| | A Warning To American Christianity by Keith Daniel
Topic: Warning Scripture(s): Ephesians 6:10-18 | | Description: Keith Daniel gives a solemn warning to the Church of Jesus Christ in America, that we must pray before its too late. The church should not use wordly methods to win the world it will not work! The main thrust of the sermon is preached from Ephesians 6:10-18 and the emphasis is that the church needs to get into warfare on their knees. God can still change America and other nations to be God fearing and righteous again.
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A Wise Warning
I'm listening to this audio sermon right now, and God is using this right now to teach me. Hopefully this message is convicting others. I believe Kieth's concern about modern Christian music is legitimate. To be perfectly honest, a lot of it *is* rubbish, and this is coming from me, a person who habitually listened to Demon Hunter, Spoken, and Skillet just a few months ago. It is fun, it is entertaining, but that's all it is: a lyrically "safe" substitute for the other stuff. One day, I just realized it was ugly and had in fact distracted me from Christ, so I stopped listening to it. I now read my bible more, and my goal is not so much to satisfy my personal taste but to glorify the LORD. One should heed the words of this man, for he is passionate and filled with the Holy Spirit.
See the heart of the message
It was hard for me to hear Keith Daniel talk about modern christian music and i may not agree with him about that. But don't let this one thing be a stumbling block to the rest of His message because we do need to up hold a standard of righteousness in this nation and i confess i do not. Hear this message and ask for the Lord to convict your heart.
Power sermon in every regard, except...
Mr. Daniel's opinion is that, regardless of its lyrical content, modern Christian music is satanic and displeasing to God. He gives no examples and, as far as I can tell, has no basis in the word of God for his dislike of modern Christian music. It's not hard to understand that he simply may not enjoy modern music and may have a more old-fashioned taste, but taste is not something which ought to be universalized from the pulpit. There are many different ways to make music, none inherently evil; all that matters is whether or not a song arises from the Spirit of God in the depths of one's heart and employs the word of God to encourage, convict, and admonish its listeners.
God Help me
God help me!! Deliver me from my sin. I wish the same thing that happened in New York could happen here I have so much repenting to do!! Jesus help me
The word 'anointed' is thrown around in many circles of Christianity today and is even a word that is shunned but truly this message and the bearer of the message was annointed for a specific purpose. This message gives a cry out to the Church of United States of America and the rest of the world, but paticulary to the USA that only through prayer shall this nation be turned back to God. The responsibility lies in the true Church of Jesus Christ to enter into warfare on their knees in prayer. Nothing else will suffice or work. This is a very strong message and should not be taken lightly.
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