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Audio Sermons : ~Other Speakers M-R : John Murray :  Hope For the Godly In Death

 Hope For the Godly In Death by John Murray

Topic: Death
Description: Death is an abnormality because it was not the lot of man as he was created, it is an evil because it is the wages of sin, it brings sadness because it separates us from our loved ones, and it is mysterious because we know so little about the unseen beyond; there is not one ray of hope to illumine the darkness of unbelievers, because there is absolutely no comfort that can be given to the unbeliever in death; it is unscriptural to say that there should be no mourning at the death of believers, because there is an abnormality there, but there are five truths which inject hope into the death of the godly; 1) the sting has been taken out of death for the godly, because they have been delivered from sin's guilt and power; 2) the righteous sleep through Jesus; 3) the godly at death go to be with Christ in His exalted glory; 4) the godly will be glorified with Christ at the resurrection; 5) the godly will always be with the Lord.
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