 Principles For The Gathering of Believers ( - )
Listen to a freely downloadable audio book Principles For The Gathering of Believers in mp3 format. We need revival in our countries like what we see in the underground house Churches in China. Learn the following from this volume: Prepare for coming persecution in non-persecuted countries. Learn Principles of how to gather as the Church from the Book of Acts and current underground Churches.
Access resources that will help your gathering or house Church meeting. Experience personal revival and the Spirit’s empowerment. In response to reading the Principles book consider to start a fellowship group under the Headship of Jesus Christ in your local area. Learn more at Gospel Fellowships.
| | 21 Principle 17 - The Spirit Is Essential by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Acts 1:8, 1 Corinthians 1:27-28, Luke 9:53-56 | | Description: Christianity was birthed in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit309 and will only continue as we have this empowering from above. When we look at Church history the only truly significant stories of men that influenced and built the kingdom of God were men who were filled with the Holy Spirit. This anointing is something that not only signifies leadership in the Church but also usability before God for His work. Christianity in this way is quite simple, it is a work of the Spirit of God.
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| | | 22 Principle 18 - The Satanic Counterfeit by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): 2 Corinthians 2:11, Ephesians 5:18, John 8:44 | | Description: Though God is always working in different ways and with different means, it is still only by the Spirit of God that the Church will grow. Over the past 50 years particularly originating in Western countries there have been such excesses and abuses of what is considered Spirit-filled Christianity that many true believers have been repulsed completely from even seeking the Lord for the true filling of the Spirit. This is not only a tragedy but one of Satan’s tactics323 to hinder the growth of the true Church of Jesus Christ. The genuine believer should never feel scared to call out to God for fresh infusions of the Spirit of God for service324 and to foster a dependence on the Holy Spirit of God daily in his life.
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| | | 23 Principle 19 - Dependence on the Spirit of Jesus by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 14:24-25, 1 Corinthians 5:4, 1 Corinthians 12:7 | | Description: A godly writer over 200 years ago lamented the lack of the actual presence of God355 in Christian Assemblies with these words: “By this process the Church steadily ceased to be a testimony to the existence, presence, and working of the living and true God. Less and less often did unbelievers coming into the Assembly, and beholding in the spirit and unity and conscience-searching power of the worship, the evidences of His presence and control, exclaim: ‘God is among you indeed.’356 God was worshipped, but as absent; and presently the beauteous divine simplicity of the first days had been materialized into the lifeless magnificence of Roman ritual.”
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| | | 24 Principle 20 - Holy Spirit Normal Christianity by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Acts 17:6, Acts 10:44-46, Acts 19:6 | | Description: As one reads through the Book of Acts, the work of the Holy Spirit in the early Church is evident on every page. If you remove the work of the Holy Spirit from the Book of Acts you have virtually nothing left. Truly, He empowered the first disciples to “turn the world upside down.” The places in the world today where the Church is expanding the fastest are those places where Jesus’ followers are yielded to and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
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| | | 25 Principle 21 - Hungering After the True Holy Spirit Baptism by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Acts 8:18-19, 2 Timothy 2:21, John 4:23 | | Description: It was asked of one brother that travels amongst the house Churches in the Chinese Church and speaks with the underground leaders, “How do the Chinese choose the leaders?” The answer was simple; the brother responded: “Whoever is the hungriest after God, they are the leaders.” Such a need is present in our time for more leaders who are hungry for the Lord and baptized in His Holy Spirit. There is a vast difference between one that seeks the Baptism of the Spirit simply for power377 and one that seeks to know the Lord intimately and desires to be His vessel, fully surrendered.
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| | | 26 Principle 22 - God Uses the Weak By His Spirit by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Isaiah 40:29, Jeremiah 18:6, 2 Corinthians 4:7 | | Description: God does not look to find those who are the elites and those who are the most skilled. Rather He looks for the weak383 and foolish who trust in Him. God uses broken pots and vessels,384 He uses imperfect people who trust in a perfect God. Thus all men will know that it is God who has manifested His power and glory through a brother or sister. It is realized then that it was not the work of men385 but the work of God. To bring maximum glory to His Name the Lord is assembling an end times movement of weak, poor, helpless, and despised people who the religious system of our day have written off as unusable for their purposes.
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| | | 27 Principle 23 - Cults, False Gospels, and Division by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): 1 John 4:1, Matthew 12:25, 1 Corinthians 11:19 | | Description: Religious freedom has its benefits for unhindered preaching of the Gospel. These freedoms have allowed some vibrant godly forms of Christianity to grow and prosper and yet these freedoms have sadly also allowed many of the vilest perversions of Christianity to prosper. One cannot begin to calculate the effects of cults, heretical groups and false gospels that have been allowed to prosper under the banner of religious freedom and expression.
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| | | 28 Principle 24 - Christ the Unity of the Body by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 3, James 4:6, 2 Corinthians 13:5 | | Description: Denominations, being splintered by slight shades of truth, are not pleasing to God, but rather grieve Him, though like a precious diamond we can see something good in every denomination.404 There is always some truth that one specific denomination knows, believes and preaches that is noteworthy and admirable for us to learn from. Yet overall it is not God’s perfect will for His body to be divided.
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| | | 29 Principle 25 - Not Judging Others by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Acts 8:21, Acts 4, 1 Peter 1:16 | | Description: Many in our day will judge and consider a believer not saved or born-again if they do not meet a specific man-made standard. If a believer is not overcoming 100% in a specific area, or is partaking in some worldly activity, one may judge and claim that believer is not saved. Such merely outward judging is not spiritual but an immature and dangerous thing to do. Of course, if a believer is blatantly continuing in outward sin he must be dealt with in gentleness and love. As God taught us through the Book of Acts and Epistles of Paul, corrective measures as determined by the Holy Spirit might be necessary. This may include asking a believer to leave the Assembly for a period of time.
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| | | 30 Principle 26 - Having a Right Doctrine But Wrong Spirit by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Zephaniah 3:17, John 17:3, 1 John 3:6 | | Description: There is a saying: “You can be so right that you become wrong.” Sadly some in Church history were 100% right in their doctrines but in their practice they were wrong. The goal of the Christian life is to know and love God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, receiving eternal life through the Son, and resulting in a glorious and personal relationship with the Triune God. Where we love Him, worship Him serve Him, obey Him and where we experience His love and His care for us.
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| | | 31 Principle 27 - The Priority of Love by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Colossians 1:4, Galatians 5:15, Philippians 2:3-4 | | Description: The Lord is crystal clear in the priority and importance He puts on our love one for another. This is not an option but a reality that will manifest when true believers are together.447 If love is lacking there should be a sense of alarm that something is wrong in the body life.448 The law of love says: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.”449 Our Lord not only commanded the early disciples to love one another but said that it would be a fruit that would show the world that God has assembled a Church on the earth. Every believer should consider reading through 1 Corinthians chapter 13 on a regular basis to keep the right priority in Christian discipleship.
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| | | 32 Principle 28 - Examine Yourself and Correction in Love by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): James 3:6, Matthew 18:15-17, Proverbs 27:5 | | Description: In this age of technology when we get hurt it is easy to go to Facebook, or other social media to voice our feelings. For many of us having mercy or asking: Am I correct in feeling this way? can become an afterthought. Scripture reminds us to examine ourselves first. Judging, criticizing, maligning character, slandering and speaking to tear down another is probably one of the easiest things to do. Sadly, in the Christianity of our day such unedifying practices are applauded as righteous and discerning. Tearing down has become a ministry preoccupation with many in the blogosphere and Internet in general.
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| | | 33 Principle 29 - Being Rich In Mercy by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): 1 Timothy 1:2, Jude 1:2, Titus 3:5 | | Description: In many of the Epistles, the Apostles began with the wonderful phrase: “Grace and mercy.”486 If God began writing many of His holy Letters to us in this manner, then we should do also in our own correspondence with others in the body of Christ. In the beginning of the Book of Jude we read, “Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.”487 Do we find it easy to wish mercy on others in abundance or are we quick to condemn? One that finds it easy to judge others has lost the perspective that he was shown much mercy from God. For it is by grace and mercy we have been saved by the blood of God’s Son. In the Book of Titus it says: “Not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy.”
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| | | 34 Principle 30 - Reading the Entirety of Scriptures by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 6:20, Matthew 4:4, Colossians 3:1-3 | | Description: For many Christians in countries with no persecution, having a Bible—the full Scriptures495—is often not appreciated. We do not realize that the Bible is our greatest physical treasure in this world. In persecuted nations our sisters and brothers weep over the Word of God and often only have parts of the New Testament or literally scraps of paper with copied Scripture verses on them. Yet for some in the body of Christ there is great abundant access to full Bibles in literally hundreds of translations.
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| | | 35 Principle 31 - Godly Disciplines for Assemblies by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Matthew 6:16-18, Matthew 4:1-11, Isaiah 40:30-31 | | Description: One of the hidden jewels of the Church is godly discipline. There has been a great lack of teaching and encouragement in modern evangelicalism towards the godly disciplines of: Fasting, waiting on God, early rising, head coverings, prevailing prayer, systematic Bible reading, Bible memorization, kneeling in prayer, and many other godly traditions in Church history.
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| | | 36 Principle 32 - Godliness Through the Act of Submission by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Ephesians 4:11-12, 1 Peter 5:1-4, Isaiah 14:12-15 | | Description: One of the most important areas of godliness in the life of a believer is the area of submission. If one is not submissive but rebellious in spirit, there is a great danger of pride and sin. Many warnings are given in Scripture towards that state of rebellion and un-submissiveness in a believer’s life. We must recognize God’s sovereignty and rule over all creation, our lives and the Church. We must submit our minds to the authority of Scripture as we submit to God in our spirits; He owns us now.
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| | | 37 Principle 33 - The Obedience of Believers Baptism by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): 1 Peter 2:9, Mark 1:11, Matthew 28:19 | | Description: In Christendom there have been huge divisions over the doctrine of Baptism. Yet this practice is not something to be ignored for it is Biblical and needs to be exhibited in the life of the Church. Baptism is something that is reserved only for believers who have come “out of darkness into his wonderful light.”538 Many true believers became martyrs to defend and stand upon the truth of believer’s Baptism.
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| | | 38 Principle 34 - The Body of Christ An Army of Evangelists by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): John 12:24, Luke 15:7, Matthew 28:16-20 | | Description: According to the Chinese rural underground Church witnessing, evangelizing and making new disciples is the number one task of the Church. Their cry to go and make new disciples is backed up with their very lives. In many cases if they speak to the wrong person about Jesus, they face prison, torture and even death. The task of sharing the Gospel is for every Christian, even if they give their life as a martyr. Chinese Christians teach us that when their seed (their life) has gone into the ground and died it will multiply and produce much more fruit.544 With their blood new growth is coming. The seed, their body that died now produces 100 fold, 1000 fold or even more.
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| | | 39 Principle 35 - The Lord Supper The Death of Christ by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 11:26, Ephesians 2:3, 2 Corinthians 5:21 | | Description: The Lord’s Supper is clearly a New Testament practice that the early disciples kept, as its significance is tied into the end of the age. The Scripture says that as we remember the Lord we are proclaiming His death until He comes back.555 This death is important because by the death of Christ, He took upon Himself our sins and absolved the wrath of God on our behalf.556 What a glorious Good News to celebrate that this is a finished work557 and we do not have to suffer the wrath of God for our sins if we are in Jesus Christ and walking in a life of true discipleship with Him.
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| | | 40 Principle 36 - Dependence on the Moving of the Holy Spirit by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): 2 Timothy 3:4, Acts 8:18-19, 2 Corinthians 11:15 | | Description: In The Book of Acts the Church was birthed, led, sustained and grew in the power of the Holy Spirit. For many there is a hesitancy to speak much of depending radically on the moving of the Holy Spirit. Today for many sincere Bible believing Christians this terminology brings to mind many excesses of the worst kind—whether it’s the selfish seeking after the Spirit of God for a feeling,569 an anointing to enjoy for ourselves,570 some sort of extravagant healing such as gold in the teeth or other blatant extra-biblical manifestations that grieve the heart of God. The Devil our enemy always makes a pseudo571 of the genuine in attempts to deceive572 some and deter others. Some in these charismatic circles claim the Chinese Church is experiencing the same manifestations, but this is not true.
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