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Audio Sermons : Carter Conlon : 

Carter Conlon

Carter Conlon ( - Present)

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Carter Conlon in mp3 format. Carter Conlon is the Senior Pastor of Times Square Church. David Wilkerson is the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church. God called Brother Carter to full-time ministry in Canada by faith and He has been serving the Lord with the same faith till this day.

God has used brother Carter Conlon to preach across the world at pastors conferences and evangelism crusades. He has also recently written 2 books with the newest title: "Fear Not" in which he is strengthening the body of Christ for what is coming upon the world in the end-times.

SermonIndex Recommends these books by Carter Conlon:
It's Time to Pray: God's Power Changes Everything by Carter Conlon
Fear Not: Living Courageously in Uncertain Times by Carter Conlon
The 180 Degree Christian: Serving Jesus in a Culture of Excess by Carter Conlon

 Don't Draw Back by Carter Conlon

Topic: Apostasy
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 Don't Lose Heart in Your Time of Testing by Carter Conlon

Topic: Time Of Testing
Scripture(s): Psalms 105:16-19  
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 Don’t Let Discouragement Take Your Strength by Carter Conlon

Topic: Discouragement
Scripture(s): Isaiah 40:25-31  
Description: August 23, 2009 - Discouragement can be debilitating. We can get so despondent that we will begin to doubt the existence of God. God will allow seasons of discouragement when; there is something hidden in our heart and He wants to get at it; when we take that which belongs to the Lord and keep it for ourselves; and when we fail to realize there is a divine purpose even in the darkest of times. We must cry out to God and ask Him to take away the perception that coming to Christ is all about us. We are not called to live for ourselves. It is Christ is in us for the betterment of others. When we understand this truth God will transform the valley of trouble into a gateway of hope!
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 Dying To Glorify God by Carter Conlon

Topic: Glorifying God
Scripture(s): John 17:1-5  
Description: May 6,2005 - There was a cry in the heart of Jesus Christ which has to be in the heart of everyone that says they have Christ living in them. This Cry is simply – Lord Jesus be glorified in my life. There is an inward radiance that will be an expression of the person and character of Jesus Christ. This glory can only be imparted in us as we choose daily to die to self so that the life of Jesus could be manifested in and through us.
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 Easter Morning by Carter Conlon

Topic: Easter
Scripture(s): Matthew 7:24-29  
Description: March 27, 2005 - A final shaking is coming to the world when sin will have brought such a weight into the very universe that God created. By virtue of the nature of God He will be compelled to fold up the universe as it is today and he will re –create a new heaven and a new earth. Those who have trusted in His word will dwell with Him for all eternity.
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 Eating The Bread Of Opposition by Carter Conlon

Topic: Opposition
Description: nil
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 Elijah (Time For Renewal Conference) by Carter Conlon

Topic: Elijah
Scripture(s): 1 Kings 17:1, James 5:17  
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 Escape to the Mountain by Carter Conlon

Topic: Overcoming
Scripture(s): Genesis 19:12-30,Luke 16:1-8,Psalm 121:1  
Description: All through scripture, throughout the lives of various saints, the call to come up to the mountain to let him reveal his heart to you. Spiritual laziness and prayerlessness will lead to the loss of passion for Christ and the inability to feed the sheep from the treasure of the Word. We can't know the heart of God until we let God lead us to the place of crucifixion of self. Let him preserve you from selfishness, and settling for less than he has for you. We are called to overcome, to rise above the beggardly elements of this world and stand victorious.
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 Escaping the Theology of Babylon by Carter Conlon

Topic: Babylon
Scripture(s): Jeremiah 51:1-2, Daniel 51:1-5, Revelation 18:2  
Description: December 4,2005 - There is no deeper and darker blindness than religious blindness. The theology of Babylon has no effect on its society but to dull and deaden the people. This theology of self seeking and animates false prophets who are covetous and has a heart that seeks prestige and power. This theology diminishes the poor and leads them into oppression and darkness. We escape the Babylon theology by considering the poor and needy and reaching out to them with the compassionate heart of Christ
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 Escaping The Yoke Of The Swindler by Carter Conlon

Topic: Christian Life
Description: nil
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 Evangelism Series - Part 1 by Carter Conlon

Topic: Evangelism
Scripture(s): Proverbs 11:30,John 4:34-35  
Description: To pursue God's heart is to find a new value system for seeking wisdom rather than riches or your works. And scripture says "He that winneth souls is wise". When you are in love with Christ, it draws people to you. The joy it brings will make people around you sit up and take notice. And the joy of the Lord is your strength. Soul winning is the heart of Christ in you reaching out to the lost around you. Without intimate time alone with God you cannot be a soul winner. You have to get close to God and be led by his Spirit.
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 Even Jesus Will Soon Be Shouting For Joy by Carter Conlon

Topic: Joy
Description: nil
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 Everyone's Work Will Be Tried By Fire by Carter Conlon

Topic: Judgment Seat Of Christ
Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 3:1-15,1 Corinthians 1:10  
Description: God wants to move in his church but he needs a people standing on the Rock who will not draw attention to themselves or misuse the gifts of the Spirit for personal gain or ambition. A people whose main desire is to glorify God, not flesh. When there is a focus on personalities, or certain ministers, with respect of persons, this will lead to the same trouble in the church today it led to in the Corinthian church as Paul dealt with in these scriptures. Division and self promotion.
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 Everything is Servant to the Word of God by Carter Conlon

Topic: Word Of God
Scripture(s): Psalms 119:89-91  
Description: January 01, 2006 – God speaks and His words are backed up with a creative power to put in motion the very words He has spoken. The very breath of God’s words are air put into divine motion and has the complete ability to make the truth of God’s promises a living reality in our lives. We are all servant to the word of God and the power of His word has the awesome ability to change and transform our lives. God will uncover the water supply in His word and He will begin to bring abundant life into the depths of our heart.
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 Evicting Uzziah by Carter Conlon

Topic: Uzziah
Scripture(s): 2 Chronicles 26:14-21  
Description: September 7, 2008 - We are living in a time when men and women who say they know God are pushing themselves into places that God has not ordained for them. When human effort and human reasoning take us to the end of ourselves God will visit us by His Holy Spirit and the ordinary man will do extraordinary things. Uzziah had God's vision and could see what God saw and the Lord made him to prosper until he became wise in his own eyes and put himself in the place of God. Not soon after that he was moved out and became a leper.
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 Evil Is At The Gate by Carter Conlon

Topic: Evil
Scripture(s): Daniel 5, Galatians 6:7  
Description: Carter Conlon speaks of the great moral and spiritual evil at the doorstep of the Church and America. He speaks of the history of sins in the culture of America and in the Church including slavery. Evil is becoming good and good is becoming evil. It is time to turn away godless false religion and seek God in prayer now because evil is at the gate.
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 Evil Men in the Plan of God by Carter Conlon

Topic: Evil Men
Scripture(s): Psalms 94:1-23  
Description: nil
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 Excluded From The Land Of Promise by Carter Conlon

Topic: Land Of Promise
Scripture(s): Numbers 20:10-12  
Description: nil
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 Excuse Me, Do You Know What Time It Is? by Carter Conlon

Topic: Last Days
Description: nil
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 Facing A Moment Of Bitter Division by Carter Conlon

Topic: Division
Description: nil
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