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Audio Sermons : Carter Conlon : 

Carter Conlon

Carter Conlon ( - Present)

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Carter Conlon in mp3 format. Carter Conlon is the Senior Pastor of Times Square Church. David Wilkerson is the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church. God called Brother Carter to full-time ministry in Canada by faith and He has been serving the Lord with the same faith till this day.

God has used brother Carter Conlon to preach across the world at pastors conferences and evangelism crusades. He has also recently written 2 books with the newest title: "Fear Not" in which he is strengthening the body of Christ for what is coming upon the world in the end-times.

SermonIndex Recommends these books by Carter Conlon:
It's Time to Pray: God's Power Changes Everything by Carter Conlon
Fear Not: Living Courageously in Uncertain Times by Carter Conlon
The 180 Degree Christian: Serving Jesus in a Culture of Excess by Carter Conlon

 The Gospel According To Noah by Carter Conlon

Topic: Gospel
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 The Gospel of the Grace of God by Carter Conlon

Topic: Grace Of God
Scripture(s): Acts 20:20-24  
Description: December 3, 2006 - A true conversion of Christ becomes miraculous when we understand that there is an enablement through the Spirit to love and serve Him. God will send promptings of His love to open our hearts to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Everything that man longs for is found in Jesus and in knowing His plan for our lives. The question is, "can we be brought to this place of truth?" It is the love of God that brings you into a love relationship with Him. Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost.
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 The Happiest Church In The World by Carter Conlon

Topic: Church
Description: nil
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 The Heart Of God In The Wilderness by Carter Conlon

Topic: Wilderness
Scripture(s): Hosea 2:10-15  
Description: February 29, 2004 - The Heart of God in the Wilderness - Carter Conlon
There is a call for Christians to move through the wilderness of peoples heart and go near and speak to them about the truth and life of Jesus. God will comfort us and cause us to speak comfortably into the wilderness of their heart about the kingdom of God.
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 The Heaven Side of Unyielding Prayer by Carter Conlon

Topic: Prevailing Prayer
Scripture(s): Luke 18:1-8,Romans 3:16  
Description: Jesus tells us to "pray and faint not." This message brings to light the reasons why we often "faint" in prayer. We must come to the Lord with a WHOLE heart - and not TRY Him, but SERVE Him, because He is GOD. Many do not get through to God because they are seeking their own agenda, or their own personal well being rather than the purpose of Christ. The reason so many walk in confusion is because of this refusal to submit to God. Why do Christians not pray as they should? Are they not totally surrendered to following Jesus? Do they not understand the heart of God and his love for them? This unjust judge had authority in Luke 18 over this widow woman's adversary, and she knew her rights, and she did not give up. The devil accuses us, pointing out our faults, and God avenges us by giving us the very thing we lack, when we seek him for it. God delights in his children and will rise up to deliver them when they are under attack. Another wonderful encouragement to prayer.
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 The Humble Will Be Lifted Up by Carter Conlon

Topic: Humility
Description: nil
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 The Humble Will Soon Hear Your Song by Carter Conlon

Topic: Humility
Scripture(s): Psalms 69:1-6  
Description: November 27, 2005 - Time and time again the enemy will come after our mind with a demonic flood of accusations to move you away from our true identity and righteousness that we have in Jesus Christ. God will arise above this flood and fight for us by showing us clearly the eternal future of satan. God will open up the earth and show us that we are redeemed and set free from every judgment satan spews at us. He will show us that actually it is satan who id judged and it is satan who will eternally burn in hell.
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 The Image of God by Carter Conlon

Topic: Idolatry
Scripture(s): Ezekiel 8:1-5, Revelation 1:14-15  
Description: October 21, 2007 - When the church of Jesus Christ begins to portray a wrong image of God, it opens the door for uncalled and unfaithful men to take positions as spiritual leaders. The end result of standing before the wrong image of God will lead the people into a theological perspective that is based on human optimism as opposed to sacrifice and truth. The true image of God represents Jesus Christ, the Cross , His sacrifice and all that is Holy. If we are going to know the true image of God, we will be led to a place where we are undone, where everything that we thought we were has to die. We must take joyfully the spoils of all of our religious goods and come before this image of the TRUE and Holy God. It is only in the presence of Jesus Christ that we are turned from image to image by the Glory of God.
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 The Incredible Fragrance Of Mercy by Carter Conlon

Topic: Mercy
Description: nil
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 The Incredible Signs That Follow Those Who Believe by Carter Conlon

Topic: Belief
Scripture(s): Jeremiah 13:12, 1 Corinthians 10:11, 2 Timothy 3:16  
Description: June 11, 2006 – This is a message for those who think they have failed God and made a mess out of their life. God has intertwined His life with His church and it doesn’t matter how far we have fallen we are never out of God's reach. Those who are in Christ will not be overcome by the enemy. The serpent will not take us but rather we will take him up and whatever death the enemy has caused us to swallow it wiil not harm us. God will fill us with His power and His life will overflow with healing through us onto a sin sick world. These are the signs that will follow those who choose to believe.
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 The Incredible Strength of Knowing God's Joy by Carter Conlon

Topic: Joy
Scripture(s): Nehemiah 8:1-3, Nehemiah 8:8-10  
Description: Another stirring sermon from Pastor Conlon, this time He takes us through many Scriptures including an exposition on the parable of the prodigal son that will greatly encourage and strengthen the listener in the joy of the Lord.
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 The Indisputable Evidence of A Great Church by Carter Conlon

Topic: Church
Scripture(s): Revelation 3:1-6  
Description: September 19, 2010 - What makes a church great? Is it the worship? Baptism of the Holy Spirit? Prophecy? Faith to move mountains? These are all good things but God's call for greatness is higher. If we don’t have the love of God all these things count for nothing. We are called to put away childish things such as grievances, unforgiveness, envy, pride and anger and begin to love others like Jesus loves us. This is impossible to do without the power of the Holy Spirit. Christ in us gives us the power to go beyond human limitations into the supernatural love of God. The indisputable evidence of a great church is the love we have for one another. It is something of God working in us and through us.
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 The Inner Groanings Of Jesus by Carter Conlon

Topic: Groanings
Description: nil
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 The Journey From Prayer To Obedience by Carter Conlon

Topic: Obedience
Scripture(s): Esther 3:7-13,Esther 4:13-14,Romans 8:9-11  
Description: (Preached: Feb. 8th, 2004). In a place of complacency, the enemy rose up to try to destroy God's people. After the captivity in Babylon, many of Israel had grown comfortable and stayed, rather than returning. Mixture in the world gives the enemy room to rise up and rule over you. Esther fasted and prayed, but she then had to get up and go to the king. We, as the Body of Christ, need to remember we are ambassadors of Christ, and there is no time for games. Jesus is coming, and we need to come out from among the world, and seperate ourselves for his purposes. If you are struggling with your flesh, this message will help you, and hopefully motivate you. Esther risked her life to intercede for her people. We need to risk whatever will come into our lives whether persecution, or trouble, to be seperated to God's purposes.
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 The Journey Of A Lifetime! by Carter Conlon

Topic: Christian Life
Description: nil
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 The Joy of Preaching Your Own Funeral by Carter Conlon

Topic: Dead To Sin
Scripture(s): Colossians 3:5-10  
Description: Before we surrendered our lives to Christ we were dead in our sin. The only way to be free from this sin is to die to our old way of living. Jesus Christ died for us and when we came to Christ we were baptized in this death. The Bible says, "he that is dead in Christ is free from the dominion of sin." The evidence of this death is that we are not controlled by sin any longer. It doesn't mean we don't have struggles or failures, it means that these things no longer govern our lives. From the time we are born again our whole life is about the funeral of our old nature and the birth of the new man that God is making us to be. The true Christian spends their whole life preaching their own funeral.
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 The Joy of Releasing God's Forgiveness by Carter Conlon

Topic: God's Forgiveness
Scripture(s): Colossians 2:13-14  
Description: nil
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 The Joy Of The Lord Is Your Strength by Carter Conlon

Topic: Joy
Scripture(s): Nehemiah 8:8-12  
Description: nil
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 The Key to Unlocking the Provision of God by Carter Conlon

Topic: Provision
Scripture(s): 2 Kings 7:1-10, 2 Kings 6:24-25, 1 Corinthians 1:25  
Description: December 13, 2009 - God chooses an incredible strategy to release His provision. God will feed His people and then use the people He feeds to feed others. Before God can use us and pour His provision through us He must see a core value in our character. We must have the same compassion that Christ has for us. True compassion is born of the Spirit. The storehouse of God is unlocked when the Holy Spirit stirs us to reach out to the sea of human need all around us.
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 The Last Day Image of Christ by Carter Conlon

Topic: Last Days
Scripture(s): Luke 18:1-8  
Description: November 16, 2008 - The work of God is for the redemption of the lost. There is a vision of God that comes into the heart of a man or woman when they stand before the throne of Jesus and pray, "use my life for the souls of this generation". There is an incredible joy and provision when our heart is one with the plan of God. God will be faithful and avenge us speedily of the self focus in us that hides the image of Christ. In these last days whose image do you reflect? It's time to shine for Jesus!
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