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| | Standing on the Wrong Side of the Battle by Carter Conlon
Topic: Spiritual Warfare | | Description: October 14, 2007 - Whenever the people of God move away from living in a manner that brings glory to His Name, they will find themselves positioned on the wrong side of the battle. What do you do when you find yourself charting your own course because you refused to trust in God's promises? God says if you belong to Him, He will get you out! Suddenly all your new plans, new friends, new truths, new opinions that you formed in the flesh will leave you standing all ALONE on the wrong side of the battle and something will rise up in your heart that says get me out of here! God is calling His church to rise up and go after everything that the enemy has taken from us until we recover all.
| 1753 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | Starving the Work of Christ by Carter Conlon
Topic: The Lord's Work Scripture(s): Genesis 45:1-12 | | Description: May 10, 2009 - We are living in a time in history where there is intensified pain. Most of this pain comes from family issues broken marriages the heart break of a wayward child and betrayals. There is a pathway of pain that God will allow us to go through so that we might be used to bring provision and life to others. If we are to represent Christ in our generation there will be an incredible personal cost. The key through this pain is forgiveness. When we withhold forgiveness from those who have hurt us we begin to starve the work of Christ. The same people who betrayed us will come back to us one day empty hurt and starving. Will you choose to forgive them and allow them to experience the mercy of God?
| 1622 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | Staying Silent in a Perilous Time by Carter Conlon
Topic: Evangelism Scripture(s): 2 Timothy 1:7 | | Description: Brother Carter shares a powerful prophetic message of a coming falling away in the Church of those who will not speak out of love to mankind. There is a need for the Church to be full of the love of God that we will not fear men and speak for the Lord.
| 996 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | Stepping Into The Light by Carter Conlon
Topic: Salvation Scripture(s): John 3 | | Description: The end of your struggle is a new beginning with God. We couldn’t save ourselves, so God sent Jesus to die on the Cross so that we can be forgiven and freed from our sin. The seeing eyes of God are looking for you in love, so that you might be saved. God sends a note of love to you that says, I love you – Come Home.
| 691 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | Stubbornness by Carter Conlon
Topic: Stubbornness Scripture(s): Exodus 16:26-28, Psalms 32:9, 1 Samuel 15:23 | | Description: May 27, 2007 - A stubborn person is a person who is fixed in purpose or condition, resistant to change and unreasonably obstinate. A stubborn person has an inner flaw and this inner flaw doesn't show until they are called to put all they are in the hands of God and walk in obedience. A stubborn person can appear humble, zealous and even excercise spiritual gifts, but there comes a certain point they can't get passed. They can't lay down their inner thoughts of the way things should be done and surrender to God's ways. God will allow a sense of emptiness come into our souls to get our attention. He is looking for a sincere heart to submit to the authority of His Word. When we choose to obey Him the power of sin and decay is cancelled in our lives. The only way out of stubbornness is to HUMBLE ourselves before God.
| 2434 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | Surrendered Saints on Dry Land by Carter Conlon
Topic: Mercy Of God Scripture(s): Jonah 2:1-10 | | Description: November 25, 2007 - This message is about the mercy of God. The voice of God is crying out to all His people who are in a spiritual slumber because of self seeking, soft religion. God in His mercy will prepare a trial that will lead us into a type of the sufferings of Christ. This crisis will cause us to be awakened to prayer, and in this time God will throw overboard everything that hinders us from His power. The moment we surrender and yield our life to God's purposes, His mercy will begin to flow in us and through us. The Holy Spirit will give us the courage to stand in the midst of adversity, and speak life into others around us who are perishing.
| 2136 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | Surviving the Family Reunion by Carter Conlon
Topic: Presence of God Scripture(s): Matthew 22:8-14 | | Description: April 5, 2009 - How can people go to church for years and experience the presence of God only to remain in a state where their sin isn't covered? These are Christians who focus on material provision for the satisfying of their own desires. They are masters of their own destiny, choosing their own course, thus becoming their own god. Embracing the truth is about eternity and when we don't embrace truth we become imposters in the house of God. The imposter will create his own covering and create his own righteousness. The Holy Spirit is calling His church out of the sin of compromise and to come under the covering of the blood of Jesus. God is calling you out today to cover you and to take away your shame. Don't hide from His love!
| 1585 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | Taking The Cup And Calling On Jesus by Carter Conlon
Topic: Affliction Scripture(s): Psalm 116:1-13, Psalm 27:12-14, 2 Timothy 1:11-12 | | Description: God is calling us to drink the CUP of JESUS in its entirety. Many of us come to Christ and we want to drink from the cup of salvation, future authority, present power and healing but we dont want to go the distance and drink the cup of suffering and affliction. If we are going to put the cup to our mouth we must come to the place where we cry like Jesus "NOT MY WILL BUT THINE BE DONE". This is a place where the only strength we have is to lift up the cup and call on the name of Jesus. In these times of darkness don't cast away your confidence in God because there is a great reward for those who drink this cup in faith and trust.
| 2435 downloads | Sermon Comments (1)
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| | Testimony Time In Hell by Carter Conlon
Topic: Hell Scripture(s): Acts 26:27-28 | | Description: October 12, 2008 - Heaven is a place with the total presence of God and the absence of evil. Hell is a place with the total presence of evil and the absence of God. It is an awful and dreadful thing to be in a place where God is not! In the midst of Hell's hopelessness and despair the most pitiful testimony will be, "I was almost persuaded to be a Christian!" You have a choice. Choose life.
| 3024 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)