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Audio Sermons : Leonard Ravenhill :  Ark Error

 Ark Error by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Holiness
Scripture(s): 2 Samuel 5-6  
Description: This is a difficult message for it is a call to Holiness. In this message, a stark contrast is derived between man methods and means the beauty and Holiness of God and the obedience God requires of us to stay on the very narrow truth no matter how limited it might seem to man. In His own emittable way, "we are trying to steady the arc of God....there is nobody wicked anymore. there is just weak"
Sermon Comments (1)

 God's way or no way 
Using the story of Uzza touching the ark as it was being transported, Leonard Ravenhill warns us of the dangers of trying to do God's work our way. They thought a new cart would be a real blessing for the ark of the covenant, but it wasn't how God specified to move it. They were supposed to bear the weight of it on their shoulders. Don't dress up the gospel. Don't "put it on a new cart." Do God's work God's way.

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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