| | Money, Mules and Travel by Carter Conlon
Topic: Voice Of God Scripture(s): Psalm 60:1-5, John 8:47, Amos 8:11-14 | | Description: November 23, 2008 - In these last days we have to know the voice of God and the cry of God. Jesus longs to reveal Himself to His church and with that revelation will come the knowledge of His burden for the lost. If we desire to hear God's voice we have to hear the whole package, the provision of God and the cry of God for the helplessness of humanity. We must offer all that we are so that God's heart would be satisfied in the earth. If you are willing to be given for others you will know and hear the voice of Jesus. The question is, "will you give your all for the glory of God"?
| 2079 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | My Preaching is Good for Nothing by Carter Conlon
Topic: Humility Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 2:1-10 | | Description: April 20, 2008 - The only requirement for God to use us mightily is to get us to understand and admit that we are nothing. God didnt choose us because we were strong and wise. He chose the foolish and weak things to confound the wise. God doesnt need anything to make something. He is a God who makes something out of nothing. God needs nothing to work with. Too many in the church today are not willing to admit that we are nothing, and so we are hindering God from working in us and through us. If you know you are nothing and you understand your need for God, this preaching is for Good for Nothing (you)!
| 2269 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | Oh God, How Long Shall the Enemy Reproach by Carter Conlon
Topic: Reproach Scripture(s): Psalm 74:10 | | Description: This message is very much for those who may feel that the "enemy" is attacking them on all sides. It especially deals with those who are walking about as though "crushed" by the enemy because of past hurts, etc.. It also deals with those who have had to leave certain churches because of false teaching. We need to stop blaming and focusing on the false, (though it is OK to recognize the problem) and instead focus on Christ and His faithfulness. He will see us through.
| 2419 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | Oil Beaten for the Light by Carter Conlon
Topic: Light Of Life Scripture(s): Exodus 27:20-21 | | Description: December 31, 2006 - God is light and in Him there is no darkness. God wants a testimony of this light working in us to be a clear display that God cares for us and no matter what we have to go through He is carrying us and His presence is sufficient to sustain us. The power source of this light is Jesus Christ and His life burning in us. This light is not kindled by man and cannot be put out by man. There is a process of brokenness and crushing that God will allow in our lives that will produce a cry that will say, "Father into your hands I commit my spirit." It is a crushing that produces a cry and a commitment that we will be a flame of fire burning for Jesus Christ.
| 2468 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | Overcoming in the Time of Fallen Towers by Carter Conlon
Topic: False Doctrine Scripture(s): Isaiah 30:25-26 | | Description: Another piercing word of truth from Pastor Conlon, this powerful sermon speaks of the purging God brings to take away every false refuge found in worldly things and in false doctrines, a strong word of rebuke and exhortation to the backslidden church.
| 4562 downloads | Sermon Comments (1)
| | Overcoming the Power of Spiritual Defeat by Carter Conlon
Topic: Spiritual Defeat Scripture(s): Zechariah 1:16-21 | | Description: February 5, 2006 Spiritual defeat is contrary thinking to the word of God. It is the seed of satan that works its way into the mind before it becomes a physical reality, but for the heart that can embrace this: God saysI have turned to you in mercy, I have brought you home to me and my dwelling place in you shall be built. God has a predetermined design of what He intends to do in and through our lives. This work is started and completed by our Mater Carpenter Jesus Christ and His intentions are to design His church to become carpenters after His own heart. No devil can destroy this divine work.
| 2603 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | Passing through the Gates of Betrayal by Carter Conlon
Topic: Betrayal Scripture(s): Psalms 105:16-22 | | Description: Every child of God will have to endure trials of suffering and betrayal if they will be mightily used by God. God will allow us to experience these afflictions and use them as a doorway into fellowship with Him so that we are conformable to the death of Jesus Christ. When we are betrayed it is a pain like no other. The devil will do his best to keep us behind the gates of betrayal so that we keep a distance from people and vow never to trust again. We know we are passing through these gates when we choose to forgive and begin to have a strong desire to be reconciled with our betrayer. We will come to a place of undersatnding that God has been in control all along and the life of Christ that is imparted into us through this experience will become provision for someone else.
| 2715 downloads | Sermon Comments (2)
| | Pentecost Went Outside by Carter Conlon
Topic: Pentecost | | Description: August 31, 2008 - Every true Christian desires the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but are we aware of where the baptism will lead us? When the Holy Spirit consumes our heart we will have a compassion that causes us to look away from self and look to the needs of others. When the Holy Spirit comes down a dedication comes to the House of God there is corporate worship and wholehearted fellowship with other believers. We will be totally abandoned to God and fellow man. Ask for the Holy Spirit to give you the testimony of Jesus Christ to be alive in your heart so Pentecost can move outside the church.
| 1921 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)