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Audio Sermons : Carter Conlon : 

Carter Conlon

Carter Conlon ( - Present)

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Carter Conlon in mp3 format. Carter Conlon is the Senior Pastor of Times Square Church. David Wilkerson is the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church. God called Brother Carter to full-time ministry in Canada by faith and He has been serving the Lord with the same faith till this day.

God has used brother Carter Conlon to preach across the world at pastors conferences and evangelism crusades. He has also recently written 2 books with the newest title: "Fear Not" in which he is strengthening the body of Christ for what is coming upon the world in the end-times.

SermonIndex Recommends these books by Carter Conlon:
It's Time to Pray: God's Power Changes Everything by Carter Conlon
Fear Not: Living Courageously in Uncertain Times by Carter Conlon
The 180 Degree Christian: Serving Jesus in a Culture of Excess by Carter Conlon

 They Bowed Their Heads And Worshipped by Carter Conlon

Topic: Worship
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 Thoughts On Faith and Prayer by Carter Conlon

Topic: Prayer
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 Thoughts On Faith And Prayer by Carter Conlon

Topic: Prayer
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 Thoughts On Faith And Prayer by Carter Conlon

Topic: Faith
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 Thy Kingdom Come by Carter Conlon

Topic: Kingdom Of God
Scripture(s): Matthew 24:3-14, Matthew 13:11, Matthew 21:43  
Description: The kingdom of God is not an exterior kingdom, it is interior. The Kingdom of God is within us. Jesus said the Kingdom of God has nothing to do with outward show. It is a work that God is doing in us. It is Christ Himself coming into our heart to sit down and commune with us and bring us into the plan of God. The Kingdom is an interior work of God does in the heart. When the kingdom of God is set up in our heart we will put all our dreams at the feet of Jesus and be moved with compassion to leave our security until we finds the lost sheep and bring them home to the Father's House. Will you open up your heart to the cry of this generation? It starts with this cry: THY KINGDOM COME!
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 Tis Not The Season To Be Discouraged by Carter Conlon

Topic: Discouragement
Scripture(s): 1 Kings 19:11-13, 1 Kings 18:46  
Description: December 16, 2007 - The Christmas season for many is a time of loneliness and discouragement. There is a moment in everyone's life when God will come and whisper His truth in our hearts, that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE when Christ is at the center of our lives. God has the power to break us into pieces and consume us, and He would be be completely justified in doing so, but it is not in His heart to do so. Christmas is a season that reminds us that no matter how many times we fail Him, He sent His son Jesus to carry us through our journey. God walks with those who walk with Him. He restores, He gives strength, He gives hope and provision. This season we are lovingly reminded that the supernatural life of Christ is entwined with the natural life of man and we become a new creation. This Christmas listen to the still small voice of Jesus and let Him fill your heart with JOY.
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 Touching the Tears of Failure by Carter Conlon

Topic: Failure
Scripture(s): Hebrews 11:21  
Description: November 9, 2008 - The plan of God is not hindered in our life because of our failures and frailties. We will be brought into an incredible battle through the events of our life. Questions will bombard our mind such as, "Have I grieved you? Did I miss God? Did I really hear from God?" Through this time of discouragement God is working behind the scenes and like living water that can flow through every hindrance, He will bypass our failures and frailties and bring us into His divine purpose and plan. When we see Jesus at the end of our journey He will begin to wipe away all our tears. We are going to a place where there is no sorrow or pain, so take heart!
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 Trust In Christ Is Everything by Carter Conlon

Topic: Trusting God
Scripture(s): Hebrews 11:8-10  
Description: A message of separation focusing on our trust in God and in laying down that which is dearest to our heart, our sense of purpose and value is not here in this world, it's in Christ alone. This is a great exhortation on the overcoming power of our in-dwelling God.
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 Unafraid and Unashamed by Carter Conlon

Topic: Unashamed
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 Understanding Spiritual Authority (Part 1): What is Aaron That You Murmur Against Him? by Carter Conlon

Topic: Spiritual Authority
Scripture(s): Numbers 16:1-11  
Description: October 23, 2005 - Aaron was grafted into the body to supply a lack. The failure to acknowledge Aaron was a failure to bend the knee and acknowledge God. The inability to acknowledge ministry leaders in the place where God has placed them in the body is rebellion against God. Many times we form in our mind a perceived deficiency toward that person based on our own opinion. How can we say Jesus is Lord and not acknowledge His authority.
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 Understanding Spiritual Authority (Part 2): The Purpose and the Limits of Authority by Carter Conlon

Topic: Spiritual Authority
Scripture(s): Ephesians 4:10-13  
Description: November 2, 2005 - This is a teaching about righteous and unrighteous authority and the principals of action we must follow to deal with the situation. Humility and a non argumentative attitude is much needed in these particular situations.
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 Understanding Spiritual Authority (Part 3): The Greatest Faith in Israel by Carter Conlon

Topic: Spiritual Authority
Scripture(s): Matthew 8:5-10, Matthew 8:13  
Description: November 6, 2005 - The spoken word of the scriptures has the same force of authority of the God who said “let there be light”. When we place ourselves under the authority of God’s word our eyes are open to see and know the power of the spoken word of God. There is a faith that is infused in us when we place ourselves under the authority of God’s word.
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 Understanding the Joy of The Lord by Carter Conlon

Topic: Joy
Scripture(s): Romans 15:13   
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 Understanding The Sorrow Of Christ by Carter Conlon

Topic: Sorrow
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 Unholy Boldness by Carter Conlon

Topic: Boldness
Scripture(s): Revelation 1:1-3  
Description: September 25, 2005 - Those who defy the authority of God in the unveiling of Christ – their judgment is a sudden opening of that which comes from the mouth of the earth into their heart. In defying the appearing of Christ their hearts are now opened to the spirit of the world and the spirit of the world opens its mouth and swallows them and they disappear from the congregation and they lose their zeal for God.
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 Victory Comes When Victory Can No Longer Come by Carter Conlon

Topic: Victory
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 Voices In The Coming Storm by Carter Conlon

Topic: Storms
Scripture(s): Isaiah 24:10  
Description: Carter starts this message out at Isaiah 24:10 where the word speaks of a hard time that is to come. He uses this verse then different verses\ with the disciples in boats during storms to show the need of having to learn a lesson of faith. In this message Carter shows how God allows his people to go through hard times so that they later are able to trust the Lord in the situations that they will go through in the future. Paul’s life was also used in a parallel to the disciples to show how God uses trials to mold the people of God. His points are that there is a coming storm that God will allow and it is those people that learn trust in the current trials that they are going through that will be used in this future storm. The people who will be used in the future storm are the man or woman of God that can say {I believe God} when the storm is happening.
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 Walking Through the Valley of Weeping by Carter Conlon

Topic: Weeping
Scripture(s): Numbers 32:20-23, John 15:12-17, 1 Corinthians 11:22-30  
Description: Be ready to write down the many other scriptures Pastor Conlon goes through in this message about what it really means to be part of the Body of Christ, and follow the example of Christ, denying ourselves and taking up our cross. The heart of Christ is to minister to and serve others, and he wants us to share his heart. The devil is trying to destroy the Body, going after the weak and the young. We are to watch for our brothers and sisters, and if we see them in a battle, we must be willing to fight for them. To go into the secret closet and war against this thing on their behalf, to love not just in word, but in deed. Selfishness has disastrous consequences. Take heed.
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 Waters, Rivers and Fires by Carter Conlon

Topic: Christian Life
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 We Can't Escape The Hard Truths by Carter Conlon

Topic: Truth
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