| | (Through The Bible) Numbers 11-20 by Chuck Smith
Topic: Scripture(s): Numbers 11-20 | | Description: In numbers there is a pattern of chronic complaining. In asmuich as God is in control of the circumstances of our live but if we complain against the circumstances then we are actually complaining against God Himself. All things work together to the good of those who are called by God and according to His purposes. We are to be thankful in all circumstances. So if I start to murmur and complain then I am murming and complaining against the Lord. God continually forgives his people because He is loving and is longsuffering. GodÂ’s patience and longsuffering are shown through Gods dealings with the nation of Israel. God is about to wipe out Israel and start a new nation, but because of Moses pleadings He didnÂ’t do it. God is immutable which means that he does not change. Behold I am the Lord God that changeth not. This planet is in rebellion to God but God wants to bless this planet and bring it back into harmony with Him. Through those lifeÂ’s that God touches He wants through us to touch others lifeÂ’s. Then God shows us His will and purpose so that we can share in His heart for the lost.
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