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| | The Glory of God by Leonard Ravenhill
Topic: Glory Of God | | Description: Asked why he was used of the Lord so greatly in China, Hudson Taylor replied, "God had looked long for a man weak enough, and He found me." He takes the weak things of the world to confound the mighty. Spiritual wisdom does not come with years; neither does maturity. The key to both is obedience. Whatsoever He saith unto YOU, do it.
| 9765 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | The Holy Ghost by Leonard Ravenhill
Topic: Holy Spirit Scripture(s): John 16:8, John 16:13-14 | | Description: Leonard Ravenhill shares on the Holy Spirit and some of the groups in Christendom that speak of the Spirit but not the reality of a person made holy in experiencing Him. The Holy Spirit is a person, not a doctrine, experience or idea. The Holy Spirit will transform the life, He is the indwelling person of God in us. Jesus died to transform your personality and not just forgive your sins.
| 6945 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | The incandescent Man by Leonard Ravenhill
Topic: John The Baptist | | Description: Ravenhill speaks on revival and John the Baptist. The message really doesn't stay on course in the bible study but rather He preaches from a burden to see revival in the church. This message is well worth hearing it will spark a desire in your heart to pray for revival in our day.
| 6523 downloads | Sermon Comments (3)
| | The Indestructible Man (Kansas City) - Part 1 by Leonard Ravenhill
Topic: John The Baptist | | Description: Ravenhill speaks on revival and John the Baptist. The message really doesn't stay on course in the bible study but rather He preaches from a burden to see revival in the church. This message is well worth hearing it will spark a desire in your heart to pray for revival in our day.
| 3803 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | The Indestructible Man (Kansas City) - Part 2 by Leonard Ravenhill
Topic: John The Baptist | | Description: Ravenhill speaks on revival and John the Baptist. The message really doesn't stay on course in the bible study but rather He preaches from a burden to see revival in the church. This message is well worth hearing it will spark a desire in your heart to pray for revival in our day.
| 3443 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | The Indestructible Man (Kansas City) - Part 3 by Leonard Ravenhill
Topic: John The Baptist | | Description: Ravenhill speaks on revival and John the Baptist. The message really doesn't stay on course in the bible study but rather He preaches from a burden to see revival in the church. This message is well worth hearing it will spark a desire in your heart to pray for revival in our day.
| 2988 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | The Indwelt Saint by Leonard Ravenhill
Topic: Holy Spirit Scripture(s): Romans 8 | | Description: Ravenhill discusses the freedom from sin a Christian should walk in and what it truly means to be filled with the Holy Spirit. He also shares some personal testimony from his own life near the end of the sermon.
| 3048 downloads | Sermon Comments (2)
| | The Judgement Seat Of Christ - Part 1 (alternate) by Leonard Ravenhill
Topic: Judgment Seat Of Christ Scripture(s): Revelation 20:11-15, 1 Corinthians 3:9-15 | | Description: A deeply moving wake-up call to the church, instructing her to live in the light of eternity, "for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:10). Leonard Ravenhill describes the judgment day from Scripture as a court day where the verdict is final. He first points to the judgment of the unjust and then focusses on the judgment of the righteous. He emphasizes that we will all stand before Jesus alone and will not only be judged for what we have done, but also for what we have not done that we should have done. He denounces the worldliness of the people of God who invest their time and money as the world does - thus building on wood, hay and stubble as opposed to silver, gold and precious stones. Leonard Ravenhill strongly opposes today's "sloppy gospel" and "sloppy evangelism" of a love with no judgment. He warns that we are passing from the mercy of the lamb to the wrath of the lamb when Jesus judges the earth and mercy will be gone forever. As the work of every human being shall be tried in the fire, many public ministries will go down in ashes. Leonard describes 95 % of believers as bound by superstition and theology. He criticizes the unjust money-making of public ministries that leads to false investments of large amounts of money. He states that we must have Jesus take the government over our lives in reality and be lost and consumed in Him. Ravenhill closes his sermon with a strong call to repentance: "If we cannot live as a different breed of people on this earth we have no right to live here. God stamp eternity on my eyeballs."
| 6436 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | The Judgement Seat Of Christ - Part 2 (alternate) by Leonard Ravenhill
Topic: Judgment Seat Of Christ Scripture(s): Revelation 20:11-15, 1 Corinthians 3:9-15 | | Description: A deeply moving wake-up call to the church, instructing her to live in the light of eternity, "for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:10). Leonard Ravenhill describes the judgment day from Scripture as a court day where the verdict is final. He first points to the judgment of the unjust and then focusses on the judgment of the righteous. He emphasizes that we will all stand before Jesus alone and will not only be judged for what we have done, but also for what we have not done that we should have done. He denounces the worldliness of the people of God who invest their time and money as the world does - thus building on wood, hay and stubble as opposed to silver, gold and precious stones. Leonard Ravenhill strongly opposes today's "sloppy gospel" and "sloppy evangelism" of a love with no judgment. He warns that we are passing from the mercy of the lamb to the wrath of the lamb when Jesus judges the earth and mercy will be gone forever. As the work of every human being shall be tried in the fire, many public ministries will go down in ashes. Leonard describes 95 % of believers as bound by superstition and theology. He criticizes the unjust money-making of public ministries that leads to false investments of large amounts of money. He states that we must have Jesus take the government over our lives in reality and be lost and consumed in Him. Ravenhill closes his sermon with a strong call to repentance: "If we cannot live as a different breed of people on this earth we have no right to live here. God stamp eternity on my eyeballs."
| 5421 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | The Judgment Seat of Christ (alternate 3) by Leonard Ravenhill
Topic: Judgment Seat Scripture(s): Revelation 20:11-15, 1 Corinthians 3:9-15 | | Description: A deeply moving wake-up call to the church, instructing her to live in the light of eternity, "for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:10). Leonard Ravenhill describes the judgment day from Scripture as a court day where the verdict is final. He first points to the judgment of the unjust and then focusses on the judgment of the righteous. He emphasizes that we will all stand before Jesus alone and will not only be judged for what we have done, but also for what we have not done that we should have done. He denounces the worldliness of the people of God who invest their time and money as the world does - thus building on wood, hay and stubble as opposed to silver, gold and precious stones. Leonard Ravenhill strongly opposes today's "sloppy gospel" and "sloppy evangelism" of a love with no judgment. He warns that we are passing from the mercy of the lamb to the wrath of the lamb when Jesus judges the earth and mercy will be gone forever. As the work of every human being shall be tried in the fire, many public ministries will go down in ashes. Leonard describes 95 % of believers as bound by superstition and theology. He criticizes the unjust money-making of public ministries that leads to false investments of large amounts of money. He states that we must have Jesus take the government over our lives in reality and be lost and consumed in Him. Ravenhill closes his sermon with a strong call to repentance: "If we cannot live as a different breed of people on this earth we have no right to live here. God stamp eternity on my eyeballs."
| 2134 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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