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Audio Sermons : Carter Conlon : 

Carter Conlon

Carter Conlon ( - Present)

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Carter Conlon in mp3 format. Carter Conlon is the Senior Pastor of Times Square Church. David Wilkerson is the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church. God called Brother Carter to full-time ministry in Canada by faith and He has been serving the Lord with the same faith till this day.

God has used brother Carter Conlon to preach across the world at pastors conferences and evangelism crusades. He has also recently written 2 books with the newest title: "Fear Not" in which he is strengthening the body of Christ for what is coming upon the world in the end-times.

SermonIndex Recommends these books by Carter Conlon:
It's Time to Pray: God's Power Changes Everything by Carter Conlon
Fear Not: Living Courageously in Uncertain Times by Carter Conlon
The 180 Degree Christian: Serving Jesus in a Culture of Excess by Carter Conlon

 The Open, Uncomdemned and Compelling Witness of Christ by Carter Conlon

Topic: Witness of Christ
Scripture(s): John 4:14-29, John 4:39  
Description: May 07, 2006 – When we settle it in our heart and say to God I don't want Sunday Religion, God wil point His finger in areas that need to be surrendred to the truth of His word. As we receive truth we will be given living water to satisfy our inner longings. The Lord wil place in us a compelling testimony so that we would lead the lost out of their situations and into the love of Christ.
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 The Parting Of The Third Veil by Carter Conlon

Topic: Work Of Christ
Description: When God came to earth, in the form of His Son Jesus Christ, the veil was suddenly torn and Heaven came into view. The first veil was Heaven coming to us, the second veil was torn so that we are no longer separated from the presence of God. The third veil is that which separates us from the fullness of what we are called to be in Christ Jesus. God has won a victory that takes us out of every place of weakness and brings us into His redemptive power. May we find ourselves in a place of prayer, anticipating the power of the Holy Spirit so we can burst out of the veil of obscurity and step into the market place and begin to talk about the wonderful things that God is about to do.
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 The Party Was Over But Nobody Knew It by Carter Conlon

Topic: Christian Life
Description: nil
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 The Peril of the Successful Church by Carter Conlon

Topic: Repentance
Scripture(s): Revelation 3:1-6  
Description: The greatest peril we will ever face is the temptation to move from the supernatural to the natural. This happens when we forget our dependency on Jesus and become casual with His presence. When we become familiar with the presence of God we develop a "we don't need the Holy Spirit because we have everything all figured out" type attitude. When we do this, we are separating ourselves from the Spirit of God and we are operating with our natural senses. God's spirit will not strive with man and He will not share His glory with anyone. We must watch for and maintain a determination in our hearts that all that we do is for the glory of God and for the testimony of His power.
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 The Pigs In The Parking Lot by Carter Conlon

Topic: Surrender
Scripture(s): Luke 8:27-40, James 2:19, Hebrews 10:32-39  
Description: Prepare to be convicted if you are holding back on God. Luke 8:27-40. Jesus is met by a possessed man in the Gadarene tombs, who has many devils, and they with fear and trembling (James 2:19) beg Jesus to let them go into a nearby herd of pigs, rather than banish them to the pit, and he allows them to go. When the man is found by the neighboring citizens, clothed and sitting at the feet of Jesus in his right mind, instead of rejoicing at his deliverance, they reject Jesus, and ask him to leave for they are unwilling to follow him if it means losing their pigs. Many are unwilling to trust their life to Jesus, and are holding back part of themselves, unwilling to surrender, having counted the cost and the price too high. If you are happy with average, this message isn't for you. If you are determined to follow Jesus, wholly, listen with an open heart.
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 The Power of Gentle Hands by Carter Conlon

Topic: Intimacy
Scripture(s): Isaiah 40:10-11,Isaiah 53,Psalm 139  
Description: God wants his people drawn close to his heart so he can share it with them. He longs to raise us up and carry us to his bosom to reveal his heart to us. Sometimes people are so used to a heavy, hurtful hand, they have a difficult time trusting God. We have to know the power of his gentleness. David said God's gentleness made him great. It is the gentle touch of God that makes us, strengthens us and lifts up our head. Do you experience his grace but respond to others with abusive words? God wants to deliver the hurting and the hurtful.
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 The Power To Do Good Is In Your Hand by Carter Conlon

Topic: Doing Good
Scripture(s): Proverbs 3:19-27  
Description: March 22, 2009 - This message is for those who are struggling with something that is threatening to captivate you and for those whom Satan is desiring to lock in a prison of fear. The question we ask is, "Do you trust in the midst of the storm?" We must be gripped with the knowledge that God is in TOTAL CONTROL of everything that is going on around us. In times of calamity it is our human tendency to focus on ourselves and withdraw our hand from the needy around us. As children of God we are admonished not to withdraw our hands in self preservation, but rather to stretch out our hand to the poor and needy. There is power in our hand to do good because Christ's hands stretch forth through us to offer comfort and consolation to those who don't know Him!
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 The Power To Speak With a New Tongue by Carter Conlon

Topic: New Tongues
Scripture(s): Acts 2:1, Acts 1:8  
Description: September 8, 2005 - Receiving the Holy Spirit is conditional. Being in one accord and obeying God brings us into a place where God can speak to any area in our life and we would be quick to agree with Him. As we agree with God the Holy Spirit will come upon us and give us the ability to communicate with every language and every culture
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 The Preaching of the Cross by Carter Conlon

Topic: Cross Of Christ
Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 1:18-25  
Description: March 9, 2008 - Redemption is not something to make us feel good. We are called to walk with Christ and share in His compassion for the lost. People cannot embrace the fullness of the Cross because they are not attracted to the selfless life it leads us into. The evidence that we embraced the Cross will be a life fully surrendered to the agenda of Jesus for humanity. We are called to take up our cross and allow our lives to be poured out for others.
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 The Presence of Trouble Doesn't Mean the Absence of God by Carter Conlon

Topic: Trouble
Description: nil
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 The Promise Of Light In The Time Of Darkness by Carter Conlon

Topic: Promise
Description: nil
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 The Promise Of Power by Carter Conlon

Topic: Power
Description: nil
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 The Promise of Provision by Carter Conlon

Topic: Provision
Description: nil
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 The Prophet from Judea by Carter Conlon

Topic: Prophet
Description: nil
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 The Purest Measure of Spiritual Success by Carter Conlon

Topic: Spiritual Success
Scripture(s): Luke 15:1-7  
Description: February 18, 2007 - As Christians we are left upon this earth to Glorify Jesus. We best glorify Him by allowing that which is the deepest embodiment of His character to be manifested in and through our lives. There is a longing in every lost person we come in contact with to come back to their Creator. Are our lives a manifestation of the heart of God? When we encounter people that God sends our way do they see and hear Christ in us? The purest measure of success comes when there is a true manifestation of God's love the individual people that God allows to come across our paths.
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 The Pursuit of Happiness by Carter Conlon

Topic: Happiness
Scripture(s): Acts 20:20-24  
Description: September 4, 2005 - Jesus will come in His compassion and turn our feet around to walk in all His ways. As we begin to serve Jesus we will share His burden for the lost and gird ourselves with a towel that will reach out to a fallen humanity and point their feet to the only path of life that leads to true happiness. There is no other way to happiness but through the fullness of Jesus Christ.
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 The Quarrel of God's Covenant by Carter Conlon

Topic: God's Covenant
Scripture(s): Leviticus 26:25  
Description: May 29,2005 - God gives a warning to Israel and the same warning can be applied to us today. If you take lightly the Lord’s presence and if you begin to dabble in and out of obedience and disobedience so that you develop a warped sense of what it means to walk with Him – God said He will have a quarrel with us. The scripture says that two cannot walk together unless they agree. God is not required to agree with us but we are required to agree with Him.
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 The Real Jesus Of The Last Days by Carter Conlon

Topic: Last Days
Description: nil
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 The Reproach of Christ by Carter Conlon

Topic: Reproach
Scripture(s): Hebrews 13:12-15, 2 Samuel 9:6, Luke 4:18  
Description: March 11, 2007 - This message is for Christians that have positioned themselves in the center of two different kingdoms. The Kingdom of God and the kingdom of the world, Coming to the house of the Lord with a seemingly holy devotion for God and leaving the House of the Lord and having the same devotion for the things of the world. This is the reason why there is such a powerless testimony and the church is becoming a non issue in this society. We cannot be devoted to the Lord and be devoted to the things that offend His holy name. God is calling His church to come outside the camp and come out of mixture and compromise to serve the Lord wholeheartedly. In every generation there has to be somebody that is willing to stand in the middle of the marketplace and bear the reproach of Jesus Christ.
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 The Responsibility Of Little Strength by Carter Conlon

Topic: Responsibility
Description: As believers in Jesus Christ we should be concerned for the spiritual future of this nation and for the souls of those who are lost. We must recognize that the testimony of Jesus Christ has little strength and consider that the beginning of a spiritual awakening is when we in humility admit our condition. In this moment of time we are given a choice, Jesus has set before us an open door. Do we stay in our smallness or do we get up in faith and walk through the open door into the victory of the Cross? As God’s people we have a responsibility to get up and believe God for the power to find the full purpose that He has for our life.
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