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Audio Sermons : Carter Conlon : 

Carter Conlon

Carter Conlon ( - Present)

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Carter Conlon in mp3 format. Carter Conlon is the Senior Pastor of Times Square Church. David Wilkerson is the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church. God called Brother Carter to full-time ministry in Canada by faith and He has been serving the Lord with the same faith till this day.

God has used brother Carter Conlon to preach across the world at pastors conferences and evangelism crusades. He has also recently written 2 books with the newest title: "Fear Not" in which he is strengthening the body of Christ for what is coming upon the world in the end-times.

SermonIndex Recommends these books by Carter Conlon:
It's Time to Pray: God's Power Changes Everything by Carter Conlon
Fear Not: Living Courageously in Uncertain Times by Carter Conlon
The 180 Degree Christian: Serving Jesus in a Culture of Excess by Carter Conlon

 When God Rests Under the Tree by Carter Conlon

Topic: Rest Of God
Scripture(s): Genesis 18:1-5  
Description: April 10,2005 - The man who is getting close to God becomes increasingly aware of the depth of his failings. God looks to the man who has a broken spirit and a contrite heart, the man who knows he has no resources apart from God. The man who comes to God with the little he has and offers it to Him will be used by God to do the miraculous . It is in this Heart that God can rest.
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 When God Sends Leanness Into The Soul by Carter Conlon

Topic: Rest Of God
Scripture(s): Psalm 106:15  
Description: This sermon speaks of how God sends leanness into the lives of Christians when they won’t rest in what his direction is for their lives. Carter illustrates, through various scriptures, how Christians find themselves in dry places because they are not content in the station that God has put them in. An illustration that Carter used was the complaining that the children went through in the wilderness when they weren’t content with the manna. The scripture that this sermon was built around was Psalm 106:15 And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul.
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 When God Takes Away Familiar Things by Carter Conlon

Topic: Circumstances
Scripture(s): Hebrews 13:14, Revelation 2  
Description: This message is about the need to not depend on circumstances in our lives staying the same and putting our future in the hands of God. Carter points out that a Christians life of self denial involves continuous change and that it is important not to rely on past or present people, places, or things. We go from glory to glory and there is a constant need for change. When Christians refuse to change, they stay in secure places and do things even in worship that that are the way they have always done them. Churches that that once had fire can become dead by not changing. Carter went to Rev 2 with the church of Ephesus as an example of a church without change leaving it's first love for familiarity. Carter used the example of Peter getting out of the boat to walk on water of a person who gets away from the security of familiar circumstances to follow the Lord's bidding. Hebrews 13;14 Was quoted early by Carter, "We have no continuing city".
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 When Heaven Decides to Fight by Carter Conlon

Topic: Spiritual Warfare
Scripture(s): Judges 4:1-3  
Description: July 10, 2005 - When we finally say enough against the enemy the Lord will come to our defense and fight our enemies. We must begin to understand that God will answer the cry of His people. There is a season when God Almighty will arise to defend the rights of His own name. We are living in a time when God will fight for every soul who longs to be set free and follow after Christ.
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 When I Don't Understand by Carter Conlon

Topic: Guidance
Description: nil
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 When Jacob Sees His Children by Carter Conlon

Topic: Jacob
Scripture(s): Acts 24  
Description: February 22, 2009 - When there is not an honest seeking of God the church will begin to turn inward and lose her focus on Christ and become a counterfeit religious system with no answer. True value is not in embracing the things of this world but embracing the life of Christ and doing what He has called us to do. In these last days God will bring the truth of Christ back into focus through His church. When this religious system sees the children of God who are empowered by the Holy Spirit and walking in the joy of Jesus, then many will turn back to the Lord in this generation. Religion will forever bend its knee when there is a God-gripped people in the midst.
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 When Judgment Returns to Righteousness by Carter Conlon

Topic: Judgment
Scripture(s): Psalms 94:1-15  
Description: September 11, 2005 - The world will be judged on a specific day, but for the church of Jesus Christ judgment has already begun. The judgment that is now in the church is not to condemn us , rather it is to return us to righteousness and to make us more like Christ so we can be vessels that truly honor God. God is faithful to come against everything in our heart that is unlike Him .A true Christian will both invite and embrace the judgment of God.
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 When Liars Stand Before Gods Throne by Carter Conlon

Topic: Liars
Scripture(s): Acts 20:26-30, Proverbs 5:11-14  
Description: This is an EXCELLENT message. A great challenge for all leaders, especially, but it should definitly be heard by all! This message deals with the dangers of not delivering the FULL counsel of God.
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 When Lions Have Nothing More to Say by Carter Conlon

Topic: Prayer
Scripture(s): Daniel 6:19-23  
Description: October 19, 2008 - It's time to stand in prayer, unmoved by the roar of Satan's lies. The devil only needs one area of sin in our heart to take us down. We can shut the mouth of the lions when we don’t allow past betrayals, injustice, jealousy and anger keep us from moving forward in Christ. We must get to the point where the devil has nothing more to say to us concerning these areas of pain. We know we are of an excellent spirit when we can bless the hand that God has used to hammer out our character on the anvil. We must understand that we don't grow by having our battles go away. We grow by having our battles finish their intended purposes.
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 When Lust is the Reason People Reach for the Promise by Carter Conlon

Topic: Promise
Description: nil
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 When Mercy Kills an Outstretched Hand by Carter Conlon

Topic: Presence of God
Scripture(s): John 10:12, 2 Samuel 6:1-11  
Description: This is a very powerful message about the fear of the Lord and the lack of respect in the Church for His presence. This message can be summed up in a single quote from Pastor Conlon, "Lose everything in your life but don't lose the presence of God."
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 When Obedience Makes You Dance by Carter Conlon

Topic: Obedience
Scripture(s): 1 Samuel 15:22-23  
Description: May 16, 2010 - "Obey God," the words of Evan Roberts that started the Welsh Revival. What would be the outcome if we would simply choose to obey God? At some point we have to realize that the same God who created the universe lives inside of us and will enable us to accomplish all that He's called us to do. There comes a time when God doesn't have to speak anymore because you already know what He wants you to do. God says put away the old man and put away the old nature. He is seeking for a man after His own heart who would simply walk in obedience with Him. Are you embracing something that God has clearly told you to put away? The word of the Lord to you today is obey God! Obedience is the beginning of the journey of dancing.
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 When Prayer Touches Glory by Carter Conlon

Topic: Prayer
Scripture(s): Luke 11:1-13  
Description: There is a real spiritual battle when a Christian tries to pray. Even the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. As they listened to the Lord pray to his Father, something stirred them about how Jesus prayed, the intimacy Jesus had with the Father was apparent to them as they listened to his prayer, prompting them to ask him to teach them to pray. Praying the scriptures adds power to prayer. This is a wonderful instruction on how to pray, for anyone who's become discouraged with their prayer life, this is a must hear.
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 When Prophets Return to the Gate by Carter Conlon

Topic: Prophets
Scripture(s): 2 Corinthians 13:1-6  
Description: nil
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 When Religion Wants to Be Worshipped by Carter Conlon

Topic: Religion
Scripture(s): Luke 4:5-8  
Description: December 17, 2006 - The devil was corrupted by his distorted image of himself and in this corruption he desired to be worshipped. The very heart of satan finds refuge in religion and causes false teachers and false prophets to be moved outside of the true works of God. These types of preachers make their way into pulpits and bow down to the worship and agenda of man. When worship is true worship the voice of God is immediately heard. Wisdom is found of God as we lay down our treasures at His feet with no agenda of personal gain. True worship is content in seeking the likeness of Christ and is surrendered totally to His purposes.
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 When Signs Point in the Wrong Direction by Carter Conlon

Topic: Deception
Scripture(s): Matthew 5:13-14  
Description: June 3, 2007 - We are living in a time when the bride of Christ is looking in the wrong direction and her heart is looking back at the world she should have left behind. Jesus makes a clear declaration for His church on this side of eternity that we are the salt of the earth and the light in a dark world. If our heart is one with God's heart, God will work supernaturally through us and we will become a living testimony for the redemption of man. The very life we live should create a thirst for the living God and His light should be seen in us.
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 When Sin And Religion Become Friends by Carter Conlon

Topic: Compromise
Scripture(s): Matthew 6:22-23  
Description: October 17, 2010 - There is no deeper darkness than when sin and religion become friends. When we sit under the true preaching of God's Word and then embrace a lie, sin and religion become friends. It is that inner struggle that we all have to face from time to time when we come to a minimal understanding of the ways of God, and yet in our own heart we think we might know a better way than the one God has planned for us. There is incredible power in the deceptiveness of the human heart. God is calling us to be single focused and to agree with His truth so that our heart will not be veiled with the deceit of religion. When we turn, with all of our heart, to the Lord, the veil is lifted and our lives become a testimony of His goodness and power.
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 When Society Begs Jesus To Touch His Church by Carter Conlon

Topic: Church
Description: The church is left here on earth to be engaged in the work of God that will benefit others. This is a moment in history where there is a collective cry in society for the church to beg Jesus to touch the lost. If you lost your passion for souls, Jesus wants to touch you and give you a renewed vision and a revived heart to see people the way He sees them.
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 When Someone Decides to Pray by Carter Conlon

Topic: Prayer
Description: nil
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 When Tears Come to a Religious Man's House by Carter Conlon

Topic: Religion
Scripture(s): Luke 7:36-47  
Description: January 14, 2007 - When Jesus comes to a religious man's home the religious man will not touch the feet of Jesus because the dirt of this world is on them. He doesn't want this dirt on his hands because it offends his religion. The fruit of this religion that does not have the heart of God in it is a cold formality and a skepticism. When was the last time you raised up your hands to God and thanked Him for what He has done in your life and His faithfulness? Tears of gratitude refresh Jesus. These tears come from a genuine work of God and a worship that remembers where He brought us from and that He is the source of my work.
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