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Audio Sermons : ~Other Speakers A-F : William Booth :  Through Jordan

 Through Jordan by William Booth

Topic: Classic Recordings
Scripture(s): Jeremiah 12:5  
Description: Through Jordan. Recorded by VTM 1910. An address in verse by the late General Booth founder of the Salvation Army. William Booth preaches on one of his favorite verses from the bible. "Making heaven on earth is our business." Christ is a sure help! Hearing these old voices from the past stir our devotion to Christ in the modern day.
Sermon Comments (1)

 A Old Saint Speaks 
William Booth had the same God and Bible we had. What a wonderful privilege to hear the voice of this old saint of God that walked the narrow road. What made men like this used of God was their stubborn willing hearts to believe and reckon the bible as the "actual" words of God. And therefore act and lean and trust upon the promises of God.

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