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| | 2012 A Year To Consider Jesus by Carter Conlon
Topic: Forsaking All | | Description: As you begin the new year, will you stop and consider how deep and how far you are willing to go with Jesus? Consider Jesus and go outside the boundaries of a scornful world, lay aside every weight and dont allow your struggles to dominate your focus. We are to stand and fight for a people who are fighting against their own salvation. Its all about people and all about those who need a Savior. Consider Jesus and go all the way with Him.
| 6803 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | A Blind Church In A Miraculous Place by Carter Conlon
Topic: Church | | Description: Don’t sit in blindness on the side of the road, cry out to God for mercy and He will bring you into the fullness of your inheritance. Jesus is passing by and He is able to tear down every wall of impossibility. At the sound of your cry God will release you from captivity and bring you into His supernatural life.
| 4328 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | A Bride Worthy of Christs Attention by Carter Conlon
Topic: Bride Of Christ | | Description: Can you say that your life, devotion to God, love for His word and your kindness to other people has caught the eye of Jesus? Can you say you've been honest with God and you are dedicated to His purposes? In this last hour of time, let the Church of Jesus Christ cry out for boldness and ask God to do something so sovereign that everyone will see His mercy through our lives. We must cry out to God and ask Him to increase our testimony so it can be a virtuous bride who brings glory to the name of Jesus.
| 7631 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | A Call for Intercessors by Carter Conlon
Topic: Intercessors | | Description: Spoken at the inauguration of Feed New York, Brother Conlon illustrates the call, the cost and the consequences of being an intercessor through the story of Ester. He notes the importance of being called from outside as well as serving those beyond yourself.
| 6040 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | A Call to Those Who Care About the Honor of God by Carter Conlon
Topic: Honor Of God Scripture(s): Nehemiah 1:1-11 | | Description: October 4, 2009 - There is a spiritual wall that separates those who are truly serving God and those who are bringing carnality into His church. If God is going to be honored in this generation we must begin to rebuild the testimony of Christ in our lives. You may ask yourself how does this happen? How do I begin to rebuild this wall? The first thing we do is apply the truth of God's Word to every area of our life where we are not in agreement with Him. Secondly, we must remove the rubble in our homes that has blocked the door to the prayer closet. Lastly, call our children by example into the work of God. Suddenly there will be a people arise and begin to build according the ways of God and they will do it all for His honor!
| 13542 downloads | Sermon Comments (2)
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| | A Day When Many Walked Away From Jesus by Carter Conlon
Topic: God's Will | | Description: Jesus is the bread of life, He came down from heaven not to do His own will but to do the will of His Father. Don’t walk away from Jesus to go your own way and do your own will. If you want to be truly satisfied in this life, make the choice to pray, “not my will but thine be done.” After you make that choice, prepare to be sent and supplied with supernatural power.
| 3639 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | A Day's Journey Into the Wilderness by Carter Conlon
Topic: Wilderness Scripture(s): 1 Kings 19 | | Description: Ever suffer from spiritual despression -- even at times when, no matter how great you feel the power of God working in your life, you still feel as if you could rise from your bed only to eat, then lie back down again? In I Kings 19, Elijah felt that way, even after God had defeated the priests of Baal by answering Isaiah's prayer and accepting his sacrifice. Isaiah even wished to die. In this sermon, Pastor Conlon discusses spiritual depression and how it may strike any one of us at any time -- and what to do about it if it does.
| 15332 downloads | Sermon Comments (3)
| | A Final Warning to the Indulgent Church by Carter Conlon
Topic: Prophetic Word Scripture(s): 1 Chronicles 11:15-19 | | Description: January 17, 2010 - That which satisfies the deepest longings of our heart is the living waters of Christ. Each of us is invited to drink and pass this cup of salvation. The question is, What do we do with this cup of salvation? This message points to examples in history where people were given a great opportunity to serve God but became self indulgent. The self indulgent church has nothing in his heart for his brother. It gravitates to the things of the world and its possessions, instead of living for Christ. There is a final warning to the self indulgent church to turn away from their sins and become charitable to the poor. There is a time when a sentence is written against those who were supposed to be a testimony in the earth. Recognizing and honoring truth is not enough, we must embrace it and walk it out! In one minute everything can change and only those who have the compassion of God for humanity will stand!
| 8117 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | A Full Napkin and An Empty Basket by Carter Conlon
Topic: Christian Life | | Description: November 20, 2011 - God placed within you a deposit of His life so you can bear fruit right where you are. Our lives should lead people into the love of the Father, the forgiveness of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. God will never ask you to give somebody something that he didn't already supply. At the end of our journey we will all give an account for what we did with His investment in us here on earth. Will you invest what God has given you in His redemptive work here on earth? Don't bury your talent, invest it.
| 3570 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | A Gospel of Slaughter by Carter Conlon
Topic: Laughing Revival Scripture(s): 1 Kings 22:2-23 | | Description: This message powerfully rebukes the "laughing revival" as well as the other movements. Based on the story of Jehoshaphat and Ahab in 1 Kings chapter 22, where the many prophets were prophesying "go up and prosper" while one, a true prophet of the Lord prophesied in truth.
| 20459 downloads | Sermon Comments (5)