exhorts the couple to stay pure and holy before God sexually. He clearly states God's best in engagement and marriage. A very challenging and clear sermon on this subject.
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| | A Voice Crying in the Wilderness by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Sin Scripture(s): Matthew 3:1-4 | | Description: Jesus said that of all those born of women, there’s none as great as he, yet the smallest in heaven is greater than he (Matt 11:11). One might wonder what it meant, for surely Abraham, the father of believers, or Moses or Elijah was greater than he? In what does his greatness lie? In the Old Testament it ends with the prophet Malachi, after which there was silence for 400 years until John arrived on the scene. God sent John. It is said that he grew up in the wilderness of Judea. There were only five or six small villages in Judea. We’re not told exactly where he grew up. We read of the Lord Jesus in Jerusalem, but nothing of John the baptist. He was all the while in the wilderness. Even his birth was miraculous, in that he was filled with the Holy Spirit while still in his mother’s womb!
| 2041 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | Abide in God's shade, warmth and light by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Abiding Scripture(s): Numbers 9:15 | | Description: Much can be said about this. Look at God’s care. God gave a cloud for shade. At night there was a fire to warm them. God was there to help them. In Ps 37:23 we read that the steps of a man are established by God when God delights in his way. You go where God goes and when he stands you stand. No matter whether in bright sunlight or at night, keep your eyes fixed on God. Pierre, may your family know that you don’t do anything unless God tells you to. This will turn your life into heaven or it will turn your life into hell if you don't do it. Nobody is too old or too young. We don’t have a cloud or a fire that leads us anymore. We don’t have the glory that they saw but we have something better, and that is the glory and beauty of the Lord Jesus. May He always be before your eyes. May your eyes be fixed on Jesus alone. If He is in you, the glory of that fire will be in you. God covered them and kept them and lead them. Can you think of anything better? God covers you. You’ve got Jesus to cover you and His fire is there for everyone to see.
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| | Abiding In God's Will by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Will Of God Scripture(s): Genesis 24:1-9 | | Description: This portion is meant for you and me, God teaching us His way and His will for us. Many speak about doing God's will but how can you do it if you don't know it? Abraham asked his servant to go and find a wife for His son. The servant asked if he should take his son there if the woman refuses to follow him but Abraham solemnly warned him to never do that. Jesus taught us to pray that God's will be done (Matthew 6:9-13). Jesus also said that those who do the will of His Father are His brother and sister and mother (Matthew 12:50). That should fill us with joy and also help us understand why those who do not do His will deserve hell indeed.
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| | An example for believers by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Example Scripture(s): 1 Timothy 4:12-16 | | Description: There are some who through disobedience destroy themselves, but each one of us should be an example, even to the believers. Even the believers need an example otherwise they go off the right way. If you want to know if someone is a Christian ask the heathen. They read us. You're a letter read by everyone, so be a letter of Christ to the people. You're a letter not written with ink but on the hearts of people. May it be a letter from God. There are few people reading the Bible, but everyone sees our lives.
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