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Audio Sermons : Oswald J. Smith :  A Message For New Christians

 A Message For New Christians by Oswald J. Smith

Topic: New Christians
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (4)

 This saved me 
I am new in the church--again. His style is so simple but filled with the Holy Spirit. I have been in the wilderness for too long and now I am up to Step 3. I am filling myself with the Holy Spirit. Little by little, I am developing faith. I am crossing the Jordan river. This audio is so inspiring. There, as stated before, is a blank spot in the audio. Just enough time to reflect on what he has said and do a little praying. Be patient, it is well worth it. Thanks for helping to save me.

 It's very good complete sermon!!! 
I love the way he ilustrates the message with 3 books. In the middle of the audio it seems for the message to stop, but when I continued to listen after nothin, the rest of the message continued. It really made me happy. I thought it was incomplete. I moved the audio bar to see if there was more and I found the rest of the message. Thank You Lord!!!!!!!!!

 Short Explanation 
The rest of the tape is towards the end, rocklife. Oswald J. delves into what the 11 disciples used and drew their teaching from by what Christ taught them concerning Himself - the Old Testament. Moses is a type and shadow of Christ leading His people out of the world and bondage to their sins the way Moses lead the Hebrews out of the Egypt under the Pharaoh towards the promised land. It then goes onto say that the wilderness is like the new convert freed from their sins by the truth, but still in the old way of the flesh. But, crossing the Jordan, the promised land is being dead to self and being like Jesus. He then says that it would have taken them 11 days to get to the promised land and be freed from the desert, but it took them 40 years.

 good, but is it missing part of it? 
As I listened, in the middle came a voice-over that says the "tape needs to be turned over for the completion of the message." Then nothingness. Is it missing the rest?

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