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Audio Sermons : Rolfe Barnard :  Recovery of the Gospel

 Recovery of the Gospel by Rolfe Barnard

Scripture(s): Galatians 1:6, Galatians 1:8  
Description: One of the most important needs of the day is the recovery of the true glorious gospel of the mighty God our Lord Jesus Christ. If sin is as deadly as the bible says it is and the devil as real as the bible says he is then to understand the true gospel of grace is the utmost need of our day. We are great sinners, sinning against a great God, that has offered us a great salvation.
Sermon Comments (2)

 This sermon needs to be on broadcast every where! 
This sermon needs to be on broadcast every where! Until the Old gospel of the Sovereign mercy and grace of God is recovered, any revival effort will remain man-centered. This man-centered gospel has been preached for far too long. This new gospel that is being preach today fails to produce in it's hearers:(1)Deep reverence for God (2)Deep repentance toward God (3)Deep humility (4)A deep spirit of humility. In short, the gospel that is being preached today fails to produce Christians! The gospel that is being preached today produces:(1) Lot's of converts (2) Lot's of church members (3) It seems to change some of the ways of men and woman, but it leaves men and women unchanged.(4) It gets men to quite some of their bad habits and keep others. The gospel that is being preached today does not produce Christians!

 something real? 
This recording by Rolfe Barnard is a crying, urgent, vital message for something "real" and the need for the true gospel to be preached and believed again. This is not ordinary message but a prophetic calling out to the true body of Christ. May a urgency and unsettling be put your spirit when you hear this important sermon from the past. If it was urgent in his days how much more in our days. The gospel has been furthered lost in our day. May God send a reviving of the true gospel again.

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