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Gayle Erwin

Gayle Erwin ( - )

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Gayle Erwin in mp3 format. He is a father and grandfather, a writer and editor, a talker and listener. He has created five magazines, served six years as a college teacher and twenty years as a pastor. Now, as the director of a ministry called "Servant Quarters," he spends his time speaking at conferences and retreats (as he works on his third million miles of flying) and writing. His humorous style delights audiences of all ages wherever he goes.

Gayle's first book, The Jesus Style, has sold more than 500,000 copies and has been translated into 35 languages. Many churches and missions groups require their leaders to study this book. Gayle Erwin travels around the globe playing, as he puts it, "the one string on my guitar." That "one string" is the Nature of Jesus, a message developed over a lifetime of study and experience -- a simple message of servant lifestyle for this complex age.

 The Jesus Style - Part 1 by Gayle Erwin Books

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 The Jesus Style - Part 2 by Gayle Erwin Books

Topic: Audio Books
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 The Jesus Style - Part 3 by Gayle Erwin Books

Topic: Audio Books
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 The Jesus Style - Part 4 by Gayle Erwin Books

Topic: Audio Books
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