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SermonIndex - Promoting Revival to this Generation
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Audio Sermons : ~Other Speakers G-L : Denny Kenaston : 

Denny Kenaston

Denny Kenaston (1949 - 2012)

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Denny Kenaston in mp3 format. Denny were saved in 1972 out of the “Hippy culture.” The Lord Jesus delivered them from drugs, drinking, and many other things that go along with that life style. They felt the Lord call them to help establish Charity Christian Fellowship in Lancaster county.

Bro Denny served as an elder in his church for many years. He also traveled extensively in a church planting, and preaching ministry. God has placed an anointing upon him to call the church back to a burden for the family. Tens of thousands of tape set have been sent out all over the world in the last twelve years. Many families have fallen on their faces in repentance, and received a new vision for a Godly Home.

SermonIndex Recommends these books by Denny Kenaston:
The Pursuit of Godly Seed by Denny Kenaston
The Godly Home by Denny Kenaston
Evangelistic Messages Set 132 - Youth Bible School 2003 by Denny Kenaston

 Conquering Warriors by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Spiritual Warfare
Description: As Christians we must be on the offensive. The reality of spiritual war should not send us shrinking off into hiding, but motivate us to step out and reach out to others. Come fight in a war that sheds no blood, against an enemy you cannot see, and for a Commander who cannot lose.
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 Consecrating Our Children To God by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Consecration
Description: nil
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 Continuous Revival - The New Testament Standard by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Biblical Revival
Description: What does it mean to live in continuous revival? Many people think living in revival means an exceptional spiritual experience reserved for a few extraordinary people, but in reality, the experience that we call revival is what God wants every one of His children to have. Walking with God, having a clear conscience, and being filled with the power of the Spirit is supposed to be normal.
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 Crowns of Eternal Reward by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Rewards
Scripture(s): 2 Timothy 4  
Description: There are many crowns promised as reward both now and in the life to come. Denny exhorts us to stay single eyed and focused lest we forfit our reward as an overcomer or bear the fruit of a faithful life. Final 30 minutes are testimonies and response. Recorded during a fellowship fasting weekend 2005.
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 Crying Out by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Crying Out
Description: nil
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 Deliverance From Specific Bondages (Part 1) by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Bondage
Description: This is the first tape of two messages discussing deliverance from specific sins. We can be freed from our chains. Brother Denny explains God's method of rescue before he goes on to discuss the bondages of bitterness and witchcraft.
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 Deliverance From Specific Bondages (Part 2) by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Bondage
Description: A continuation of tape number three, this message deals with the bondages of rebellion, music, moral sins and eating disorders.
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 Discouragement (Letting The Fire Go Out) by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Discouragement
Description: nil
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 Enduement Of Power - How It Is Obtained by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Enduement Of Power
Scripture(s): Acts 2  
Description: A powerful message on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit experience in the Bible. Brother Denny Kenaston preaches with unction on this very important subject. He shares how God works in many ways to fill people with His Holy Spirit and we cannot put God in a box. The genuine experience of the Holy Spirit is still available to believers today.
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 Four Men With a Vision by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Vision
Description: nil
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 Gift Of A Pastor by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Pastor
Description: nil
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 God's Holy People by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Holy People
Description: nil
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 God's Invitation by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Free Gift
Description: nil
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 God's Pursuit Of Man by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Relationship
Scripture(s): 1 Samuel 13:14, Genesis 2:7, John 3:16  
Description: We are familiar with A.W. Tozer's book on "The Pursuit of God." In this message Brother Denny points to the ways God pursues us. A great message of the heart of God towards His own creation.
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 Godly Sorrow-the Way to Revival by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Biblical Revival
Description: nil
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 Him Or It? by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Seeking God
Scripture(s): Ephesians 1:3-4, Colossians 2:6-10  
Description: nil
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 Honorable Motherhood by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Motherhood
Description: Raises motherhood to a high and honorable place. Discusses the power and influence of a mother. This message will cause young ladies to covet the place of motherhood. A good complementary message to The Hidden Woman.
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 How Do I Humble Myself? (Part 1) by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Humble Yourself
Description: nil
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 How Do I Humble Myself? (Part 2) by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Humble Yourself
Description: nil
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 How to Be Changed by Denny Kenaston

Topic: Change
Description: nil
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  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12  

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