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Audio Sermons : Chuck Smith :  (Through The Bible) Genesis 42-45

 (Through The Bible) Genesis 42-45 by Chuck Smith

Topic: Expositional
Scripture(s): Genesis 42-45  
Description: Pharaoh had 2 dreams and was brought before the Pharaoh. Joseph interprets the dreams not of his own ability but out of the power and ability of God. Pharaoh was surprised with the way Joseph was able to interpret the dream so he made him 2nd in charge of all of Egypt. Joseph measured and kept the wheat in special places in Egypt. After 7 years of gathering food then the 7 years of famine began. It was not a local famine but rather a large spread famine that affected many areas outside of Egypt. The brothers were commanded by their father to go down to Egypt to get food. They seemed reluctant to go peradventure they run across their brother who they sold into Egypt slave hood, so possibly they had some bad feelings still for doing this. Benjamin replaced his younger brother Joseph so Israel gave more affection to him, so he had that favored position that once was hold by Joseph. So when the brothers went to Egypt Benjamin was kept home for that reason, lest mischief befall on him. It’s amazing to see Joseph in a place over his brothers again that they were bowing down to him. What a amazing faith Jospeh had to believe it before it came to pass those 21 years ago.
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