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Audio Sermons : Carter Conlon : 

Carter Conlon

Carter Conlon ( - Present)

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Carter Conlon in mp3 format. Carter Conlon is the Senior Pastor of Times Square Church. David Wilkerson is the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church. God called Brother Carter to full-time ministry in Canada by faith and He has been serving the Lord with the same faith till this day.

God has used brother Carter Conlon to preach across the world at pastors conferences and evangelism crusades. He has also recently written 2 books with the newest title: "Fear Not" in which he is strengthening the body of Christ for what is coming upon the world in the end-times.

SermonIndex Recommends these books by Carter Conlon:
It's Time to Pray: God's Power Changes Everything by Carter Conlon
Fear Not: Living Courageously in Uncertain Times by Carter Conlon
The 180 Degree Christian: Serving Jesus in a Culture of Excess by Carter Conlon

 We Must Find Our Strength Again by Carter Conlon

Topic: Strength
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 We Still Have Time to Make a Difference by Carter Conlon

Topic: Christian Life
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 Wedding Wine by Carter Conlon

Topic: Christian Life
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 Weeping Over The Provision Of God by Carter Conlon

Topic: Provision
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 What Can The Righteous Do? by Carter Conlon

Topic: Courage
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 What Does It Take to See God by Carter Conlon

Topic: Seeing God
Scripture(s): Matthew 23:34-39  
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 What Will it Take for God to Use My Life Again? by Carter Conlon

Topic: Renewal
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 What Will We Do When Jesus Knocks? by Carter Conlon

Topic: Being Ready
Scripture(s): Revelation 3:14-22  
Description: December 12, 2010 - If we are truly Christians we are called to be given to the poor and afflicted. When the Son of God knocks on the door of your heart to put what you know about Him into practice, how will you respond? We are called to take everything God has given to us and use it for the betterment of human suffering. This doesn't make sense to the natural man who will choose self preservation and stay locked behind a closed door fellowship. If you reach out to the widow and the hungry in a time of famine, the treasure of Jesus Christ will be unlocked to you. When we turn our hearts away from helping the poor and needy, we rob ourselves of the presence of God. Jesus stands at the door and knocks and if you will open the door He will give you provision to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and touch the heart of a sin-sick world. Let your heart come into agreement with what God speaks for your life. If you have resisted this call Jesus is willing to knock again.
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 When an Angel Leads the Church by Carter Conlon

Topic: Deliverance
Scripture(s): Exodus 14  
Description: (Preached: May 18, 2003) From Ex. 14 through Ex. 35 Pastor Conlon goes through several chapters and verses to illustrate how the devil always tries to box God's people in to stop the work of God in their life and prevent them from going forward deeper into the promised rest God has for his own. When God said "Let my people go" it had to happen for when he speaks it is done. God spoke this world into existence, and he wants to speak deliverance into your life!!!!
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 When Carnal Men Claim the Throne by Carter Conlon

Topic: Carnality
Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 4:8-16, Jeremiah 23:21-22, 2 Chronicles 18  
Description: May 4, 2008 - The voice of the Lord is coming to all the Jehoshaphats of this generation asking, "What are you doing helping those who exploit the poor, the widows and the fatherless?" God is beseeching them to ask Him for an eye salve anointing that they may see again and to ask for a purity of heart to look away from self and come back to the simplicity that is in Christ. False prophets are resisting Christ Himself for power, money and fame. Biblical prosperity is not given to bigger cars and houses. Biblical prosperity is to be poured out for lost humanity with the compassion and selflessness of Jesus Christ.
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 When Christians Make Mistakes by Carter Conlon

Topic: Mistakes
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 When Compassion Offends God by Carter Conlon

Topic: Offending God
Scripture(s): Matthew 16:21-28  
Description: September 14, 2008 - Success in ministry is a dangerous thing if you have an unsurrendered heart. When our sin nature is mixed with the revelation of Jesus Christ we will become "as God" to ourselves and others. When our will and affections are set upon our fallen nature we will become an offense to Christ and we will be tempted to pursue a coarse that will lead to ruin. To be a disciple of Jesus we must be totally abandoned to the Will and Purposes of God and follow the PATHWAY that He has chose for us. It is better to follow God and lose everything than to lose God and gain everything.
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 When Corruption Turns to Revelation by Carter Conlon

Topic: Revelation
Scripture(s): 1 Chronicles 21:1-4  
Description: October 9, 2005 - Why must we as believers be aware of our own corruption? It is simply because the believer an exchanged life, His life for ours. If we do not see within ourselves that which falls short of the glory of God we would be content with our lives the way they are and fail to demand the exchange that is rightfully ours. We must cry out to the Holy Spirit to uncover the corruption and then come to heavens exchange counter to give us what we need to walk in the abundant life.
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 When Darkness Fails to Comprehend the Light by Carter Conlon

Topic: Following Jesus
Scripture(s): John 19:5-7  
Description: June 04, 2006 – When we choose to follow Jesus there has to be a complete upheaval of a former inner value system. So many today are following the wrong Jesus. Many don’t want to follow a Christ that uses His resources and power to help others. Many want the power of Christ but not the path of Christ. Folloing Jesus will lead us down a road of self sacrafice. It is at this crossroad where many turn away from folowing the Jesus of the bible.
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 When Death Hears the Voice of God by Carter Conlon

Topic: Voice Of God
Scripture(s): John 11:24-26, 1 Thessalonians 4:16  
Description: A terrific message using the resurrection of Lazarus to illustrate the purpose of the gospel; This is about those who are in the grave of sin being lifted from spiritual and physical death to life, by moving to the sound of His voice now.
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 When Death Seems Like a Better Option by Carter Conlon

Topic: Death
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 When Defeat Becomes Doctrine by Carter Conlon

Topic: Defeat
Scripture(s): Judges 6:11-12  
Description: Great message! If there were really revival in America, people would be walking in Victory over sin. "Defeat" has become doctrine in far too many churches. This is another powerful rebuke toward "false" Christianity. A "must hear" for any Christian.
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 When Deliverance Looks Like Old Rotten Rags by Carter Conlon

Topic: Deliverance
Scripture(s): Jeremiah 38:6-13  
Description: August 24, 2008 - Have you ever been in a situation that was so perplexing where you knew that God was able to deliver you but nothing happened? When we lose sight of the promises of God we can't see our way out of spiritual depression. There is a deep compassion that is worked in us when we experience the valley of the shadow of death. Until we suffer we can't hear the cry of the suffering. We need the old time compassion of Christ and the old time burden for the lost. If we begin to thank God in the midst of our struggle Jesus Christ will be glorified.
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 When Even Prayer Seems Impossible by Carter Conlon

Topic: Impossibilities
Scripture(s): Matthew 26:36-46, 1 Chronicles 13:1-11  
Description: Have you ever been in a place where you feel something you have to do is impossible? where you try to accomplish what you think is the will of God only to find that your religious zeal is going against the very revealed word of almighty God. This is where Peter, James and John where when Jesus invited them to go into Gethsemane, just a few hours before they had pledged to the Lord that they would not desert Him even though He Himself had told them they would scatter as sheep without a Shepherd. The power of the Holy Spirit was not yet given and so Peter was moving in the flesh, he didn't see where the resources for maintaining a close walk with Jesus would come from. But it is through Christ that all things are made possible to us, all the purposes God would have us to accomplish can be met as long as we realize our own weakness and abject need for Christ to live His life through us and that this can only be done by complete reliance on Him for the resources.
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 When God Is Exalted In Judgment by Carter Conlon

Topic: Judgment
Scripture(s): Isaiah 5  
Description: May 25, 2008 - God says if you don’t exalt me I will exalt myself. If we judge ourselves by measuring ourselves by the standard of Christ and aligning our heart with the Word of God we will not be judged. God in His mercy will take us by the hand and lead us outside of the mindset of selfishness and self consumption. God is calling us to escape to the mountain of calvary where self dies, and we move out of the realm of "self" and a "me first" mindset to the giving of ourselves for the Glory of God. God desires to baptize us with His compassion to put others first. Do you want your heart marked with the compassion of Jesus Christ?
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