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Audio Sermons : Leonard Ravenhill :  What is your Life? (cd quality)

 What is your Life? (cd quality) by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Brevity Of Life
Scripture(s): James 4:14  
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (4)

 Absolutely Amazing 
This is a must hear message for all men and women of God. Pierces the heart and will bring you to your knees just like effective preaching should.What is our life? everyday we should ask ourselves this question.

 This is a vintage Ravenhill style sermon (great quality too) 
If your tired of the repentless sinners prayer and false conversions, Then you are at the right place, "The question isn't if your challenged, its if your changed" (Romans 6:7) For he that is dead is freed from sin.

 Agreed, it is tough 
Not a feel-good sermon, but rather, very necessary. Makes you come to grips with the fact you'll stand before the Almighty.

 A tough message 
This is one of my favorites. He has some tough things to say...but very important.

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