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Audio Sermons : Carter Conlon : 

Carter Conlon

Carter Conlon ( - Present)

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Carter Conlon in mp3 format. Carter Conlon is the Senior Pastor of Times Square Church. David Wilkerson is the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church. God called Brother Carter to full-time ministry in Canada by faith and He has been serving the Lord with the same faith till this day.

God has used brother Carter Conlon to preach across the world at pastors conferences and evangelism crusades. He has also recently written 2 books with the newest title: "Fear Not" in which he is strengthening the body of Christ for what is coming upon the world in the end-times.

SermonIndex Recommends these books by Carter Conlon:
It's Time to Pray: God's Power Changes Everything by Carter Conlon
Fear Not: Living Courageously in Uncertain Times by Carter Conlon
The 180 Degree Christian: Serving Jesus in a Culture of Excess by Carter Conlon

 An Open Door To Joy by Carter Conlon

Topic: Joy
Description: Christ is real and He offers us an invitation to an eternal life. Jesus desires us to know Him and there is an open door that you can walk through. Today, if you open your heart you will find behind that door is all the resources you will need for time and eternity.
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 And He Prayed Again by Carter Conlon

Topic: Prayer
Description: nil
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 And the Word of the Lord Came by Carter Conlon

Topic: Word Of God
Description: nil
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 Anoint Our Eyes Again by Carter Conlon

Topic: Anointing
Description: nil
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 Another Jesus by Carter Conlon

Topic: Another Jesus
Scripture(s): 2 Corinthians 11:1-4  
Description: Pastor Conlon goes through many other scriptures in this stirring message about the Jesus of the Bible, and man's preconceived notion of Jesus, based on men's theology and doctrines. The primary concern of the LOrd is that he get hold of your life and form himself in you, even if it means you might suffer because of what he's doing in your life. He wants the fruit of Christ manifested in you, that others will be brought out of darkness into the light. That your life be used for his glory and that you take up your cross and follow him daily. Not sure what your cross is? This message helps you understand.
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 Answers From The Secret Place Of Thunder by Carter Conlon

Topic: Voice Of God
Description: nil
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 Are the Giants Really Necessary? by Carter Conlon

Topic: Victory
Scripture(s): Deuteronomy 20:1-4, Psalm 24:1  
Description: August 16, 2009 - What do you do when you find giants occupying the very land that God promised is yours? Have you ever asked yourself, "if God is with us why do I face such violent opposition?" Are these obstacles and giants necessary? Obstacles and giants are placed on our path to teach us that we are not God. He is, and in and of yourself there is no strength to defeat these enemies. The Word of God promises that God Himseld will fight for us! Victory comes when we stand against these giants in the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory and honor of God's Name!
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 Are You Tired Of Being God? by Carter Conlon

Topic: Christian Life
Scripture(s): Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 15:4-8, Ephesians 2:4-6  
Description: November 28, 2010 - Man's inherent problem is that he thought in himself that he could be God. We all have a sin nature in us that desires to make choices apart from the will of God. God gave us the law as a school master to prove to us that we can't keep it. When we try to struggle our way out of a situation we are being God in that area. When we try to defeat sin in our own strength we are being God in that area. God the Father and Jesus Christ made a covenant with each other to put an end to sin and the power it has over us. It is only when we bend our knee to God and put our faith in the finished work of the Cross the struggle stops and God can be God to us. WE don't make promises to God, He makes them to us and He keeps them. It is not about works, it is all about faith in what Christ has already done.
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 Are Your Feet Where They Should Be? by Carter Conlon

Topic: Unbelief
Description: If the poison of unbelief is in your heart the devil has the ability to take your God given mission from you. At the Cross, Jesus crushed the power of Satan. It’s time for God’s people to rise up and recognize our feet are on the devil’s head because Jesus took the devil captive and got the victory. It’s time to stand up and declare we are more than conquerors in Christ.
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 As Christ Love His Church by Carter Conlon

Topic: Church
Description: nil
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 Ask Jesus Now For The Things That You Need by Carter Conlon

Topic: Provision
Scripture(s): Matthew 7:7-12  
Description: November 14, 2010 - The time for seeking God is now. The Bible says ask, seek, knock and God Himself will answer you and give you what you need. The question is what are we asking for? We are called to be a testimony of Jesus Christ in the earth. The light and life of Christ is given to those who are given for the purposes of God. Ask for your heart to be broken for the lost. Ask for the strength to take up your cross and follow Jesus. We are to seek first His kingdom. Seek the heart and the will of God and He promises that all we need will be given to us and at the end of the day we will have joy!
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 Awakening from the Sleep of Sorrow by Carter Conlon

Topic: Sorrow
Scripture(s): Luke 22:39-46, Mark 14:40, John 16:5-6  
Description: November 1, 2009 - Many of us who are on a journey with the Lord come into the Kingdom with our own ideas about how He should manifest His life through us. In the coming days many will experience intense sorrow as our image of God and our own image of how we think Christ should be glorified through us will suddenly be taken away from us. Things that we thought we were going to be in Christ and things that we thought God was obligated to do through us will suddenly be shaken. God in His mercy will shake everything that can be shaken so we can gain a right perspective of who He is and who we are in Christ! God will shake it all until all worldly security is gone and there is nothing left in His church but Christ Himself!
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 Be Still, And Know That I Am God by Carter Conlon

Topic: God
Description: nil
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 Be Sure, Your Sin Will Find You Out by Carter Conlon

Topic: Sin
Scripture(s): Numbers 32:16-23  
Description: March 16, 2008 - The whole moral law calls us to be separate from the thinking of the world. If you settle in a certain comfort zone and begin to focus on self, to the exclusion of those who haven't come into your inheritance, this is the sin that WILL find you out. We can be sure that there will be a great personal cost to those who pursue self interest while there are others who still don't know the Lord. We are not called to live for ourselves. We are called to follow our Savior.
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 Bear Fruit or Burn by Carter Conlon

Topic: Bearing Fruit
Description: nil
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 Beauty for Ashes - Day 1 by Carter Conlon

Topic: Haiti
Description: nil
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 Beauty for Ashes - Day 3 by Carter Conlon

Topic: Haiti
Description: nil
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 Becoming A Child Of The Day by Carter Conlon

Topic: Walking In The Spirit
Description: nil
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 Becoming Familiar with the Presence of God by Carter Conlon

Topic: Presence of God
Scripture(s): Mark 3:31-35  
Description: February 14, 2006 – Over time familiarity comes into the heart and produces a loss of awe for the presence of God. The presence of God was bought with the Blood of Jesus as He endured the violence of the cross through a passionate love for humanity. May we never become familiar and careless with the His presence that was purchased for a with a passionate love of a father that sent His only Son to Die on a cross so that we can be free.
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 Believing the Whispers of God by Carter Conlon

Topic: Guidance Of God
Scripture(s): 1 Kings 19:11-13, Isaiah 30:20-21  
Description: December 10, 2006 - We may be experiencing adversity and various trials but if you have an honest heart God will instruct us and guide us with His Word. When the Lord has used His servant and His touch has come upon us there is a season of weeping and spiritual fatigue that will follow. It is in these seasons that satan himself will come with roaring accusations and attempt to lead us into a wilderness and a sense of powerlessness. It is complete fiction to believe the devil has any power to take you as a sincere believer from the security of your position through Christ in God. The devil can only come against us with roaring lies but in REALITY he has no power to do this. God Himself will come and whisper His mercy and love to show us we are not alone and evil will not triumph over us. He will vanquish our enemies with a still small voice and comfort and nourish us.
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