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| | Gaining an Eternal Perspective (P1) by K.P. Yohannan
Topic: Eternity | | Description: Our hope should be in the Lord returning, that is what His word tells us to keep our eyes and hope on. We need to understand that this life is a vapor, but eternity is forever! Lets be challenged with the question, what are we truly living for and are we living the upward calling Christ has called us to live? Be encouraged and challenged spiritually by this message.
| 743 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | Gaining an Eternal Perspective (P2) by K.P. Yohannan
Topic: Eternity | | Description: Develop a habit of disciplined prayer, life is so precious when you keep it simple. These are applications K.P. Yohannan gives us in continuing his message on how to live with an eternal perspective.
| 669 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | His and His Alone by K.P. Yohannan
Topic: Living For Christ | | Description: Brother K.P. Yohannan preaches with passion and burden for us to realize we are not our own but have been bought with a price. He calls for those that will follow Christ in whole-hearted devotion and live for His approval alone. There is a lost and dying world going to Hell and need to hear the Gospel and see it clearly in our lives.
| 11287 downloads | Sermon Comments (4)
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| | Hope for the Hurting by K.P. Yohannan
Topic: Hope Scripture(s): John 3:16 | | Description: There are 160 million child laborers in India. Consider one thing, John 3:16 – He loved the world not just the United States; we need to take that into consideration and realize we are obligated to help them. We represent the body of Christ, what did He do when He was down here on earth?
| 746 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | Invest Your Life in the Harvest, Part One by K.P. Yohannan
Topic: Compassion | | Description: K.P. shares how Jesus' compassion can help you find the right priorities for your life. As Christians, what are we supposed to be doing? Listen to these two messages about investing in the harvest. When we are out doing the work that Christ has called us to do, we impact the lives of others. It may not seem like we are doing anything at the time – but our home is not here on earth. Jesus said live for things that will not perish. God is eternal, so live for Him.
| 1853 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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