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Audio Sermons : Duncan Campbell :  Reality of the Divine in Christian Experience

 Reality of the Divine in Christian Experience by Duncan Campbell

Topic: Conversion
Scripture(s): Colossians 2:1-7  
Description: What does it really mean to be in Christ? Duncan Campbell exposes shallow 'conversions' that do not bring about real change and a surrender to the lordship of Christ. Campbell weaves in some personal testimonies and revival experiences to compliment the topic. 'Are you moving,' Campbell warns, 'under a self-created illusion?'
Sermon Comments (3)

 Superficial Confession 
This sermon weeds us through the overlay of superficial confession and belief in God to the reality and substance of experiencing God according to the Scriptures. Oh how many of us need a fresh encourter with the living God. He is still speaking today, the same God yesterday, today and forever.

 Good message on the lordship of Christ 
The audio in this one is a little challenging but still able to listen. I liked Campbell's "Walking With God" sermon on this same topic much better. However, it is a good, strong theme on comparing the work that God does in the heart vs. just making a decision but not really changing.

Good word on supernatural conversion and not just decisional conversion.

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