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Audio Sermons : ~Other Speakers S-Z : Richard Wurmbrand :  The Beauty of Nothing

 The Beauty of Nothing by Richard Wurmbrand

Topic: Persecuted Church
Description: Pastor Wurmbrand shares his experiences in jail for 14 years by the communists. He shares a specific facet of his testimony which was the nothingness they were faced with in jail. No bibles, No fellowship, No communion, No sound. But admist this all the Lord Jesus Christ revealed himself to the prisoners and allowed them to experience him and even take communion. This message will stir you out of apathy and grumbling over our little issues in life that are nothing in comparision with what this brother went through. May this message show us the needs to pray and support the persecuted church. "It is a shame to be a luke-warm Christian".
Sermon Comments (4)

There is something so much of reality of the kingdom of God and eternal life in the preaching of this man. There is something that is so much of the Spirit of Christ. May we sit at his feet and learn something as we listen!

 Great Beauty 
This IS a wonderful meditation. The value of nothing. It is so rich this message, this exhortation. One tiny example: When you are nothing, and are broken, there is no resistance. He touched on the moments when "the walls shown like diamonds in the light of Christ. How beautiful are his feet.

 One of my heroes. 
This is one of my Christian heroes. I read his books and I learned very much from him. I am thankful that God had given such a great man to my country. The message is a blessed reminder that we must be nothing so that God may be all in our life. Great stories from the prison life and about the effort to introduce the Gospel in Communist countries.

 A barefoot pastor, with no name, who was nothing. 
There is much to meditate upon in this message concerning our lives and the sufficiency of Christ. Can we truely say 'He is our all in all'? What if we had nothing? Very encouraging testimony that our Christian Faith has been tried and tested in the modern age. And the anchor still holds.

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