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Audio Sermons : ~Other Speakers A-F : William Booth :  Don't Forget

 Don't Forget by William Booth

Topic: Classic Recordings
Scripture(s): Psalm 100:2  
Description: Don't forget. Recorded by VTM 1910. An address by the late General Booth founder of the Salvation Army.

[b]Audio Transcription:[/b]
[i]NOTE: it is very hard to hear the audio I recommend highly you read this transcription and listen along at the same time![/i]

I am glad you are enjoying yourself. The salvation business is a friend of happiness. Making heaven on earth is our business. Serve the Lord with gladness is one of our favorite mottos. So I am pleased that you are pleased! But amidst all your joys don't forget the sons and daughters of misery. Do you ever visit them? Come away and let us make a call or two. Here is a home, six in family, they eat and drink and sleep and sick and die in the same chamber. Here is a drunkard hovel, void of furniture, wife a skeleton, children in rags; father now sleeping, the victims of his neglect. Here are the unemployed, wandering about, seeking work and finding none. Yonder are the wretched criminals cradled in crime passing in and out of the prisons all the time. There are the Daughter of shame deceived and wronged and ruined. Traveling down the dark and blind to an early grave. There are the children, fighting in the gutter, going hungry to school. Growing up to fill their parents places. Brought it all on themselves, you say? Perhaps so. But that does not excuse our assisting them. You don?t demand a certificate of virtue before you drag some drowning creature out of the water. Nor the assurance in a man of faded grace before you deliver him from the burning building. But what shall we do? Content ourselves by singing a hymn? Offering a prayer? Or giving a little good advice? NO! Ten thousand times no! We will forgive them. Feed them! Reclaim them. Employ them!Perhaps we shall fail with many. Quite likely. But our business is to help them all the same. And that in the most practical, economical and Christlike manner. So let us hasten to the rescue for the sake of our own peace, the poor wretches themselves, ____ (dean?) of these children, and the danger(Savior?) of us all. But you must help with the means. And there is nothing like the present. Who in this company will lend a hand by taking up the gauntlet?
Sermon Comments (6)

 pratical christianity 
this articles shows what is missing in today's christianity i.e. touching people's life in a practical way. SJ

 The last word! 
Surely the last word of the text is "collection".Listen again.It not only sounds like it, but makes perfect sense in the context of the last three sentences.

 more missing text 
I think in this sentence: So let us hasten to the rescue for the sake of our own peace, the poor wretches themselves, ____ (dean?) of these children, and the danger(Savior?) of us all. He actually says this: So let us hasten to the rescue for the sake of our own peace, the poor wretches themselves, the innocent children, and the Savior of us all. And a guess about the last sentence: 'by taking up the courage'?

 Salvationist/Salvation Business 
I think that Booth says "The Salvationist is a friend of happiness", not the salvation business. (Salvationist a is the term for members of The Salvation Army). Thanks for the site, it's very inspiring.

 Lovingly Convicting 
Booth's words should get right down into the heart of the Christian. Here he speaks of our responsiblities toward fellow man. He seemed to be man of love first, but also a mighty leader in the Army of Christ.

 Missing words 
First blank: Sons and daughters of misery. Next blank: make a call or two. Next: Here is a drunkards hovel, void of furniture. Will try to add more later. Have listened to this many times on another site. Great to hear the Founder of the SA. Would love to hear Brengle.

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