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Principles For The Gathering of Believers ( - )

Listen to a freely downloadable audio book Principles For The Gathering of Believers in mp3 format. We need revival in our countries like what we see in the underground house Churches in China. Learn the following from this volume: Prepare for coming persecution in non-persecuted countries. Learn Principles of how to gather as the Church from the Book of Acts and current underground Churches.

Access resources that will help your gathering or house Church meeting. Experience personal revival and the Spirit’s empowerment. In response to reading the Principles book consider to start a fellowship group under the Headship of Jesus Christ in your local area. Learn more at Gospel Fellowships.
 41 Principle 37 - Jesus Christ as Lord and Head by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 2:2, Colossians 1:18, 1 Corinthians 5:4  
Description: The Chinese believers see the Gospel of Jesus’ death and resurrection in all their activities. Out of a great love for this Savior they speak to Him and of Him often to everyone they meet. The simplicity of the message of the cross of Christ581 has gripped them and persecution has allowed the Church as a whole to keep this as their main message. In every meeting of the underground Church, Jesus Christ is given the rightful place as Head582 of the meeting and He is recognized in the midst.
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 42 Principle 38 -The Spirit of Martyrdom by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): 1 Peter 4:1-2, John 15:18-20, Acts 9:5  
Description: As the underground Church in China has been baptized in a fire of intensely severe persecution this has produced a theology of suffering with Christ.598 They have realized that all suffering is because of Christ and for Christ.599 It was clearly told to Paul the Apostle, that he was persecuting Jesus Christ directly when he was persecuting the early Church believers.600 There is a willingness in the Church in China to suffer for Christ as the normal cost of being a believer. It is accepted as the will of God at times to suffer601 and to even expect severe persecution. This type of suffering produces a joy602 and sense of privilege that they are willing to identify with their precious Lord who has saved them.
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 43 Principle 39 - God Actually Answers Prayer by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): Acts 4:23-24, Matthew 6:6, James 5:16  
Description: With many in the Church prayer is treated as the last thing we do before God. We use prayer to ask Him to fulfill—in many cases—our own carnal plans. With thousands of books written on prayer many of us have still not placed prayer as the most important Christian activity we do, corporately619 or privately.620 We have special times for prayer once in a while, expecting that God should hear us and then go back to our normal lives without an intense reliance on God through prayer.
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 44 Principle 40 - The Body of Christ Is the Church by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): Ephesians 4:12, Ephesians 2:19-22, Matthew 24:2  
Description: Many times we are preoccupied with the idea that the building where we worship is the Church. Yet in the early Church and Biblical record, God calls the people themselves the Church.629
One of the main desires in church planting in North America is the constructing of a church building after a group of believers is established. This is not always helpful. The true work of God is not dependent on money and resources to grow but rather on hearts that have been affected by the Gospel of our Lord. If we focus on building structures and churches, we can subtly deceive the people to depend on such structures630 and not the living Lord.
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 45 Principle 41 - The Back to Jerusalem Movement by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): Acts 1:8, John 12:24-25, Matthew 28:16-20  
Description: The burden these dear brethren have is for over 100,000 missionaries to be sent out from the underground house Churches. This is not even the direct number they are aiming for because their goal is the total evangelization of many closed countries between China and Jerusalem until the Lord Jesus Christ comes back. So the burden they have is to not stop this mission until the second coming of the Lord!
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 46 Principle 42 - The True Mission of the Church by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): 2 Timothy 4:5, 1 Corinthians 10:31-33, 1 Corinthians 12:12-14  
Description: The closing Words of Jesus Christ to His early disciples for their mission of making disciples of the nations has also become the mission of the Church in China.648 Even the newest converts in the underground Church get the immediate burden to tell everyone of the great Savior of China and the world. [Every Christian is encouraged to witness daily and do the work of an evangelist.649] Therefore they do not just rely on a special few as missionaries but the entire underground Church of China is a throbbing missionary movement spreading the glorious Gospel of our Lord.
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 47 Principle 43 - North Korea's Leader, An Image of Antichrist by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): Colossians 1:5, Matthew 24:15, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4  
Description: A group of Christians was discovered in North Korea. They had worshiped God and His Son Jesus. Their children were with them. The adults were told by those who had captured them: “If you do not acknowledge our Dear leader as god and if you do not renounce Christ, your children will be hanged.” One of the children looked up at her mother. What would she do? Earlier that morning, twenty-eight other Christians had been bound and taken before a screaming crowd of North Koreans. The guards made it clear: “If you don’t deny your Christ you will die.” The mother thought of her child but she could not deny her Lord. The other Christians quietly made the same decision. Their God was real.
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 48 Principle 44- A Cost To Be a Part of the Church by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): Philippians 1:29, Revelation 2:10, Revelation 12:11  
Description: nilA witness of the North Korean army who later became a Christian reported the following: “The team had been sent to widen a highway. When they demolished a vacated house they found a Bible and a small notebook with 25 names, one identified as pastor, two as assistant pastors, two as elders, and 20 other names, apparently participants in a Christian group. The Military Police Unit investigated and picked up the 25 persons without formal arrest. The 25 were brought to the road construction site. Four rows of spectators were assembled.
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 49 Principle 45- Five Challenging Reminders by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): Acts 8:1, Acts 8:4, Hebrews 10:34  
Description: A young woman was washing clothes in a North Korean river. When gathering her clothes, a small Bible or Christian book fell to the ground. Another woman reported the girl to the police. The young woman and her father—about sixty years old—were arrested and held by the local police for about three months. During that time, the woman and her father were investigated and interrogated. They were taken to a market area in town and accused of trafficking. A brief public show trial, was held which consisted of the charges. They were found guilty of a capital offense.
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 50 Principle 46- Meeting In Home Churches by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): Acts 20:20, Matthew 24:9, 1 Thessalonians 3:4  
Description: Here is an example of how this can be accomplished. Recently, we heard of a pastor of a church in America who felt led of the Lord to appoint 12 pastors in his Church who would oversee 12 separate home Churches on Wednesday nights. They all still meet together on Sunday mornings to hear the main pastor teach, but these small groups also act as functioning Churches. These pastors of the small groups are perhaps not as well-trained or capable from a human perspective but this servant leader saw the heart of God to raise up brothers and sisters, to encourage and lead the body of Christ.
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 51 Principle 47- The Lord's Day Can Be Everyday by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): Acts 2:46, Acts 15:1-29, Galatians 2:1-10  
Description: In an underground Church in China in one area the people wake up at 4:30 to come together for two hours to pray and worship, they do this every day. There are Churches that meet in the only place they are safe, a cave! There are Churches that meet on farms far away from prying eyes.
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 52 Principle 48 - We Are a Body of Christ Together by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 3:5, 1 Corinthians 3:1-17, 1 Corinthians 12:26  
Description: God is no respecter of persons. Each person has a value more than the world’s riches and Jesus died for each person. The lesson that we learn in North Korea is that Christians lay down their lives and become martyrs, be they an apostle, or pastor, or a believer. We are rewarded and judged each based on our own works in relation to the gifts God has given us. As believers in Jesus Christ we are all disciples, and all have the same standing, yet leaders have a greater accountability before God.
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 53 Principle 49 - Sharing and Memorization of Scripture by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): Ephesians 5:19, Psalm 119:11, Psalm 119:105  
Description: Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in Scripture and it is devoted to exclaiming the wonders of God’s Word and Law. It would be a worthy practice for us to read this chapter over and over to allow God to build in us an admiration and love for His Scriptures again. Would you forfeit all the riches you possess, to simply have in your possession a copy of God’s holy Word? The Psalmist might have for he proclaimed: “The Law from Your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold.” May we emulate our North Korean brothers and sisters by treating God’s Word as the most precious possession we have.
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 54 Principle 50 - Not Merely Listening by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): John 16:13, James 1:22, Jeremiah 7:23  
Description: When we start reading the Bible based on our human wisdom we deny the faith and accuracy of Scripture. Without the guidance of the Holy Spirit men have been making up entire systems of beliefs with theological words that are used blasphemously and do not represent the truth nor the heart of God. We are then misled to believe that such humanistic doctrines carry “life.” Life is not found in a theological system or interpretation; Life is found in Christ Jesus, surrendering to Him and allowing Him to live His Life through us. That’s what it means to be “born again” or “born of the Spirit.”
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 55 Principle 51- Measuring True Christian Growth by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): 1 Timothy 4:15, Ephesians 4, John 13:34-35  
Description: Paul the Apostle shares with the young Timothy: “Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress.”727 It is possible for others to see your growth in the Lord. Thus gathering in homes and in more intimate meetings—not just once a week—will allow us to encourage each other to grow authentically in our walks with the Lord and not remain hid in the back of a large public church meeting.
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 56 Principle 52- The Practice of Teaching Children by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): Titus 2:4, Proverbs 22:6, Deuteronomy 6:6-7  
Description: All churches have been bulldozed in North Korea except for a few show churches in the main capital of North Korea. Christians practice their faith in secrecy and constant danger. Religious prisoners are often subjected to harsher treatment and given the most dangerous tasks, all to force them to renounce their faith. When they refuse, they have often been tortured to death. Likewise their children are sentenced to hard labor and starved to death.
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 57 Principle 53- Raising Up Many Leaders in the Body by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): 1 Peter 2:5, Mark 10:42-45, 1 Peter 5:3  
Description: Christians in North Korea are expected to be servant leaders and Spirit filled, to share the Word, pray, and preach the Gospel. One of the reasons for the continued existence and growth of the underground Church in North Korea is that they have not been dependent on a few highly esteemed leaders in the Church but have rather emphasized the raising up of all to be servant leaders who are able to edify and build the Church. At the same time the Church in North Korea recognizes whom God has specifically gifted as shepherds. Such servant leaders are esteemed but not idolized.
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 58 Principle 54- Remembering the Poor by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): Matthew 19:21, Galatians 2:10, Matthew 26:11  
Description: During the greatest part of the North Korean famine an estimated two million North Koreans starved to death. This happened during the years of 1995-1998. The famine has continued in reduced measure and North Koreans have still been unable to feed themselves. The World Food Program annually still needs to feed 6 to 8 million of North Korea’s 24 million people.
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 59 Principle 55- Witnessing and Missions Work By Faith by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): Philippians 1:29, Philippians 2:17-18, Luke 12:22  
Description: Witnessing in North Korea is generally very secretive. Christians in North Korea do not pursue the open sharing of the Gospel as it leads to immediate incarceration, beatings, torture and possible martyrdom. There are two added factors that cause Christians to act in secrecy. They do not mind to lose their own lives but if they are discovered in their faith they will give a death sentence to three generations of their families—their fathers and mothers, their grandparents, their uncles and aunts and their children.
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 60 Principle 56- Explosive Growth in an Antichrist State by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): 1 John 2:18, Acts 6:7, 2 Peter 3:9  
Description: For readers to understand the environment Christians face in Iran it is necessary to give a brief summary of the Iranian and Islamic global agenda. Iran is a totalitarian government, a dictatorship, which exercises suppression, persecution and, at times, the death penalty for those of other faiths. The Islamic Republic and its leaders, operate under a great desire for Islamic world dominion with a religious fervor that does not permit faiths other than Islam.
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