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Audio Sermons : Corrie Ten Boom :  Powerful Testimony

 Powerful Testimony by Corrie Ten Boom

Topic: Testimony
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (2)

 If only... 
If only every pulpit in Amereica had the passion,content,and truth that Corrie ministers in this message, we would see the hearts of men and women melt, cites changed and the kingdom of heaven set up on Earth. This is no "chalk board theology" it is the life of God gushing forth from the soul of one who has lived the greatest adventure...the gospel!

 Outstanding Message! 
Repentance, sin, judgement, the blood of Christ, holiness, God's love and forgiveness, fullness of the Spirit; this message is not lacking in any way that I can see. My first Corrie message. Not disappointing at all.

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