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Audio Sermons : ~Other Speakers A-F : William Booth : 

William Booth

William Booth (1829 - 1912)

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker William Booth in mp3 format. Was a British Methodist preacher who founded The Salvation Army and became its first General (1878–1912). The Christian movement with a quasi-military structure and government founded in 1865 has spread from London, England to many parts of the world and is known for being one of the largest distributors of humanitarian aid. Though Booth became a prominent Methodist evangelist, he was unhappy that the annual conference of the denomination kept assigning him to a pastorate, the duties of which he had to neglect to respond to the frequent requests that he do evangelistic campaigns. At the Liverpool conference in 1861, after having spent three years at Gateshead, his request to be freed for evangelism full-time was refused yet again, and Booth resigned from the ministry of the Methodist New Connexion.

The name The Salvation Army developed from an incident in May 1878. William Booth was dictating a letter to his secretary George Scott Railton and said, "We are a volunteer army." Bramwell Booth heard his father and said, "Volunteer, I'm no volunteer, I'm a regular!" Railton was instructed to cross out the word "volunteer" and substitute the word "salvation". The Salvation Army was modelled after the military, with its own flag (or colours) and its own music, often with Christian words to popular and folkloric tunes sung in the pubs. Booth and the other soldiers in "God's Army" would wear the Army's own uniform, 'putting on the armour,' for meetings and ministry work. He became the "General" and his other ministers were given appropriate ranks as "officers". Other members became "soldiers".

 Don't Forget by William Booth

Topic: Classic Recordings
Scripture(s): Psalm 100:2  
Description: Don't forget. Recorded by VTM 1910. An address by the late General Booth founder of the Salvation Army.

[b]Audio Transcription:[/b]
[i]NOTE: it is very hard to hear the audio I recommend highly you read this transcription and listen along at the same time![/i]

I am glad you are enjoying yourself. The salvation business is a friend of happiness. Making heaven on earth is our business. Serve the Lord with gladness is one of our favorite mottos. So I am pleased that you are pleased! But amidst all your joys don't forget the sons and daughters of misery. Do you ever visit them? Come away and let us make a call or two. Here is a home, six in family, they eat and drink and sleep and sick and die in the same chamber. Here is a drunkard hovel, void of furniture, wife a skeleton, children in rags; father now sleeping, the victims of his neglect. Here are the unemployed, wandering about, seeking work and finding none. Yonder are the wretched criminals cradled in crime passing in and out of the prisons all the time. There are the Daughter of shame deceived and wronged and ruined. Traveling down the dark and blind to an early grave. There are the children, fighting in the gutter, going hungry to school. Growing up to fill their parents places. Brought it all on themselves, you say? Perhaps so. But that does not excuse our assisting them. You don?t demand a certificate of virtue before you drag some drowning creature out of the water. Nor the assurance in a man of faded grace before you deliver him from the burning building. But what shall we do? Content ourselves by singing a hymn? Offering a prayer? Or giving a little good advice? NO! Ten thousand times no! We will forgive them. Feed them! Reclaim them. Employ them!Perhaps we shall fail with many. Quite likely. But our business is to help them all the same. And that in the most practical, economical and Christlike manner. So let us hasten to the rescue for the sake of our own peace, the poor wretches themselves, ____ (dean?) of these children, and the danger(Savior?) of us all. But you must help with the means. And there is nothing like the present. Who in this company will lend a hand by taking up the gauntlet?
Sermon Comments (6)
 Please sir save me! by William Booth

Topic: Classic Recordings
Description: Please sir save me! Broadcast on VTM 1910. An address by the late General William Booth founder of the Salvation Army. The general saves on a story about a ship with its crew. Its application is very powerful.
Sermon Comments (1)
 Rope Wanted by William Booth

Topic: Classic Recordings
Description: Rope wanted. Recorded by VTM 1910. An address by the late General Booth founder of the Salvation Army. This story is about us being concerned for the lost and unsaved.
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 Rope Wanted (audio restored) by William Booth

Topic: Evangelism
Description: nil
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 Short Excerpt by William Booth

Topic: Classic Recordings
Description: This recording, taken from an old '78', gives an insight into the character of the founder of The Salvation Army, William Booth.
Booth's passion for mission permeates the recording, his compassion for the lost, his burning love for souls, his driving ambition for the Kingdom and the glory of God.

[b]Audio Transcription:[/b]
[i]NOTE: it is very hard to hear the audio I recommend highly you read this transcription and listen along at the same time![/i]

If thou hast run with them and they have wearied thee? _____ darkened.. forces. And it is in the land of defeat where in darkness they have wearied thee. Then afterwards ________. Dear comarde look up to the joy set before thee, and haste on thy way to the regions of glory. A crowd and a kingdom thy faith may discover. Thy troubles are great but they will soon be over. But Jesus has suffered thy soul to deliver. And opened thy passage through ____ dark river. Christ is a sure help to the children of zion, but if though has any false props to rely on your soul is deluded. Think what thou are doing, Oh! cast them away, __ to do it. But none but Jehovah has power to deliver and bear up your soul in the midst of the river.

I am glad you are enjoying HIM. The salvation is a friend of happiness. making heaven on earth is our business. Serve the Lord with gladness is one of our favorite mottos. I am pleased that you are pleased! But admist all your joy's don't forget to ____ the misery. Do you ever visit them? Come away and let us ___ to. Here is a home ____ family, they eat and drink and sleep ___ and dine in the same chamber. Here is a drunkard _____ furniture ___ wife a skeleton, Children in rags _____ victims of his ____ . Here are the unemployed seeking word and finding none.
Sermon Comments (1)
 Through Jordan by William Booth

Topic: Classic Recordings
Scripture(s): Jeremiah 12:5  
Description: Through Jordan. Recorded by VTM 1910. An address in verse by the late General Booth founder of the Salvation Army. William Booth preaches on one of his favorite verses from the bible. "Making heaven on earth is our business." Christ is a sure help! Hearing these old voices from the past stir our devotion to Christ in the modern day.
Sermon Comments (1)
 William Booth Recording (audio restored) by William Booth

Topic: Classic
Description: nil
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