![“The](https://img.sermonindex.net/pdf/didache2.png) The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (1902 - 1992)
Listen to freely downloadable audio The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles in mp3 format. The Didache (/ˈdɪdəkiː/; Koine Greek: Διδαχή) or The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (Didachē means "Teaching")[1] is a brief early Christian treatise, dated by most scholars to the mid to late first century. The first line of this treatise is "Teaching of the Lord to the Gentiles (or Nations) by the Twelve Apostles"
Sanders left a promising law practice in his native New Zealand to serve as an instructor and administrator at the The text, parts of which constitute the oldest surviving written catechism, has three main sections dealing with Christian ethics, rituals such as baptism and Eucharist, and Church organization. It is considered the first example of the genre of the Church Orders. The work was considered by some of the Church Fathers as part of the New Testament but rejected as spurious or non-canonical by others, eventually not accepted into the New Testament canon. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church "broader canon" includes the Didascalia, a work which draws on the Didache. Lost for centuries, a Greek manuscript of the Didache was rediscovered in 1873 by Philotheos Bryennios, Metropolitan of Nicomedia in the Codex Hierosolymitanus. A Latin version of the first five chapters was discovered in 1900 by J. Schlecht. The Didache is considered part of the category of second-generation Christian writings known as the Apostolic Fathers.
| | The Didache - Chapters 1-5 by The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles
Topic: Audio Books | | Description: The Didache is the common name of a brief early Christian treatise (dated by most scholars to the late first or early second century), containing instructions for Christian communities. The text, parts of which may have constituted the first written catechism, has three main sections dealing with Christian lessons, rituals such as baptism and eucharist, and Church organization. It was considered by some of the Church Fathers as part of the New Testament but rejected as spurious or non-canonical by others, eventually not accepted into the New Testament canon with the exception of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church "broader canon." The Roman Catholic Church has accepted it as part of the collection of Apostolic Fathers. The Didache, or Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, is an early Christian text. Scholars knew of the Didache through references in other texts, but the text itself had been lost. It was rediscovered in 1873 by Philotheos Bryennios. (Summary by Wikipedia, modified by Sam Stinson)
| 1509 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | | The Didache - Chapters 11-16 by The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles
Topic: Audio Books | | Description: The Didache is the common name of a brief early Christian treatise (dated by most scholars to the late first or early second century), containing instructions for Christian communities. The text, parts of which may have constituted the first written catechism, has three main sections dealing with Christian lessons, rituals such as baptism and eucharist, and Church organization. It was considered by some of the Church Fathers as part of the New Testament but rejected as spurious or non-canonical by others, eventually not accepted into the New Testament canon with the exception of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church "broader canon." The Roman Catholic Church has accepted it as part of the collection of Apostolic Fathers. The Didache, or Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, is an early Christian text. Scholars knew of the Didache through references in other texts, but the text itself had been lost. It was rediscovered in 1873 by Philotheos Bryennios. (Summary by Wikipedia, modified by Sam Stinson)
| 919 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | | The Didache - Chapters 6-10 by The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles
Topic: Audio Books | | Description: The Didache is the common name of a brief early Christian treatise (dated by most scholars to the late first or early second century), containing instructions for Christian communities. The text, parts of which may have constituted the first written catechism, has three main sections dealing with Christian lessons, rituals such as baptism and eucharist, and Church organization. It was considered by some of the Church Fathers as part of the New Testament but rejected as spurious or non-canonical by others, eventually not accepted into the New Testament canon with the exception of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church "broader canon." The Roman Catholic Church has accepted it as part of the collection of Apostolic Fathers. The Didache, or Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, is an early Christian text. Scholars knew of the Didache through references in other texts, but the text itself had been lost. It was rediscovered in 1873 by Philotheos Bryennios. (Summary by Wikipedia, modified by Sam Stinson)
| 954 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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