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Audio Sermons : Leonard Ravenhill : 

Leonard Ravenhill

Leonard Ravenhill (1907 – 1994)

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Leonard Ravenhill in mp3 format. A revivalist and man of God who sought God's will above all else. He was a man of prayer who practiced what he preached. He wrote the book: 'Why Revival Tarries' which has become a classic on revival. His prophetic edge and burden made him to be respected by some and disliked by others. Yet he stayed true to God's call on his life prayed and pleading for true heaven sent revival.

"Those who know of Leonard Ravenhill recognize in him the religious specialist, the man sent from God to battle the priests of Baal on their own mountain top, to shame the careless priest at the altar, to face the false prophet, and to warn the people who are being led astray by him. " - Tozer | "Leonard Ravenhill was one of the few men I have ever known who was a true prophet." - David Wilkerson

SermonIndex Recommends these books by Leonard Ravenhill:
Why Revival Tarries by Leonard Ravenhill
Sodom Had No Bible by Leonard Ravenhill
In Light of Eternity: The Life of Leonard Ravenhill by Mack Tomlinson

 (Hebrews) 1-Overview-1 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Hebrews
Scripture(s): Hebrews 1  
Description: The epistle to the Hebrews reveals Jesus as the Center and Circumference, Beginning, Ending and Entirety of the Gospel. It has nothing to say to the unbeliever; it is addressed to the "partakers." By faith we are partakers of Christ (3:14), of the Holy Spirit (6:4), of the heavenly calling (3:1), and also of His chastisement (12:8-10) that we might be partakers of His holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord (12:14).
Sermon Comments (4)
 (Hebrews) 1-Overview-2 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Hebrews
Scripture(s): Hebrews 1  
Description: The epistle to the Hebrews reveals Jesus as the Center and Circumference, Beginning, Ending and Entirety of the Gospel. It has nothing to say to the unbeliever; it is addressed to the "partakers." By faith we are partakers of Christ (3:14), of the Holy Spirit (6:4), of the heavenly calling (3:1), and also of His chastisement (12:8-10) that we might be partakers of His holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord (12:14).
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 (Hebrews) 2-Moses by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Moses
Scripture(s): Hebrews 11:22-23  
Description: Faith not only moves mountains and secures heaven's blessings; it makes obedience possible. Our obedience, like everything else in the Christian life, is by the faith of the Son of God. By faith Moses' parents sent him down the Nile in a basket, because without God's intervention the child would certainly have died. By faith Moses chose the affliction of the people of God, forsaking the pleasures of sin and the riches of Egypt, because he trusted the Lord to make him a partaker of the riches of Christ. Faith "reckons, risks and rests" - and secures God's promises, sometimes by doing what is foolish in the eyes of the world. Such obedience can only arise from confidence in God to keep his promises, regardless of appearances.
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 (Hebrews) 3-Cain and Abel by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Cain and Abel
Scripture(s): Hebrews 11:4  
Description: "By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous." Abel was the first to be saved by faith, and the first martyr. Abel's sacrifice was a work of faith; Cain's was not. Symbolically, the Lord had respect to Abel and his offering of the firstlings of the flock because without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. Cain offered the fruit of the earth, which is under the curse of sin. Nothing originating from sinful nature can be made acceptable to God. Only that which arises from faith in Christ and His shed blood is pleasing to the Father.
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 (Hebrews) 4-Repentance by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Repentance
Scripture(s): John 7:37-39  
Description: "If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink," Jesus cried out in the temple - a temple that was little more than a shrine to the glory days of Israel, a temple with no Shekinah presence and no prophetic word. Today Jesus stands and cries out the same words to a church that has no the prophetic word and no manifest presence of the Spirit. Verse 39 explains why: "the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified." The Holy Spirit is not given when Jesus is not glorified and His Lordship not recognized. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is the coronation of the Lord Jesus in the heart of the believer. Revival is the coronation of the Lord Jesus in His church.
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 (Hebrews) 5-Abel and Enoch by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Enoch
Scripture(s): Hebrews 11:4-6  
Description: A brief exhortation to follow the examples of Abel and Enoch, who by faith became witnesses to the truth that God is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
Sermon Comments (1)
 (Hebrews) 6-Noah by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Noah
Scripture(s): Hebrews 11:7; Genesis 6-9  
Description: "And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man." We live in an age in which living the Christ-life and keeping His commandments is almost as outlandish as building an ark in the desert! Noah was "moved by fear" at the word of the Lord and became a preacher of righteousness (2 Peter 2:5). Such men are needed today!
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 (Hebrews) 7-Power in Weakness (Is.41_14-15) by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Weakness
Scripture(s): Isaiah 41:14-15, Psalm 22  
Description: The Lord says, "Thou worm Jacob...thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them small." Ravenhill explores the oddity of a worm, the weakest of all creatures, leveling mountains! Only the meek and lowly can be mightily used of God, whose strength is made perfect in weakness. In the Kingdom of heaven the way up is down! "Blessed are the meek." "He who humbles himself will be exalted." Ravenhill recommends reading Isaiah 40 every day to keep in view the supremacy and all-sufficiency of the Lord.
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 (Hebrews) 8-Faith by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Faith
Scripture(s): Hebrews 11:6  
Description: This final message summarizes and recapitulates the entire series in a sweeping biblical survey showing that without faith it is impossible to please God, but all things are possible to him who believes!
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 (Question / Answer) Tongues, Demons, Catholic Church by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Question Answer
Description: nil
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 **Long Interview of Leonard Ravenhill by David Mainse by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Revival
Description: This is a recording that includes 15 minute radio show interviews from the show "the chapel of the air" run by David Mains. David Mains interviews Leonard Ravenhill with the aim of first the local church then the seminaries then religion as seen and heard on television and radio. The underlining theme is revival throughout all of the conversations. Leonard Ravenhill did many phone interviews especially in times that he was recovering from sickness and was constrained from preaching but rather to stay in his home.
Sermon Comments (7)
 1 Cor 13 (version 1) by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Love
Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 13, Romans 5:5  
Description: This sermon focuses on God's kind of love from the verses written by Paul in 1 Corinthians 13 and Romans 5:5. The majority of the sermon discusses the first half of 1 Cor 13; specifically verses 1 through 8. There are many old hymns and writings quoted by Brother Len that focus on the person and love of God and His Christ intertwined in the message, quite a few from Wesley. There is also some time spent on some of the past saints that exemplified this love.
Sermon Comments (2)
 1 Cor 13 (version 2) by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Love
Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 13, Romans 5:5  
Description: This sermon focuses on God's kind of love from the verses written by Paul in 1 Corinthians 13 and Romans 5:5. The majority of the sermon discusses the first half of 1 Cor 13; specifically verses 1 through 8. There are many old hymns and writings quoted by Brother Len that focus on the person and love of God and His Christ intertwined in the message, quite a few from Wesley. There is also some time spent on some of the past saints that exemplified this love.
Sermon Comments (1)
 1 Kings 16-18 - Part 2 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Christian Life
Scripture(s): 1 Kings 16-18  
Description: nil
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 1 Kings 16-18 - Part 1 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Christian Life
Scripture(s): 1 Kings 16-18  
Description: nil
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 1 Samuel 15 vs. 10 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Christian Life
Scripture(s): 1 Samuel 15:10   
Description: nil
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 1 Samuel 1:2-16 by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Samuel
Scripture(s): 1 Samuel 1:2-16  
Description: nil
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 A Burning Heart by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Prophet
Scripture(s): Isaiah 64:1-2  
Description: Ravenhill speaks from a text in Isaiah and speaks much about the role of the prophet. But really this is just him sharing his heart for revival and on the lukewarm condition of the church. You can really sense his burden as he just shares as the Spirit leads. You will be convicted as you hear this message and brought to your knees to become an agent of change in the church.
Sermon Comments (13)
 A Man Of God by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Interview
Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 3:13-17  
Description: Leonard Ravenhill pours out his heart on many issues that are important to the Church situation we find ourselves in. There are many keys to revival and the Christian life given in this recording. The duration of this video is about two hours long, you will not be the same after listening to it.
Sermon Comments (3)
 A New Creature by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Born Again
Scripture(s): 2 Corinthians 5:17  
Description: nil
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