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Audio Sermons : Art Katz : 

Art Katz

Art Katz (1929 – 2007)

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Art Katz in mp3 format. He was radically converted by reading the New Testament. God used him to have a powerful prophetic insight into the end-times and the coming suffering of the jewish people before the great accepting of Jesus as Messiah. His eschatological insight is a very needful truth to be realized in the body of Christ.

Art was a prophetic voice insofar as he called his listeners to purposes in God that would affect both time and eternity, purposes that had to do with the glory of God in the Church. Frequently, his messages called the Church to an awareness of the Last Days [End-times] in such a way that made that time seem imminent and at the door.

SermonIndex Recommends these books by Art Katz:
And They Crucified Him - Some Thoughts on the Cross by Art Katz
Apostolic Foundations by Art Katz
The Spirit of Truth by Art Katz

 Gleanings from the Garden - Part 1 by Art Katz

Topic: Garden Of Eden
Description: What we celebrate as being good may well be our greatest snare. The world eats from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the end result is death. We have got to have an unswerving devotion to the Tree of Life and abstain at all costs to draw from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
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 Gleanings from the Garden - Part 2 by Art Katz

Topic: Garden Of Eden
Description: What we celebrate as being good may well be our greatest snare. The world eats from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the end result is death. We have got to have an unswerving devotion to the Tree of Life and abstain at all costs to draw from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
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 God as Father by Art Katz

Topic: Character Of God
Description: nil
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 God is Other! by Art Katz

Topic: Christ Crucified
Description: Examines mankindÂ’s failure to recognize in the crucifixion of God the very demonstration of His essential character, namely, His humility. A must for those who might be contemplating ministry.
Sermon Comments (1)
 God of the Nations - Part 1 by Art Katz

Topic: Nations
Description: Art gives an overview of GodÂ’s purpose for the nations, the centrality of Israel as GodÂ’s provision for the nations, and a Church that can rule and reign with Christ from the heavenlies. A glorious statement.
Sermon Comments (0)
 God of the Nations - Part 2 by Art Katz

Topic: Nations
Description: Art gives an overview of GodÂ’s purpose for the nations, the centrality of Israel as GodÂ’s provision for the nations, and a Church that can rule and reign with Christ from the heavenlies. A glorious statement.
Sermon Comments (0)
 God's pattern of Restoration by Art Katz

Topic: Restoration
Scripture(s): Psalm 126  
Description: From Psalm 126, Art gives a pattern of restoration both for Israel and for the Church, in the timing of God, both in suddenness and unexpectedness.
Sermon Comments (0)
 God's Reality Check, Israel by Art Katz

Topic: Israel
Description: nil
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 Going Up To Zion by Art Katz

Topic: Zion
Description: An examination of the Hebraic distinctive of the faith of Israel, lost to Jews presently, but soon to be restored at the end of the age that they may bless all the nations.
Sermon Comments (0)
 Grace and the Election of Israel - Part 1 by Art Katz

Topic: Election
Description: Israel is elected to be the covenantal people of God, not based on their qualification, but on God's freedom as God to choose. A probing study of the Mystery of Israel.
Sermon Comments (0)
 Has Jesus made you Jewish? by Art Katz

Topic: Jewishness
Description: If we miss the “Jewishness” of Jesus, we miss something crucial in our understanding of God and our testimony to both the Jew and the Gentile. The Church has failed to communicate this “Jewishness” and therefore the Jew yet remains alienated from God.
Sermon Comments (0)
 Hearing God’s Voice by Art Katz

Topic: God's Voice
Description: nil
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 Himmlische Gesinnung (with German Translation) by Art Katz

Topic: German
Description: Do we see the things that are invisible and eternal? Are we looking for the heavenly city, or do we like this world better? Art examines the eternal perspective.
Sermon Comments (0)
 Holiness or "Blessing" by Art Katz

Topic: Holiness
Description: A cautionary word for the Church regarding its fascination with the present “revival” phenomena. Art makes the point that there is nothing more to be coveted and cherished than the sense of God as He in fact is and not as we may have thought Him to be. If we lose this sense of God and the holiness of God, then what do we have and what is our witness?
Sermon Comments (4)
 HOLL-01 De Noodzakelijke Dood van Israël (The Necessary Death of Israel) by Art Katz

Topic: Holland
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (0)
 HOLL-01 The Necessary Death of Israel by Art Katz

Topic: Israel
Description: nil
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 HOLL-02 Authentieke Christendom (Authentic Christianity) by Art Katz

Topic: Holland
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (0)
 HOLL-02 The Broken Down Altar by Art Katz

Topic: Altar
Description: nil
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 HOLL-03 Anatomy of Conversion by Art Katz

Topic: Conversion
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (0)
 HOLL-03 Authentieke Conversie (True Conversion) by Art Katz

Topic: Holland
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (0)

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