| | The Time Has Come to Face the Mountain by Carter Conlon
Topic: Overcoming Scripture(s): Mark 11:20-24 | | Description: September 20, 2009 - Jesus faced the mountain of entrenched rebellion towards the ways of God. It is a systematic religiousness that made His ways unrecognizable to mankind. The wrath of God is truly revealed when He sees man create a system of religion that robs the sinner of the treasure of His heart. The whole desire of God is that His house would be called a house of prayer, and the doors would be open so the outcasts of humanity could come in and find satisfaction to the deepest desires of their heart. God is calling His church to get out of the board rooms and into the prayer closet and cry out to Him to ignite us with the fire of the Holy Ghost and begin to move in His power one more time. Can we believe God to cleanse the temple one more time and awaken His church?
| 1961 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | The Unpredictable Pathway of the Spirit by Carter Conlon
Topic: Holy Spirit Scripture(s): John 3:1-10, John 21:18, 1 Corinthians 2:14 | | Description: November 22, 2009 - There is a cry in this message that says, Dont be willing to live in mediocrity when the power of Heaven is at your disposal. The Spirit of God will overshadow all our weaknesses when we choose to let God be God in us. The natural man sees things as unattainable because they are out of his control and he is not willing to let go of the reigns of his life. The spiritual man knows that in and of himself he has no strength but as he gives the reigns of his life over to the Holy Spirit he will step into the supernatural. We dont have a plan but we will be carried into the future by the Spirit of God.
| 2506 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | The Unrelenting Humility of God by Carter Conlon
Topic: Humility Scripture(s): Psalm 113:1-9, Revelation 4:5-8, 1 Samuel 6:12-19 | | Description: This message begins Scriptures on the holiness, power and might of God, and His requirement of worship of which He is worthy. From there, Pastor Conlon takes us on an incredible journey through the Old Testament and back to the New, illustrating through the Word the incredible humility this awesome God of unimaginable power has shown toward mankind. This is one of the best illustrations of the Lord Jesus Christ-it's not so much a sermon as a verbal portrait painted with love and care of our Lord that every Christian needs to hear. It will change how you deal with others and it will forever change how you see the Lord if you listen with an open and hungry heart. He goes through many Scriptures, so I'd recommend having a pencil and paper on hand.
| 3479 downloads | Sermon Comments (1)
| | The Value of a Righteous Man by Carter Conlon
Topic: Righteous Scripture(s): Psalms 73:13-14 | | Description: June 18, 2006 The restraing of evil is found in the presence of the Holy Spirit. We are the temple of thre Holy Spirit and God's presence in our life is a restrainer of evil. When we choose to walk in right relation with God distresses and judgments can be averted by the restraning power of God and this generation has a chance to hear His voice. We must never underestimate the restraing influence in a righteous man who chooses to walk in divine order with God.
| 2058 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | The Violent Overthrow of God's House by Carter Conlon
Topic: Selling The Gospel Scripture(s): Matthew 21 | | Description: You have never heard the tabernacle of the Lord explained as you will here. From Matthew 21 where Jesus overthrew the tables and ran the moneychangers out of the temple, to 2nd Chronicles 6 and 7 when Solomon built the temple and dedicated it, the purpose of the temple is explained in depth. This is a real eye-opener on prayer. Just as the religious Pharisees were ineffective and uncaring for the lost, with no real compassion, today many Christians are caught up in worldly things, while their family and friends are lost, too busy to pray as they should. Jesus said his house should be a house of prayer and we are the temple of God. Are we houses of prayer? Do we pray as we should?
| 2569 downloads | Sermon Comments (1)
| | The Vow of the Nicolaitan Bride by Carter Conlon
Topic: Churches of Revelation Scripture(s): Revelation 2:12-17,Exodus 34:12-14 | | Description: This is part 6 of 7 in the Series of the Seven Churches of Revelation. The Lord has a bride, that he is wooing and dealing with. Part of his bride is wayward, and does not spend time with him, and only seems to love him when it is convenient or doesn't cost anything. The longing in the heart of the Lord to bring again those who have drifted away is astonishing and will amaze you as Pastor Conlon reveals the mercy and grace of our Lord.
| 2605 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | The Watchtower in the Wilderness by Carter Conlon
Topic: Wilderness Scripture(s): 2 Chronicles 19:20 | | Description: The account of Jehosophat in 2 Chronicles 20 is skillfully used to encourage the listener who is in a battle with the enemy and in fear. A hopeful message on the power of God to remove those doubts and fears and to see a defeated enemy.
| 2683 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | The Way to True Spiritual Awakening by Carter Conlon
Topic: Spiritual Awakening Scripture(s): John 1:1-4 | | Description: February 20, 2007 - Only the Word of God has the power to create and recreate. Spiritual awakenening is when God speaks and He has free course in our hearts and there is no resistance to His voice. When God finds a heart that does not resist His spoken Word the miraculous starts to happen. He speaks with intelligent speech and the power behind His words begins to shape and reshape our lives. If we are truly His and have given ourselves to the Lord we don't resist what He speaks into our hearts, but rather embrace it as the highest way of life. God is calling us to believe what He has already spoken and wants us to bind ourselves to His Word by faith.
| 2237 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | The Wayward Church will Soon be Ashamed by Carter Conlon
Topic: Prophetic Message Scripture(s): Ezekiel 16 | | Description: Carter Conlon shares a prophetic message to the Wayward Church of North America. This is a powerful indictment and call of mercy from the heart of God towards all believers. May we be found in repentance and humility before God in these terrible last days.
| 2141 downloads | Sermon Comments (1)
| | The Willingness that Precedes the Glory by Carter Conlon
Topic: Willing Scripture(s): 1 Chronicles 29 | | Description: February 13, 2005 - We must come to an understanding that God is faithful. We dont give to God for what we can get from Him, nor do we give when it is burdensome. We are to offer ourselves willingly as God gives us the release to do so. We must have a balanced understanding to what it means to give to the work of God.
| 1969 downloads | Sermon Comments (1)
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| | The Willingness to Love by Carter Conlon
Topic: Love Scripture(s): John 15:1-17 | | Description: December 14, 2008 - It's not easy to love people. How can we love people the way Christ loves us? Loving others is hopeless unless we abide in Christ and allow Him to do through us what we cannot do for ourselves. It has to be Christ in us - the newness of His life and love flowing in us and through us. Unconditional giving of ourselves is the basis for an explosion of joy! Start loving and be ready for the miraculous.
| 1778 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | The Wise Man's Eyes by Carter Conlon
Topic: Foolish Man Scripture(s): Ecclesiastes 2:14-20 | | Description: February 1, 2009 - The fool says in his heart there is not an absolute sovereign God, and God does not have the right to govern our lives. The fool cannot see the work of God or the value of a soul. We can have all wisdom and knowledge and still reject the truth of God's Word. The wise man however, sees God above all that exists and allows His Word to begin to shape and mold the very fibers of our being. The wise man acknowledges that God chose us to display His justice and mercy in the earth so that the destitute would come to know there is a God who loves them. God's work in the earth is ALL ABOUT PEOPLE.
| 2071 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | The Witness of Truth by Carter Conlon
Topic: Truth Scripture(s): John 18:37-38, Proverbs 7:15 | | Description: Its one thing to tell people about God its another thing to be a living witness of His truth. Truth is an effective witness when our speech and actions are one. Truth has a confidence in God that believes He is in control and He works all circumstances for our good. When Truth stands before the unsaved and God begins to reveal Himself through our lives, the truth that is in us will force a man to search his heart. The man or woman that is a witness to truth shows a dying world that there us a Living God that bears witness to Himself through our lives.
| 1496 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | The Written Judgment Of God by Carter Conlon
Topic: Judgment Of God Scripture(s): Psalm 149 | | Description: This message is especially for people who are tormented by past experiences and failures. Carter uses Mark 5, where the word speaks of the man who cuts himself, in a word picture that describes someone whose thinking cant get free from the past. Carter also describes what Jesus has done at the cross with his death and resurrection in taking captivity captive along with Psalm 149 to describe a Christians victory over Satan because of what Christ has done. The sermon is titled The Written Judgment Of God because of the judgment that is written against Satan in the scriptures. Satan no longer has the power keep a Christian in a place of defeat and cause the Christian to cut himself with thoughts because of the past. As Jesus said, It is finished. These past sins have been removed as far as the East is from the West.
| 2395 downloads | Sermon Comments (1)
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| | There is a Song in Every Barren Womb by Carter Conlon
Topic: Barren Scripture(s): 1 Samuel 2:27-36 | | Description: April 23, 2006 God will cause the deepest desires of our to go unmet to create a longing in our heart. He wil keep us from the things we ve asked for until there is a cry from the depths of our spirit that will bring back to God the very thing we are asking Him for. God waits for this cry that comes from the barreness of our souls and He wil come at His appointed time and bring forth fruit that wil cahnge a generation ang bring Him glory.
| 2539 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | There Is A Way To A Rejoicing Heart by Carter Conlon
Topic: Rejoicing Scripture(s): 1 Samuel 1:6-7;Psalms 74:10;Luke 10:25 | | Description: It would be awful to go before the Lord with a barren place in our heart and life, an area not touched yet by the Lord where we do not have victory. Yet that is exactly what Hannah did, in spite of the fact she was provoked sore by her adversary, and mocked for her barrenness. The enemy will come and lie to you accusing you, telling you God sees your flaws and has withdrawn from you. Hannah began to fast and pray, so desperate for God to birth something in her that she was willing to give it back to him if he would. And he did. We can appropriate this lesson for our own lives. And we will find the way to the rejoicing heart, just as Hannah did.
| 2476 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)