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Audio Sermons : Carter Conlon : 

Carter Conlon

Carter Conlon ( - Present)

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Carter Conlon in mp3 format. Carter Conlon is the Senior Pastor of Times Square Church. David Wilkerson is the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church. God called Brother Carter to full-time ministry in Canada by faith and He has been serving the Lord with the same faith till this day.

God has used brother Carter Conlon to preach across the world at pastors conferences and evangelism crusades. He has also recently written 2 books with the newest title: "Fear Not" in which he is strengthening the body of Christ for what is coming upon the world in the end-times.

SermonIndex Recommends these books by Carter Conlon:
It's Time to Pray: God's Power Changes Everything by Carter Conlon
Fear Not: Living Courageously in Uncertain Times by Carter Conlon
The 180 Degree Christian: Serving Jesus in a Culture of Excess by Carter Conlon

 Jesus Cares by Carter Conlon

Topic: Love Of God
Description: nil
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 Jesus Speak Clearly to Me by Carter Conlon

Topic: Voice Of God
Scripture(s): Matthew 24:24, Luke 14:15-24  
Description: God is calling us to be one in heart and one in mind with what he purposed for His church to be here on earth. It doesn't matter how outwardly devoted we may appear to be God will move away from every pre occupied self consumed Christian. God forbid that you and I would begin to EXCUSE ourselves from the call that God has placed on our lives! Those of us whose value system is rooted in Christ and His purposes will be able to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit amidst all the darkness and calamities that are about to come. The cry of our heart has to be Jesus speak plainly to me!!
Sermon Comments (1)
 Jesus, Take the Stones From My Hands by Carter Conlon

Topic: Christian Life
Description: nil
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 Jesus, Wash My Feet by Carter Conlon

Topic: Jesus
Description: nil
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 Joab, Abiathar, and Adonijah by Carter Conlon

Topic: Adonijah
Description: nil
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 Judas Factor in Ministry (Time For Renewal Conference) by Carter Conlon

Topic: Judas
Scripture(s): Matthew 26:21-22, Luke 6:12-16, John 6:64  
Description: nil
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 Judging Angels by Carter Conlon

Topic: Angels
Scripture(s): Genesis 28:10-19  
Description: June 1, 2008 - This is a message for those who are seeking the life and the blessing of God. The blessing is not something to be consumed among ourselves. Our life is to be an extension of the love and mercy of God and to give of ourselves unselfishly. When we choose to go this way with God we will be lead on a journey into hard places. In these hard places God will visit us. We will find wisdom and compassion for every dreadful place God allows us to go through. Heaven will open to the person who is willing to be poured out for the good and betterment of others.
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 Just Say Yes, and Worship In Your Mess by Carter Conlon

Topic: Worship
Description: nil
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 Keep The Lamps Burning by Carter Conlon

Topic: Christian Life
Description: nil
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 Killing Lazarus by Carter Conlon

Topic: Lazarus
Scripture(s): 1 Peter 4:12-16  
Description: May 22,2005 - The message from Lazarus is this “Jesus gave me LIFE”. The moment the life of Christ is seen upon you and in you- you will find yourself in a trial of suffering of the mockings and anger of the rage of the unsaved attacking the Christ in you. When this happens trust God for the strength and grace to bring you through. The bible says we should rejoice exceedingly because the glory of God rests upon you.
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 Knowing the Mind of Christ by Carter Conlon

Topic: Mind of Christ
Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 2:7-16  
Description: July 6, 2008 - So many Christians don’t know the mind of Christ because they are not willing to live a selfless life. A person who has the mind of Christ makes himself of no reputation and is a servant. When we delight to do God's will and we are willing to be poured out for the betterment of others God's thoughts will be revealed to us through the Holy Spirit.
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 Knowing The Voice Of Jesus In Your Storm by Carter Conlon

Topic: Storm Of Life
Scripture(s): Matthew 14:22-33  
Description: nil
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 Lazarus Is Dead And I Am Glad by Carter Conlon

Topic: Christian Life
Description: nil
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 Lead Me in the Way Everlasting by Carter Conlon

Topic: The Way Everlasting
Scripture(s): Psalms 139:23-24  
Description: nil
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 Let No Enemy Find Safety by Carter Conlon

Topic: Christian Life
Description: nil
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 Let the Righteous Smite Me by Carter Conlon

Topic: Reproach
Scripture(s): Psalm 141:1-10  
Description: nil
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 Lifting up Jesus in the Gates by Carter Conlon

Topic: Kindness
Scripture(s): Proverbs 31:10-27, Proverbs 12:4  
Description: January 27, 2008 - It is time for the Church of Jesus Christ to bring honor to His name by manifesting the law of kindness. We, as a church, are called into moral and spiritual excellence through which God is glorified. The law of kindness radiates through the mouth of those who are one in heart and mind with Jesus and whose deep desire is to live a life that is conformed to the cross of Christ. When we speak with the law of kindness we take our Savior and put Him in the gates in a place of honor. Kind speech puts a crown of glory on Jesus and those around us have to take notice. What does your speech reveal to those around you?
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 Little Strength Christian by Carter Conlon

Topic: Weakness
Scripture(s): Revelation 3:7-13  
Description: This is a very encouraging message for those Christians who truly love the Lord but recognize their own weakness and inablility to serve him as well as they wish to. Pastor Conlon helps us realize God cannot get glory out of confident and self assured vessels who trust in their own strength and ability. It's only the weak that God uses to confound the wise. Those not too proud to admit they need God. Saul and David are contrasted in a way that helps listeners understand the importance of humbling ourselves before God, and trusting his decisions and submitting to his authority.
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 Living A Life Of Double Portion Pt. 1 by Carter Conlon

Topic: Double Portion
Scripture(s): 2 Kings 2:9-10  
Description: January 30, 2005 - The search for this life of double portion – how do you find it ? How do we get it? The life of double portion is the believers legal right to every thing that the Father has given the Son. In Jesus Christ we have claims to all this fullness.
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 Living A Life Of Double Portion Pt. 2 by Carter Conlon

Topic: Double Portion
Scripture(s): 2 Kings 2:9-10  
Description: January 30, 2005 - The man who will bless this generation has the life and overflow of Christ pouring through their lives. Every Christian returns from intimate dealings with Christ with supernatural power. The life of Christ is poured into ordinary vessels to do extraordinary things.
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