SermonIndex Audio Sermons
SermonIndex - Promoting Revival to this Generation
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Audio Sermons : ~Other Speakers G-L : Denny Kenaston : 

Denny Kenaston

Denny Kenaston (1949 - 2012)

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Denny Kenaston in mp3 format. Denny were saved in 1972 out of the “Hippy culture.” The Lord Jesus delivered them from drugs, drinking, and many other things that go along with that life style. They felt the Lord call them to help establish Charity Christian Fellowship in Lancaster county.

Bro Denny served as an elder in his church for many years. He also traveled extensively in a church planting, and preaching ministry. God has placed an anointing upon him to call the church back to a burden for the family. Tens of thousands of tape set have been sent out all over the world in the last twelve years. Many families have fallen on their faces in repentance, and received a new vision for a Godly Home.

SermonIndex Recommends these books by Denny Kenaston:
The Pursuit of Godly Seed by Denny Kenaston
The Godly Home by Denny Kenaston
Evangelistic Messages Set 132 - Youth Bible School 2003 by Denny Kenaston

 How to Build a Church by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Church
Description: nil
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 How to Know the Will of God by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Will Of God
Description: God desires for you to know His will. Seven biblical steps are given to find God's will for your life. This message is very good for those who are facing a major decision.
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 How to Overcome Evil by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Overcome Evil
Description: nil
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 Human Authorities-God's Servants by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Government
Description: nil
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 Humility Is Laying Down Our Lives For Others by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Humility
Description: nil
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 I Am Crucified With Christ by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Crucified With Christ
Description: nil
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 It's Time to Seek the Lord by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Seeking God
Description: nil
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 Jealous for the Testimony of the Lord by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Testimony
Description: Brother Denny Kenaston has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer of the brain. He came back on April 22, 2012 to a church he planted to share the burden of the Lord with them. He confessed many of his failures and sins over the years and humbled himself before the body of Christ.
Sermon Comments (1)
 Lead a Soul to Christ by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Soul Winning
Description: nil
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 Life Changing Choices by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Choice
Scripture(s): Ephesians 3:16-19, Joshua 24:14-31  
Description: nil
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 Lord, Send Revival by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Revival
Description: The powerful reality of revival is a visit from God. When revival comes, hardened sinners are softened, youth rush to the meetings, holy people go deeper with God, and family altars catch fire. Revival is not something of the past—it's for our day!! This message will spur you on to seek revival for yourself.
Sermon Comments (1)
 Marks of the End-Time Church by Denny Kenaston

Topic: End-Times
Description: nil
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 Ministering in the Mission Field by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Mission Field
Description: nil
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 Motherhood, The Highest Place Of Honor by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Motherhood
Description: The virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 was a mother! An uplifting look at motherhood as found in Proverbs 31. An excellent message of inspiration for women who have committed themselves to be a keeper at home.
Sermon Comments (1)
 My Personal Testimony by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Personal Testimony
Description: Denny shares his personal testimony of salvation and fuller consecration to God concerning his family.
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 My Place in God's Eternal Purpose by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Eternal Purpose
Description: nil
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 Others by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Loving Others
Description: Denny Kennesaton speaks on the subject of loving one another as Christ loved us. He shows through personal testimony and clear scriptural teaching the wonderful principle on serving others above yourself. True love is sacrifical love that will seek others before self. This is the Christ-like attitude that we need to walk in: Others first.
Sermon Comments (1)
 Our Need of Personal Revival by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Personal Revival
Description: God is longing to bring revival to our hearts and He wants to destroy the enemy of sin in our lives, but many times we are so busy "working" without being vitally connected to Him that we close our hearts to His power. If we do not realize how desperate and needy we are without the power of the Holy Spirit in our spiritual lives, we will never experience true, heaven-sent revival.
Sermon Comments (2)
 Overwhelmed With The Presence Of The Living God by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Presence of God
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (0)
 Pastors Call to Action by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Action
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (0)

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