| | Casting Fire Into the Sanctuary by Carter Conlon
Topic: Sanctuary Scripture(s): Psalm 74:1-8 | | Description: June 15, 2008 - There are demonic voices and powers of darkness that attempt to turn us away from the power we have in Christ. These voices will say you can't go any farther with God. This message reminds us that it is the LORD who sets the boundaries in the Earth and the truth is that it is the devil who could only go as far as the bloodline of Jesus Christ. It is time to rise up in faith and tell whatever voice is telling us "we can't", that God can! God desires to stretch forth His hand and heal us so we can be agents of healing to the unsaved.
| 2137 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | Cherishing the Treasure of Christ by Carter Conlon
Topic: Cherishing Christ Scripture(s): Matthew 13:44-46,2 Corinthians 4:5-6,Romans 11:33 | | Description: We have this treasure in earthen vessels; the Spirit of the living God indwelling believers. And that presence will produce in a hungry soul an ever increasing revelation of who Christ is. This is often revealed in us and to us through suffering and trials. We have this great kingdom which cannot be moved, such great victory, and power living in us. Pastor Conlon goes through many other scriptures revealing how the Lord Jesus Christ is our Treasure. The person drawing closer to Him, cannot help being awed by Him, and at the same time painfully aware of their own sinful flesh in comparison. If your heart is toward Christ he knows, and he will not let the enemy overwhelm you as you trust in him. Pursuit of an ever increasing knowledge and intimacy with Christ should be the Christian's number one priority. When we get careless with the word of God and prayer, tragedy can come. The devil is always after the treasure of the presence of Christ in your life. Pastor Conlon warns: There is no greater danger than to become careless with this Book!
| 5400 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | Chopping Wood For Father by Carter Conlon
Topic: Grace Scripture(s): Revelation 2:1-7 | | Description: Pastor Conlon delivers an extremely personal mesage, where he speaks about his attempts as a teen to gain the favour and love of his own father. He goes on to show how this is in the mentality of many christains that think they can work the're way into the Lord's favour, without realising that we should love God because He first loved us and that we do not need to earn His love and favour because it is already ours in Christ out Lord. One of the best messages I've heard in a long time, it brought me very close to tears, Praise be to God!!!
| 5281 downloads | Sermon Comments (3)
| | Coming Out of the Wilderness with Power by Carter Conlon
Topic: Wilderness Scripture(s): Luke 4:1, Luke 4:40-42, Luke 5:15-16 | | Description: August 30, 2009 - In just a little while God in His mercy will lead His church into the wilderness. The wilderness is not a place to be avoided, but rather a place to be understood. There is something of God in this place. God Himself will allure us there to speak comfort and strengthen us. He will take away all things that we believe He has given us, when in reality He never did. In this place God will deal with all that has captivated our heart and would hinder His life from being lived through us. In the wilderness the natural becomes supernatural and we are brought back to a right perspective. When we get through this deep dealing of God we are enabled to make the choice to be poured out for Jesus so that others can be grafted into His power and lineage. The lesson learned from this experience is that the power of God is found in those who will be given for others!
| 2706 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | Covering the Face of Jesus by Carter Conlon
Topic: Commitment Scripture(s): Mark 14:60-65 | | Description: (preached: Sept. 21, 2003) A great word of truth on our commitment to the cross. Pastor Conlon uses the trial of Jesus to illustrate how the world will be offended by Christ in us and he exhorts us to stand firm and love those who hate us, keeping the cross in view.
| 3686 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | Crossing Jordan at Harvest Time by Carter Conlon
Topic: Harvest | | Description: December 11, 2011 There are times and seasons of great harvests. Jesus Christ opened up the way into the Promised Land and this is no time to play on the edges of Christianity. We must not overflow the boarders of what God calls moral and good. God's value system must become ours. We are left on this earth to gather in the harvests. God made visible boundaries and we must stay within the boarders God established for us. God says to you get prepared in your heart to live for Jesus and the betterment of others.
| 1729 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | Dangerous Shepards by Carter Conlon
Topic: Shepards Scripture(s): Ezekiel 34:1-16,Jeremiah 23:18,John 10 | | Description: This message is best described as how to identify dangerous, self-seeking shepherds, as the Bible describes in the scriptures. Where is the recognition of the seriousness and soberness of the high calling of being a shepherd to the sheep of God? Too many take it lightly and the sheep are scattered and wounded as a result, and often destroyed.
| 5774 downloads | Sermon Comments (3)
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| | Digging Up the Old Wells of Abraham by Carter Conlon
Topic: Old Paths Scripture(s): Genesis 26:16-22 | | Description: June 10, 2007 - If we are going to stand in the coming days we have to go to the old wells, the places where our forefathers went and draw out water. We dig in the same places where they dug in their times of stress, trial and famine and we will find the same source of strength and provision that they found.
| 2777 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | Discerning the Fellowship of Jesus Christ by Carter Conlon
Topic: False Teaching Scripture(s): Malachi 1:2-4, Matthew 24:3-5 | | Description: (preached: June 8, 2003) This is a great message about discerning between Truth as it is in Jesus and false teaching. God promises to those that seek Him with all their hearts that He will lead them into all truth. Truth seekers are those that worship God acceptably, but we must be careful of falling into the error of by our own human minds diserning and doubting all that is of God.
| 4540 downloads | Sermon Comments (2)
| | Disentangled Warriors by Carter Conlon
Topic: Caring For Others Scripture(s): 2 Timothy 2:1-5 | | Description: (preached: Dec. 14, 2003) Starting with Timothy, and going through other scriptures, believers are exhorted to care one for another, and fight the good fight. When God sends someone to you who needs encouragement, lifting up will you be able to take time to support those who are falling down? Will you be able to stand up against the devil for your brothers and sisters in the church? Don't be willing to let them go. Hate it when you see the devil gain the advantage. Jesus left the flock for the one. He left the 99 for the one. When you see it, you pray, and you fast for them. You intercede, encourage, lift up. Support. This is the heart of God for his people and this is how he wants them to love one another. Ask God to give you the discernment to see the needs of others around you. To look past your needs and problems to those around you.
| 4610 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | Don't Be Dismayed, God Will Not Fail You by Carter Conlon
Topic: Dependence On God Scripture(s): Deuteronomy 31:7-8 | | Description: Carter Conlon preached this powerful message in the year 2003 at Times Square Church. No matter your struggle - God will NOT fail you as you trust Him in everything. God will always be faithful the scripture says. God has made covenant with the Church as he did with Israel and His promises are sure. He is a sure rock and fortress in our times of trouble. May God bring us to total dependence on Christ and His work.
| 7531 downloads | Sermon Comments (3)
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| | Don't Despise the Day of Small Endings by Carter Conlon
Topic: Gods Will | | Description: October 2, 2011 - We dont mind if our life starts out small and ends big but what if it goes the other way. Are you discouraged because your life isn't matching up to your original vision? This message encourages us that the Lord will finish the work that He has destined to do through you, but it doesn't have to be great in your sight. Those who win in the Kingdom of God finish the race not the way they thought they should, but knowing inside they finished what God has purposed for them to do. Those who are faithful in a few things will enter into the joy of the Lord.
| 2086 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)