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Audio Sermons : Carter Conlon : 

Carter Conlon

Carter Conlon ( - Present)

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Carter Conlon in mp3 format. Carter Conlon is the Senior Pastor of Times Square Church. David Wilkerson is the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church. God called Brother Carter to full-time ministry in Canada by faith and He has been serving the Lord with the same faith till this day.

God has used brother Carter Conlon to preach across the world at pastors conferences and evangelism crusades. He has also recently written 2 books with the newest title: "Fear Not" in which he is strengthening the body of Christ for what is coming upon the world in the end-times.

SermonIndex Recommends these books by Carter Conlon:
It's Time to Pray: God's Power Changes Everything by Carter Conlon
Fear Not: Living Courageously in Uncertain Times by Carter Conlon
The 180 Degree Christian: Serving Jesus in a Culture of Excess by Carter Conlon

 The Devil's Nightmare by Carter Conlon

Topic: Obstacles
Scripture(s): Matthew 21:19-22, Mark 9:17-30  
Description: Pastor Conlon begins in Matthew 21:19-22 on faith, and overcoming obstacles that hinder our victory. God wants us to come to him for the Holy Ghost as a people that will not be denied, that will rise up in faith and lay hold on the promises God has made, and appropriate and apply the spiritual authority given to us by Jesus. Pastor Conlon goes on to Mark 9:17-30. The casual seeker of God will never know the power of being able to walk in the spirit as Jesus did and be a vessel God can channel his power through to deliver those oppressed and bound by the enemy. A Message of obtainable victory. Must hear.
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 The Dreadful Places Of Blessing by Carter Conlon

Topic: Blessing
Scripture(s): Genesis 28:10-17, Genesis 12:1-3  
Description: nil
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 The Driving Power of Discontentment by Carter Conlon

Topic: Discontentment
Description: nil
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 The Expectations Of The Righteous by Carter Conlon

Topic: Righteousness
Scripture(s): Psalms 9:1-6  
Description: April 11, 2004 - The Expectancy of the Righteous - Carter Conlon
When we possess an experiential knowledge the we have the God of the Universe is living inside of us we will live our lives in a constant expectancy that God is going to do something great and powerful in and through our lives.
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 The Eye of the Needle by Carter Conlon

Topic: Hope
Scripture(s): Mark 10:17-25  
Description: November 4, 2007 - Jesus offers us not just a future hope but a present reality. Some of us have a present trust while we seek a future hope. God calls us to give up our present trust and walk with Him. What are you trusting in that keeps you locked out of the power of God's Kingdom? God's Kingdom is a NOW Kingdom and He beckons us to leave behind what we once trusted in, let go of all our baggage, and slip through the eye of the needle! It's the person who realizes he has nothing to offer God but a willing heart that slips through the Eye of the Needle. The issue is letting go and trusting God.
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 The Fellowship of Christ's Suffering by Carter Conlon

Topic: Suffering
Scripture(s): 1 Peter 5:8-11, John 13:21  
Description: October 12, 2008 - We sometimes reason with the question, "if God is God why does there have to be any sufferings on our behalf?" At the Last Supper Jesus offered Judas an opportunity to enter into the fellowship of His sufferings. This would be to partake of a supernatural life for the betterment of others. There are so many Christians today that follow Jesus for what they can get from Him. What about you will you refuse the fellowship of Christ for your own gain or will you take the low road and be spent for the cause of Christ?
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 The Final Pleading of Conscience by Carter Conlon

Topic: Warning
Description: nil
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 The Final Warning Comes in Pictures by Carter Conlon

Topic: Warning
Scripture(s): Ezekiel 12:1-6  
Description: February 25, 2007 - God in His mercy will begin to speak to us through pictures. Think of the images the Lord has set before us in recent times. Images of the towers in New York City - symbols of pride and commerce that America trusts in, and in one hour they came crashing down. The Pentagon - the symbol of invincible strength, burned by fire. There are pictures in society in the news papers of people given to self gratification, addicted to drugs, obsessed with wealth, publicity and fame only to be lead to an early grave. Could it be the Lord is putting before us a picture of what we are becoming as a society. Thanks be to God that there are other pictures that God desires to use to show to society. If you are in a dungeon of darkness and despair God is preparing you to be a picture to this society. Pictures are developed in a dark room. God is calling the Church of Jesus Christ to come out of these dark places of despair to be the last picture of His love, mercy and faithfulness.
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 The Final Word Before The Lord Returns by Carter Conlon

Topic: Second Coming
Scripture(s): Malachi 3:6  
Description: January 25, 2009 - We are living in a time where many are professing a pursuit of God but in reality they are rejecting Him. Half hearted sacrifice will always produce a spiritual dullness. If we bring God a blind sacrifice we will be blinded. Before the Lord comes back He will send a word to us that will turn the people's focus from a self focus to a focus that is fixed on Jesus Christ. God will raise up a voice in this generation to clean things up. God is calling His church to bring the totality of our lives to Him for the betterment of humanity. Will you give all for the sake of this generation?
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 The First Commandment With A Promise by Carter Conlon

Topic: Commandments
Scripture(s): Ephesians 6:2-3  
Description: nil
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 The Future is Already Written by Carter Conlon

Topic: Future
Description: nil
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 The Glorious Death of the Righteous by Carter Conlon

Topic: Righteous
Scripture(s): Numbers 23:10  
Description: May 1,2005 - The whole foundation of why Jesus came is about love. It is the kind of love that reaches out beyond our own struggles and cares for the needs of the poor. When the new life of Christ comes into us there is an evident outward working of righteousness. Its not about how high profile we are, rather its about a simple life of a person that has the life of Christ exude from.
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 The Glorious Ministration of the Spirit by Carter Conlon

Topic: Holy Spirit
Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 4:14-16  
Description: December 11, 2005 - When we allow ourselves to sit under a ministry of men that draw the people to themselves as opposed to pointing them to Jesus Christ we will bear fruit that desires to please man and not God. God is calling us out of a man focused ministry and reminding us one more time its all about Jesus. We must focus all our attention and focus on beholding His face. Only in Christ is the veil lifted so that the heart can embrace God and not man.
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 The Glorious Uncovered King of Israel by Carter Conlon

Topic: Servanthood
Scripture(s): 2 Samuel 6:14-23, Luke 1:27, Luke 1:32  
Description: May 14, 2006 – Jesus Christ filled with compassion moved to bring the worship od God into the central core of humanity. There has to be an inner cry of every christian that desires to honor the Lord with their life. Jesus Christ will come and unveil Himself to the heart of a servant. Those who will serve with the lowest of the low.
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 The Glory Of God And The Image Of Jealousy by Carter Conlon

Topic: Jealously
Scripture(s): 2 Chronicles 6:16-17, Ezekiel 9:4, Ezekiel 10  
Description: This is a message about how God will not compete with idolatry for the hearts and minds of his people. Instead he will lift his glory from their lives. He reluctantly took his glory from Israel as illustrated in Ezekiel, and nobody even noticed, for the priests were busy with their secret things. Whatever you give your time and attention to the most is what is influencing your character and is becoming your idol. Too many go to church, going through the motions on Sunday and the rest of the week devote themselves to their own pursuits and pleasures and wonder why they can't feel God's presence. God desires to dwell among his people. But when they don't like to retain the knowledge of God, when they prefer an appearance of godliness with no power it will lead to destruction.
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 The Glory Of God And The Souls Of Men by Carter Conlon

Topic: Glory Of God
Description: nil
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 The Glory of God in Awful Places by Carter Conlon

Topic: Glory Of God
Scripture(s): Psalm 55:4-8, 2 Timothy 2:12, Luke 9:23-24  
Description: Have you ever found yourself in such a dark place that you don't see anything of God and it seems like there is no purpose for it? These awful places is where we meet God . Its where he works something very deep in us; something we cant learn from a text book. All of God's future deliverers are prepared in these awful places. These are a people who will emerge our of these valley of suffering with a testimony of the glory of God. The word of God declares that those who suffer with Christ will also reign with Him. Do you trust God to work all thing for the good and bring about a glorious victory?
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 The Glory Of The Latter House by Carter Conlon

Topic: Last Days
Description: October 23, 2011 - How does our life bring Glory to God? The devil loves to wrap the church up in death, but God gets glory when He brings us out of the grave into His resurrection power. Faith in the finished work of the cross brings us into the promises and power of God. God is with us in spite of our failures. He has all the resources we need to fill our temples with His Glory. Jesus is calling His church to be ambassadors of His Glory.
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 The Glorying of Leaven by Carter Conlon

Topic: Sin
Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 5:6-7  
Description: This message is about the importance of dealing with any sin that may enter "the camp."
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 The Goodness of the Lord in the Land of the Living by Carter Conlon

Topic: Goodness
Scripture(s): Psalms 27:11-14  
Description: October 01, 2006 – There will come seasons of sorrow and sickness, seasons when death will knock on our doors and everything will begin to change in our lives. It is in these times that we all have a choice to make. We can choose to stop trusting God because we are confronted with things we don't understand or we can fix our eyes on Jesus and believe that all things work together for the good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. God is calling us to reflect His Goodness in the land of the living. He wants to use our lives to see that every grave looses its power off those who end up in it.
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