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| | A Call To Repentance by Vance Havner
Topic: Repentance Scripture(s): Matthew 4:17 | | Description: Vance Havner preaches this message at a special meeting at Moody Bible Institute. He ministers on the theme of repentance in the Bible. The last word of our Lord to the Church was repentance in the book of Revelation. Repentance is sorely missing and lacking in our day in modern gospel messages. This message is a call for believers to the place of repentance before God.
| 10975 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | As For Me by Vance Havner
Topic: Compromise Scripture(s): Joshua 24 | | Description: This message is preached from the 24th chapter of Joshua. Havener shows how in a day of comprimise, double-talk and undecideness on serving God. We must choose 'as for me' we will seek the Lord. He also retells a very interesting encouter story he had with R.A. Torrey.
| 20987 downloads | Sermon Comments (7)
| | As He Is So Are We by Vance Havner
Topic: Living Like Christ Scripture(s): 1 John 4:17 | | Description: Speaking on our standing with Christ, "the Eternal Contemporary", Vance Havner shows how our lives should be reflections of the life that Christ lived, and is still living today. A good sermon that gives no room for feel-good, prosperity religion. "Everybody wants medals today, but nobody wants scars." Well worth the listen.
| 13121 downloads | Sermon Comments (2)
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| | Desperation by Vance Havner
Topic: Desperation Scripture(s): Matthew 18:20 | | Description: This short excerpt of a sermon is quite powerful and Vance Havner gives us examples of people who were desperate and in turn were used by God. Here is a select quote from the excerpt: "If I could get one church full of folks that actually believed that verse, "Where two or three are gathered in My name, I am there," [Matthew 18:20] I don't know when we'd get out of here tonight."
| 13833 downloads | Sermon Comments (3)
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